<p>Post here if you've been accepted into Loyola University of Chicago! </p>


<p>I just got my letter today. Wooo I was happy!</p>

<p>I got in!

<p>awesome! are you going there for sure?</p>

<p>Congrats! I'm still waiting. How long was it between when your application was complete and when you got your decision?</p>

<p>no- i'll probably end up at tulane, my first choice!</p>

<p>Could someone please post the link to the webpage where you can check your Loyola application status? Thanks!</p>

<p>Loyola</a> University Chicago- link for checking app</p>

<p>Still waiting on mine as well</p>

<p>Thanks much! Son's application has been complete since 10/20.</p>

<p>thanks! i applied through the fast trac thing in august. and I just got my letter in the mail a week ago. When I emailed the admissions rep, they said they will start sending out letters at the end of novemeber. But i think she was talking about fast trac applicants only..not sure!</p>

<p>I just got a notification from Loyola verifying my acceptance to their university. For all of those applicants who have already sent out their applications and are awaiting responses, I have one word for you, "patience". I was so anxious to receive a decision from Loyola and was wondering why it was taking so long. It will take time for the application to be reviewed. And fast track applicants if you're wondering when you'll receive your application response, it should be within the 4-6 week time window that was stated. </p>

<p>If anyone has any questions in regards to Loyola, their application process, or anything else feel free to drop a message. </p>


<p>I've been accepted too!! :) I actually got a text message on my phone the day before the 6 week wait was up. I'm just waiting for my letter to come now</p>

<p>Yay they got the stuff from counselor today, took like 3 weeks for it to show up. Do they post the admission decision online?</p>

<p>IN! Got a text today :)</p>

<p>I got in like in the beginning of November.
Definitely not attending, but most likely will be at DePaul. :)</p>

<p>S was accepted.</p>

<p>Did anyone hear about $ in their letter?</p>

<p>Yes, S received a presidential scholarship and another small scholarship because he attended a Jesuit high school. The information was in his admissons letter.</p>

<p>I got in a while ago =]</p>

<p>Thanks for the reply</p>

<p>got in!=] i loooooove chicago</p>