<p>aaron you took the TEST? where man?</p>
<p>nepal.... :)</p>
<p>how was it overall...quick hard topics...please tell us</p>
<p>rmbr me right?</p>
<p>MAD HARD DUDE....E and M dominates...Optics 2 questions, what a waste of knowing all that focal length crap. satellite motion is key. where they get you this time is EM induction, know lenz, faraday, all dat shiznit</p>
<p>hi merudh... yea... i think i remember you from the June SAT I thing</p>
<p>anyway, time management thing was difficult, especialy since i hadn't taken the test before. moreover i made the mistake of skipping a question and then filling all the subsequent bubbles a step above. i had to erase and re-bubble! lost precious time!</p>
<p>and it happened during the lit test too!! i'm a slow-learner! :(</p>
<p>whatd you put for efficiency problem---</p>
<p>1.) 1000W with .3%??
2.) Also....number 2 with the electron - does it lose electrical or nuclear PE?
3.) The second to last problem - you just multiply the Force times Time or the area of rectangle correct?
4.) Are you sure the lightbulb cannot heat through convection as well? I treat it like a candle in the box and I feel like the bulb can cause convection.
5.) At what point is the pendulum at highest trajectory??
6.) What was the question on the slit-interference question with the whole?
7.) For specific heat, was it 100/.5 = 200?
8.) Does horizontal motion least depend on vertical distance?? Afterall, (choice e- the shape can play a huge role in dealing with air resistance)?
9.) Galileo did not find INTERTIA right?
10.) Electron loses internal energy when electromagnetic is released right?</p>
<p>BASED on OCTOBER RESULTS from the past years, is the CURVE in our favor or not in our favor? What do think is RAW score for an 800 or perhaps maybe a 750 guys?</p>
<p>take a look here buddy</p>
<p>i hate galileo because I lost a question on the SAT II physics, that sucks now, I can count like 8 wrong.....</p>