<p>Are officer positions in clubs necessary to get into medical school?</p>
<p>I think this is a very weak part of my application-- that I have no officer positions. I spend a lot of time doing research.</p>
<p>Are officer positions in clubs necessary to get into medical school?</p>
<p>I think this is a very weak part of my application-- that I have no officer positions. I spend a lot of time doing research.</p>
<p>Leadership experience is somewhat important; however, IMO, “officer positions” are probably the worst way of getting this experience as such positions are highly variable in quality. There are plenty of other ways of gaining this kind of experience that are likely to be of much greater value…</p>
<p>If not having officer positions is the weakest part of your app, you are doing just fine. Do you work with other people in the lab? Do you train or supervise or anything? All potential outlets for leadership.</p>