<p>@Autumn97 When anyone asks me if they have a chance, I always say they do. I guess I am a nice person.
@Kungpaoasian Yes, you are in. Now don’t you feel better? :)) </p>
<p>@connect1234 I can finally sleep at night, thank you Dr. Connect1234 ^:)^ </p>
<p>@Kungpaoasian Oh wait, was it a fair coin because my high-tech analytical decision-making assumed p = 0.5?.. And hopefully someday I will be Prof. Connect1234 :)</p>
<p>So, btw, anyone want to chance me? Ha ha ha.</p>
<p>@connect1234 It has Abraham Lincoln’s face on it, and he was a pretty fair guy so I would assume so </p>
<p>@connect1234 What did you flip? </p>
<p>@Kungpaoasian, George (Washington) came up heads. HumEc here we both come … :)</p>
<p>@connect1234 Congratulations!!</p>
<p>Heads! Make that three for humec</p>
<p>@acdc1272 Congratulations!!</p>
<p>@acdc1272, Well done! Cornell HumEc Class of 2019 is looking gooooood :)</p>
<p>@connect1234 Professor1234, you have revolutionized chancing ^:)^ </p>
<p>@Kungpaoasian, Thanks. I confess this is way more fun and accurate than we’ve previously seen with chance me posts. If only this could entertain me for 10 more days, 25 minutes, and 21 seconds…</p>
<p>@connect1234 I like chance posts because you can see the stats of applicants from the past.</p>
<p>@Kungpaoasian, but you see how ludicrous these chance posts are when you read both a previous year’s chance post and a follow up decision post. I remember one poor guy being told up and down he didn’t have the stats, and actually being happy for him when he later posted in the decision thread that he got in! But I get why seeing the stats of people who got in from the past can be somewhat helpful, although still not really much without seeing whole app.</p>
<p>anyone mind to chance me? applying to CALS bio</p>
<p>2270 sat (third try, 1570 out of 1600), SAT 2 (bio m:790, bio e:770, math 2:770, physics: 710)</p>
<p>GPA: 3.9 ish unweighted, 4.4 weighted (4.6 for 10th and 11th grades), 6 APs (all 4 and 5), currently taking 4</p>
<p>EC: school-sponsored science research on botany and ecology, academic tutor, volunteer at a child center (about 100 hours), karate practice since 9th grade (at dojo for two years, later self-practice), robotics team assistant (not team member, too busy)</p>
<p>i know that chancing each other doesn’t mean much, but as people said before it is good encouragement to help us get through the 10 days. </p>
<p>@mahoushojo I think you are strong applicant. If you showed fit through your supplement you’ll have a good chance. </p>
<p>@manas1997 what in the world is that? hahaha</p>
<p>@connect1234 : Ha ha, even if I weren’t a nice person…everyone on here knows their s***…they get good grades and try hard and are brilliant and wonderful, so there is no need for me to be a mean person and say they don’t have a chance since most of them do.</p>
<p>For the people applying to AEM, did you submit subject tests? The reason I am asking is because they are not required or recommended for AEM applicants. </p>