Off-Topic Discussion from "Colleges Crossed Off List or Moved Up After Visiting"

From the “real” thread…

I’ve lived and worked in the Philly area my entire life, and Drexel has always been a bit of a mystery to me. Several of my closest friends are Drexel grads, and there are 2 things that they all have in common…

  1. they all seem to still very much appreciate their time there, and
  2. they all feel as though the co-op experience was a huge plus for them.

As you note, it’s not for everyone. Taking a year to go work during the time you’re “at college” is non-traditional, but the “normal” semesters (or quarters…they might be qtrs there?) feel like any other city school.

I will also say that the campus is infinitely nicer now than it was when my friends were attending Drexel. There are a lot more places to eat and drink and the overall quality of the buildings it much higher.

Last comment… the work experience does give the grads a leg up when they graduate. Everyone I know had a job well before they were done school, and they all seemed slightly more mature when they were done (beyond the extra year on the planet).

I didn’t really consider Drexel when I was applying to schools…but a lot of people I know really enjoyed going there.