<p>I don't know if it' just me but the first passage of the reading section was so hard. It through me off for the entire section. Anyone feel the same way?</p>
<p>This is why I’ve stuck with my strategy on reading.</p>
<p>And by god, it’s worked.</p>
<p>I start with passage four and work my way back. This gives me more time to answer the ones I know on, in stead of rushing and missing the simple questions!!!</p>
<p>I worked backwards as well but I still felt that the first passage lost me about mid-way…hopefully there will be a generous curve.</p>
<p>yea my thoughts exactly, i couldnt concentrated on the first part bc it was really weird…</p>
<p>Yeah, I thought the first passage was the hardest.</p>
<p>Exactly! Good thing I had time left over at the end (don’t know how that happened), and I went back and read most of it over again and understood the gist, or so I think.</p>
<p>I could not find evidence in the passages for half of the answers on the first passage. I seriously thought that I wouldn’t finish for a little bit. Luckily the other ones weren’t too bad.</p>
<p>Agreed, the first passage was brutal. Total confidence killer, wasted a good 15minutes or so on it. But, the ones after weren’t that bad.</p>
<p>Ok, so I wasn’t the only one lol. I really didn’t understand it much, and thanks to that I didn’t get to answer five questions. I just want to kill myself for this stupidity now though lol. Urgh, so infuriating.</p>
<p>This was my first time taking the ACT so when I read that first passage my initial thought was “Oh god I really hope the rest of the test isn’t like this.” </p>
<p>And thankfully it wasn’t.</p>
<p>i def. ran out of time on the last passage…guessed my way through…im so angry right now with myself.</p>
<p>Yeah that first passage was hard. I thought reading was hard in general though.</p>
<p>soooooo…i guessed on 80% of the questions in reading. insanely hard imo</p>
<p>True champs read each passage backwards too.</p>
<p>Yeah, I also coldn’t finish the last pasage on time and ended up blindly guessing on 5 of them at the end… BTW, where is the thing that says the embargo is lifted?</p>
<p>usually theres a moderator that does it in a sticky
but no one cares buot the act lol</p>
<p>there was one on the june test though…</p>
<p>Yeah that first passage was awful…so many run-on sentences that it was hard to keep track of what was going on. I thought the other passages were very straight-forward, so that kind of offsets the difficulty of the first one.</p>
<p>which passage are you guys talking about? which one was first…the kid imagining America one>?</p>
<p>the first one was the “prose fiction” right? i actually thought that one went well, usually i have loads of trouble with those ones. It was the one with that one kid who had those friends with a brother named arnold?</p>