<p>Yup, I got the same for both.</p>
<p>Yup, I got the same for both.</p>
<p>Thanks guys:)
What about the question about that guy and what he was studying about the foxes?
Also one of the questions on the fox passage asked “if you removed this sentence, what would the paragraph lose?” and it was about the way people felt about foxes or something like that and the tagging of them</p>
<p>^Something like the community’s response to the guy’s experiments. Because the people were attempting to intervene when he placed tracing collars on the foxes, calling some “their fox.”</p>
<p>lol np Toussaintnouv :)</p>
<p>I thought the first thing she did was submit that tape. I specifically remember it saying in the passage “Last February, I submitted…” and the rest of her activities were all about the end of the school year/beginning of summer.</p>
<p>^She couldn’t have submitted the tape before she picked the song she was performing in it.</p>
<p>The answer is: the piece. Also, do you guys remember a paragraph restructure question where once you changed the order of the paragraphs, then one of the grammar questions would be no change because it was more smooth?</p>
<p>Got a 33 in June. Was hoping to get at least a 34 on this one but based on what I’m seeing on these threads I’ll be lucky if I meet a 33 again. ■■■.</p>
<p>pretty sure she lost softball playoffs first, then she dedicated all her free time to violin, which included picking a song.</p>
<p>^ Yeah. That’s what i thought as well, but I realize it’s wrong now. Remember how the passage talks about how the teacher would know she hadn’t been practicing her Mozart? Clearly, she picked out her piece a while back. Softball distracted her from that.
I can’t believe I missed that one, egh.</p>
<p>yup, etheral is right. She was so bad at her piece because she didn’t practice at all during the softball season.</p>
<p>And I guessed straight C’s… was there any C?</p>
<p>Also, high expectations and she works hard generally or pushes her till she can’t handle?</p>
<p>i said high expectations. The teacher has the high expectation that the student will be able to play the piece at the concert but there is nothing about the teacher pushing the student very hard so that the student stops because she can’t handle it.</p>
<p>@dfree124 me too!</p>
<p>I don’t know if I just missed something but I’m pretty sure she submitted the tape first. I remember reading that she picked the song afterwards and if you think about it why would she submit a tape of a song she hadn’t mastered yet? And why would whatever she was performing in want her to play the same song they had already heard?</p>
<p>Ahh… I thought her softball team lost first then she started summer music lessons…</p>
<p>^ they did. The passage said that this was her first summer music lesson but two weeks earlier her team had lost at playoffs.</p>
<li>the softball team thats the ansewr i put cuz of prior to the summer, she lost. so thats why she’s doing the music thing now.</li>
<li>what did you guys put for the the Free Life novel passage: the question gave you a quote and asked you compared to how the person interpreated it is it dissimlar or similar? i put dissimlar i think.</li>
<p>ok… so can anyone tell me if there are any C’s in the second passage?</p>