<p>Ok, capacitators are like 1 question max, u might wanna know that capacitators in series add up like resistors in parallel and capacitators in parallel add up like resistors in series. U might wanna know a farad is a unit of capacitance equal to charge over voltage(coulombs/volts.) And capaciators are like batteries, cus they store potential energy. additionally capacitance is increased when u insert a dielectric in a capacitator.</p>

<p>You need to know time dilation, similarily mass, and length, cus those are in einsteins theory of rel.</p>

<p>I dont know about lenz law, hopefully someone here can comment on that</p>

<p>ok current charge ALWAYS goes from positive to negative.</p>

<p>Now current charge is diff then magnetic flux, just to let u know, cus charge deals with electricity, and flux is magnetism</p>

<p>for ur second question its liek this. it will first go clockwise, then it will go counter clockwise</p>

<p>yep everything above is right...and lenzes law is NOT on the test.</p>

<p> thing though...for time we have to know the formulas for time dilation or just the concepts of Einstein's theory?</p>

<p>Checkmate, what about the Miscellenous stuff like "semiconductors and super conductors"? Is that pretty much a no no?</p>

<p>Other big questions:</p>

<p>2.) Are Kepler's Laws on the test? Should I just know that planets move in elliptical orbit around the sun?</p>

<p>3.) Oh, and also... Sparknotes makes an ENTIRE section dedicated to angular/rotational stuff. That is they give rotational counterparts to the Fab Five Kinematic equations and other stuff. I assume that ONLY angular momentum and torque are the only related material required.</p>

<p>4.) For longitudinal sound waves, do we need to know the compressions and rarefactions in that compressions involve increase in air pressure and vice versa for rarefactions? </p>

<p>5.) What are standing/stationary waves? All I know is that there is a rope attached to a wall and I suppose when you shake the rope, the wall will send an opposite wave pattern? To add on...are nodes and antinodes important?</p>

<p>6.)When a satellite moves closer in orbit to the Earth, does KE increase?</p>

<p>7.) One section I really dislike as most other students is Electromagnetic Induction...Thus is a formula like V= Blv tested? Also are generators, Lenz's law, and Faraday's Law key? I hear ONLY one question arises from this section on exam day.</p>

<p>8.) Just in general, Sparknotes states that W = -change in pot energy.... SAT wouldn't ask a question about Work and then give two deceiving answers of the same value in which on is positive and one is negative right?</p>

<p>9.) What defines simple harmonic motion? That is why is a spring moving back and forth harmonic as opposed to a pendulum?</p>

<p>10.) On most books, floatation, Archimides...Pascal's principle...Pressure=F/A has not been stated once but only in BARRONS. IT is not even in the REAL SAT II guide of what is to be tested, so can I assum not to do anything about that?</p>

<p>11.) Big question on my part: When you have a pulley with one rope and two mass forces influenced only by gravity- one big, and one small..the pulley goes in the big mass's direction...thus the equations set up are:</p>


<p>BUT, when you have one mass on a table and the other big mass influenced by gravity, including friction, why is the equation in Sparknotes:</p>


<p>If mass, m, is sliding and the Big Mass, M, is the one pulling down on the whole system, shouldn't the equations be:</p>

<p>T-Ffriction = ma
Mg-T= Ma</p>

<p>I agree with Sparknotes when the two masses are pulled by solely gravity, but what about my argument above?</p>

<p>Also, in general, does the SAT II go hardcore and put the pulley system on an inclined plane and such?</p>

<p>12.) In general, when pulleys are added to a system, is the force of all the masses is dvidided by the total number of pulleys = the force someone has to apply to move the system?</p>

<p>Guys, I know I asked a ton of questions. But I wanna just face the facts:</p>

<p>-Exams in less than 4 days,
-This is the only forum that would answer my questions.</p>

<p>-Thanks a lot!</p>

<p>By the time you wrote all those questions you could have study them all:P</p>

<p>Dukedevils, Check the previous threads of Physics SAT 2 and based on what people post you can realize what the test requires. I felt the concepts are very much in depth but not much formulas required.Am I right?</p>

<p>elisa what did u get a refferal for, this is my 5 account on these boards i keep getting banned for racism other bad stuff</p>

<p>is the pr test tougher than the real thing or simpler. i mean with the scoring curve?</p>

<p>Checkmate, what do you mean?</p>

<p>check ur profile it says u got 1 referral</p>

<p>and i think u are right! this test is very conceptual cus its more than just knowing formula but knowing when to use em</p>

yeah I see that now but I have no clue how I got it or what it means !:o</p>

<p>BUUUUUUMMMMMMMPPP would a PR score be accurate for Physics? what about Kaplan?</p>

<p>Are sparknotes test accurate?</p>

<p>well to answer the scale question...i've looked into that really well. Princeton scale sucks right off the bat.</p>

<p>Now taking a look at 22 Reals and Kaplan Scale they both say 800 for raw score of 63 or higher. </p>

<p>I've asked people who have taken this test before and they have advised me that i can attempt every single problem on the test and get 10 wrong and still get an 800.</p>

<p>Personally I make myself believe that i can get only 8 wrong so if i get 1 or 2 extra its all good.</p>

<p>hope that helps..peace</p>

<p>when you say the PR scale sucks</p>

<p>do you mean it is too hard or too easy?</p>

<p>how are the PR tests compared to the real one. easy hard?</p>

<p>this question has been asked so many times, yet NO ONE ANSWERED IT (lol sort of)</p>

<p>please answer the above questions</p>


<p>pr tests and scale are diff than the REAL test. the scale in the pr book in relation to the raw score is not accurate. This is what I meant</p>

<p>is a score u get on pr more generous then the one on the real test? just wondering</p>

<p>nope worse...the real test is more generous...guys chill we are gonna rock this test....start posting on this thread ASAP around test time after test time or before test time...</p>

<p>what does merudh mean, is that your name</p>

<p>Just Took The Test In India!!!!</p>

<p>damn.. i didn't have time for the last two questions and i left a few in the middle! :(</p>