<p>Hello everyone!</p>
<p>I am an Asian female international student, and just checked my May 3rd SAT scores. Disappointed :( ... I am considering registering for the June SAT, and would like some advices as to whether or not I should register for the upcoming SAT test! 1st choice: SAT II Biology in June instead of SAT I, SAT II Chemistry and Math Level II in October. 2nd choice: SAT 1 in June and take SAT II Biology, Chemistry and Math Level 2 in October.</p>
<p>Here are my past scores</p>
<p>1st SAT (Jan):
- 680 CR 670 MATH 660 WRITING
2nd SAT (May):
- 660 CR 700 MATH 660 WRITING</p>
<p>As you can see, my scores are not impressive. Should I take the SAT I again in order to boost up my stats? Or would focusing on getting high scores for my SAT IIs be a better choice?</p>
<p>Many thanks for taking the time to read my post! :)</p>
<p>If you haven’t studied for any SAT Subject test, I don’t see how you can prepare for it in 2 weeks<br>
Hard to advise without knowing what you did to prep for your 1st SAT and what you did between 1st and 2nd SAT regarding prep. But I doubt you can get the improvement you are looking for in 2 weeks.
It is very late in “mapping” out your testing schedule. You needed to do that with contingencies prior to your 1st SAT.
You may want to consider taking Subject tests in Nov and Dec and retaking SAT in October. In other words don’t test for June. Use the summer to study and prep.</p>
<p>If you started studying for the Biology SAT 2 then by all means continue that prep and take that test in June.
I do not recommend taking the SAT 1 in June.<br>
You haven’t done anything different to prepare and 2 weeks isn’t enough time to make a difference.
Go to college data dot com to see what your targeted colleges require regarding SAT 2.</p>
<p>Thank you so much for your advice! @tomsriverparent</p>
<p>I will have to disagree with TomRiverParent. Two weeks is plenty of time to study for SAT IIs, that is of course, if you have a solid background in the course you’re taking the SAT II for. If it’s your first time learning the material/learning a significant amount of material that you haven’t covered, then you may want to put off SAT IIs for a while. </p>
<p>Also keep in mind that if you took the course this year, you will probably forget or at least get rusty in a significant amount of material by the time October comes around. </p>
<p>@rollingduck thank you for your advice! I’ll go ahead and take the SAT II Biology in June, I think I’ll put all my hopes on my SAT IIs since I do have time to prepare well for them :)</p>
<p>@rollingduck You obviously failed the reading comp portion of the SAT. Note the 2 posts.</p>
<p>I said, don’t take the SAT but go ahead with the Bio SAT 2 since she started studing for that already.</p>
<p>@TomsRiversParent I actually got an 800. Thank you very much. ;D</p>
<p>But otherwise, I reread your post and I did make a mistake; my sincerest apologies! </p>
<p>@michan Best of luck!!
I’m sure you’ll do fabulous! </p>