Official Class of 2017 Results Thread

<p>Woo! Entering in on the Williams love! Now if they’d just email me my aid offer…</p>

<p>Here are my final results:</p>

<p>Accepted: Amherst (early write), Dartmouth, William and Mary, Bryn Mawr, Virginia Tech, Drexel, and Hofstra</p>

<p>Waitlisted: University of Chicago :’( and Oberlin</p>

<p>Rejected: Cornell and Wesleyan</p>

<p>Probably attending: Amherst or Dartmouth (or W&M… or Bryn Mawr)
Ahhh so conflicted (in a good way) :smiley: </p>

<p>Congrats to everyone else! You guys are all so accomplished :)</p>

Weighted GPA: 3.88
SAT: 2070 (710 CR 700 M 660 W)</p>

Kenyon College
Wellesley College
Amherst College</p>

Swarthmore College
Williams College
Tufts University </p>

<p>Wellesley and Amherst were my top two choices but I’m definitely leaning towards Amherst. I’m going to go there unless I unexpectedly hate it after I visit. The strange thing was that I was accepted to the diversity recruitment program for Williams and rejected from the program for Amherst. However, I’m really glad it panned out this way because I did not like Williams and think I am a much better fit for Amherst. I could not imagine spending four years in Williamstown.</p>

<p>man I almost forgot about my black people!!</p>

<p>Accepted: USC, UMiami, Howard, Spelman</p>

<p>Waitlisted: UCSB,GW</p>

<p>Denied: UCLA,Stanford</p>

<p>I’m Going to USC tho!!</p>


<p>SAT Total: 1840 i think
ACT: i think a 26…dont remember
SAT Subject Tests: I don’t know whhy i sent these in…i did so bad.
GPA-UW/W: 88 gpa…have no idea what that transfers to
Rank: no ranking
AP/IB classes: Ap Calc AB, AP Stats, self studied AP English</p>


<p>Essays: I spent so much time on that essay!!! I wrote about my hair and my experience with my hair. I compared it to when went to boarding school and how the more comfortable I felt about my hair, the more comfortable I felt about my self and how I grew as a person.I loved it.It was wonderful…they said it was great.</p>

<p>Teacher Recs: They all love me…i mean who wouldn’t.</p>

<p>Counselor Rec: I dont know…honestly.</p>

<p>EC highlights: Umm I worked two jobs in one summer, volunteered for ABC as a group leader, president of art club and vice prez of another…</p>

State or Country: USA
School Type: Private
Ethnicity: Milk Chocolate mixed with some caramel
Gender: rib of Adam</p>

<p>Other Factors, hook?: I don’t know…I was me, and by being who I am, I think I showed the admissions officers they needed me.</p>

<p>General Comments, scholarship chances, status info, college you are going to…?: All in all…this is all surreal. USC has been a dream school of mine for so long. I didn’t even know I was going to for sure get in. But all glory is for GOD. He is the one that got me in. I prayed so hard, so much, and sacrificed a lot just to get where I am today. Even though USC took me as a Spring admit…I’m still here…And I’m praying I get bumped up to the fall. If not, i have my back up plan. God is good you guys. Don’t be set on numbers…They really don’t matter as much as who you are and your character. You application is contingent on you showing YOU…its not about numbers…it is about YOU. Don’t ever let a number define you…because if you do, your high school career will be miserable like many students on CC are. Be your self. I did it, and though I made some sacrifices, I got here.</p>

<p>Anyone know about Boston College’s Options Through Education program for Students of Color?</p>

<p>I was given an opportunity to attend BC contingent upon my completion of this program.</p>

<p>I also got into Johns Hopkins!!</p>

<p>I just found iut that I got into JHU, which is just silly since my common app essay and supp essay were the same thing. >.<</p>


<p>Your general comment section was beautiful and very well said! :)</p>

<p>^ Congratulations again on getting into USC! :D</p>

<p>Attending Brandeis University!!!</p>

<p>We should start another thread solely for results.</p>

<p>Yay so glad I found this thread!</p>

<p>Accepted: Johns Hopkins, Emory, UMiami, University of Maryland - College Park (Honors Program), Rutgers</p>

<p>Waitlisted: Duke, Princeton </p>

<p>Rejected: Georgetown</p>

<p>I’ll most likely be attending Hopkins unless I get off the waitlist at my other schools. I’m so happy for everyone! If anyone else will likely be attending Hopkins please let me know!!</p>

<p>Final Tally</p>

<p>Accepted: Princeton, Columbia (Likely, C. Prescott Davis Scholar), Duke (Likely), Rice (Trustee Scholarship), Yale, Northwestern, University of Pennsylvania, UMD-College Park</p>

<p>Waitlisted: MIT, Harvard, Stanford</p>

<p>Rejected: Cornell</p>

<p>Congrats 2013!!!</p>

<p>Final tally?</p>

<p>Accepted: Princeton, Cornell (Likely, Tanner Scholar, Cornell Commitment), Vanderbilt (Likely), Ohio State (some scholarships), Duke (likely, BN Duke Finalist and maybe more later?), Johns Hopkins</p>

<p>Rejected: Yale, Dartmouth</p>

<p>Did I forget someone?</p>

<p>@Mrluggs You being waitlisted at the two most selective schools and rejected at Cornell proves that Cornell isn’t an easy ivy to get in. They want certain qualities and people. Not trying to insult you, just making a point. Congrats with your acceptances! I could only dream to be in your position.</p>

<p>@TinnyT Thank you :slight_smile: I have a tough decision to make! However, I think it was pretty evident from the effort I put into my essays that I wasn’t interested in Cornell. I only applied because my dad wanted me to. Don’t get me wrong, Cornell is a great school. Should you decide to apply, put 100% effort into your essays; don’t shrug it off as a ‘lower-ivy’. Showing genuine interest in a school goes a long way.</p>

<p>HYP get too much hype like they are super Ivies. There is an Ivy for different people. If you can get admitted. And non Ivies that are equally as rigorous and exceptional.</p>

<p>@ buttafly We’re in the same situation. I’m trying to choose between Berkeley and UCLA too. How are u weighing them against each other?</p>

<p>@Mrluggs While it may be a tough dilemma, it’s a good one. Good luck with your decision! </p>

<p>I would go with Columbia, but that’s just me lol</p>

<p>@WhiteHouses I am really looking at location, academics, opportunities, and the vibe/fit. I have been to LA & UCLA many times, and love the campus and the energy. I am going to the Afrikan Student Union Admit Weekend next week in order to see how the life is. I like that LA has an incredible medical center and premed prep programs and things because I am planning on going to med school. I also like the warm weather, beaches, and the city. It is also closer to home. I have never been to Berkeley, so I do not know how I feel about the campus and energy. I am going to the Black Admit weekend in two weeks so that I can get a feel for the campus, area, and vibe. Berkeley is usually considered more prestigious and I think it would be nice to experience Northern California culture. I am a little worried about academics though because I have heard that it is difficult to get a high GPA. It also has lots of opportunities but it is sort of hard for me to weigh the two since I have not been to Berkeley yet. What are you doing?</p>