October 22 2011 ACT Reading Discush

<p>Oh, and there was this snippet from a critic. I said that the authors views and the critic’s were similar.</p>

<p>What was the answer for the question asking how the teacher would know Allegra didn’t practice. Answers were like “she didn’t play the first cadenza fast enough” “the articulation was off” and a couple of others. I think it was like 4th question of the first passage.</p>

<p>spectralfish: Na, it was the choice that said she wasn’t prepared for the shifts during the music. I remember reading that part very vividly…</p>

<p>I put she had trouble with the shift on the second page?</p>

<p>Thanks Hazy24. I had no idea so i guessed a random answer. I dont even remember what i put. Did the answer with the shifts involve something about the second page too?</p>

<p>what about the mangrove becoming a shrimp pond? the answer was something about releasing carbon, right?</p>

<p>yep, it would release carbon that otherwise would have been trapped in the something-sphere (I forgot).</p>

<p>thanks princess!
and the question about ong(?)'s study of mangroves… was the answer that they weren’t relevant in bangladesh? totally forgot the question and answers ;_;</p>

<p>Did anyone else have problems on the reading test? I thought the questions were really hard, a lot harder than the last time I took the test. It took me forever to find the answers. I guessed at the last seven questions because I ran out of time. Anyone else have this problem?</p>

<p>I think Ong studied how mangroves protected them from storms</p>

<p>What was the mangrove question? I can’t seem to remember it…</p>

<p>It was something about how mangroves were never thought to have been of any use besides protecting Bangladash… Its other commodities were simply overlooked.</p>

<p>^are you sure about that?..I don’t remember seeing any answer choices about commodities being overlooked…what were the other answer choices/what was the actual question?</p>

<p>I thought that the reason the authors were similar was because all of their works were met with incredulity</p>

<p>@4205145 I’m fairly sure it was that they all lived for a reasonable amount of time outside their homeland</p>

<p>@Somewhere2017, you are correct. Ezra Pound was never met by general incredulity. They all wrote outside of their homeland. </p>

<p>Oh, and the Bangladesh question… Sorry putting in a little extra, that was just analyzing the answer. It was that they thought mangrove trees were simply thought of as protection rather than what his research discovered.</p>

<p>I thought it was the trees’ other benefits had less impact and were overlooked. And also, what did the girl do to practice right before she started playing? I think she did something with her positioning of her hands</p>

<p>she slid her fingers up and down the fingerboard to practice shifting.</p>

<p>ok, and what did the conductor/coach perform while the others were playing</p>

<p>The entire introduction that the orchestra would normally play.</p>