Official "accepted" thread

I was just thinking of doing this. Could you please hold off for a bit, as we need to lay some ground rules for posting so that information is formatted and easy to find, and sticks to results rather than lots of other comments.</p>

<p>Thanks, Moderator EM</p>

<p>With admissions letters stating to come back more and more each day, I figured it was time to start an accepted thread for all colleges.</p>

<p>List what schools you got into, and if you want with what stats. </p>

<p>This way we can all share your happiness!</p>

<p>The only school I’ve been accepted to so far is Wilkes University, but I think I was already automatically accepted because I’m in their Young Scholar’s Program. I did get their presidential scholarship, which was actually kind of exciting. I’m expecting to hear back from Fordham, U of Scranton, and St. Joseph’s soon.
My stats:
SAT I (CR- 720 W- 730 M- 650)
SAT II (epic fail) US History- 640
Literature- 650
GPA- UW 3.8 cumulative
W- 4.5 (i think…)</p>

<p>University of Pittsburgh</p>

GPA- 4.0 UW
8 APs</p>

<p>Accepted to University of Michigan and Ohio State University thus far.
SAT I: (CR- 730, W- 720, M- 790)
SAT II: Math IIC- 760, Chemistry- 700, Biology- 800
GPA- 4.2W 3.7UW
4 APs (5s on Bio and Calc AB last year)</p>

<p>Sure no problem EM, you can go ahead and delete the thread if you want.</p>

<p>U Pittsburgh School of Engineering - full tuition scholarship + 16k Eng Scholarship + honors college</p>

<p>34 ACT
SATII’s (at time of admission): 770, 710, 660
Rank 1/274
GPA: 4.3
7 APs all 4/5 with 2 5’s self studied</p>

<p>That’s all I sent in for the decision.</p>

<p>I’ll let this go as people have submitted some stats which could be helpful to others. However, everybody should also post on the sticky master list of acceptances and celebration threads.</p>

<p>Congrats to all!</p>