<p>Don't be intimidated by Dartmouth guys! You all want to be Big Red, not Big Green :P</p>
<p>I need to wear Cornell stuff and then go to bed in order to ward off the bad spirit of the evil Dartmouth ED results (?)</p>
<p>you guys are cooler than columbia EDers, they are freaking</p>
<p>We've been freaking since October :P</p>
<p>^maybe you just chose the wrong thread, lol.
there had been freakage here.</p>
<p>Dartmouth is pretty intimidating, I gotta say. those kids seem like very well-qualified students with a lot of potential.</p>
<p>I dont think Im going to sleep tonight. Its really ironic, getting accepted by cornell would be amazing, but theres another awesome thing happening on friday for me to, this could be the greatest week ever... ever..........e....v....e...rr...., my governor got arrested, I had a dwarf as a substitute teacher, and alot of other things, holy crap, arrghghghghgh, please put a bullet in my head.</p>
<p>It's okay, my governor did a broad in D.C.</p>
<p>hahhahahhaah, im not freaking, just a little hahahah hihaasdfahhahaaa, jittery, hahaahahahaaahaa</p>
<p>my school's BIG musical cast list comes out friday probably (sunday at the very latest) so this week could also be AMAZING for me tooooo.</p>
<p>Hey guys, I just wanted to write a little note about my cornell ED experience last year because, well, I am really tired of studying for my exams tomorrow.</p>
<p>Like many CCers, I kind of found myself obsessed with college admissions and, more specifically, Cornell. I applied ED and I literally did everything possible to stand out for Cornell. I was a primary applicant for the Hotel School and I worked in the industry, did a LOT at school in terms of leadership and I was captain of 2 varsity sports, I had work experience and i went to summer college. I kind of made my entire resume geared toward cornell. Honestly there was nothing in the world that I wanted more. So when those days rolled around when we didnt even know the date that decisions were going out, I started to freak out. I felt that i had done SO much and I didnt really see how life could be fair if they rejected me. You have so much riding on this one little application and, well for me, it became my obsession. So anyway. December 19th (i am pretty sure it was the 19th) rolls around and I did whatever I could to pass the time. I tried to sleep super late, I tried to watch movies, I just tried to stay occupied. </p>
<p>The time came to check decisions. I logged on, while I was on the phone with my two other friends who had applied ED as well. WE COULDNT LOG IN. Honestly, thank GOD I couldnt log in. That actually calmed my friends and I down a lot. After the two hours of waiting, I just wanted to get my decision and get it over with. Then I clicked that link, hoping for all the best in the world, and I was deferred. My best friend was accepted. And I was heartbroken. But, life goes on.</p>
<p>I ended up applying to many other schools and I couldnt wait to see where I was accepted! I wrote an essay that I sent to Cornell and I had 5 extra letters of recommendation sent in (a little desperate but...it worked). Then, after a little wait, I received the tiny little envelope with the Congratulations on March 17th: St. Patrick's Day. </p>
<p>The whole point to this story is that, I had my heart far too set on getting in ED. Would it have been nice to know in December? Of course. Yet what i learned is that as much as you are freaking out right now, whether you are deferred, rejected or accepted, you have so many other opportunities. Honestly, if you are posting on a college admissions discussion board, you are driven far beyond your peers. So, no matter what the decision is tomorrow, have faith that with your determination, you will end up in the right place. I love it here, and I know the only reason I am here is because I did not give up when I was deferred. Everyone ends up where they are supposed to be, I hope and pray that tomorrow, when you are trying to pass the time, you remember that.</p>
<p>Best of luck.</p>
<p>Thanks for that wonderful post dande, it literally made me feel a lot better about being rejected tomorrow. (not sarcasm lol)
Got into UAlabama today so I guess it won't be the end of the world tomorrow. No CCer has ever gotten into my major at CALS (that isn't a transfer student).</p>
<p><em>Fingers crossed</em></p>
<p>musical cast lists are always exciting, my friends are freaking out about theirs too, good luck bestwhit.</p>
<p>but friday im going out and doing a bunch of crazy stuff with an older girl I work with, i have no clue whats going to happen, but its going to be insane. My god. tomorow, friday, then holy crap....</p>
<p>thanks tboone! You sound like quite an interesting person... you live a very interesting life... hahah.</p>
<p>yep, and by older, i mean 33</p>
<p>haha wow and I thought I was crazy for dating a 23 year old. have fun! :D</p>
<p>Tboone that is @()$@ great. If you don't get into Cornell I will be throughly upset!!</p>
<p>haha yea, i love the restaurant business</p>
<p>GL from the Penn thread
wat time do u guys find out?
we get ours fri. at 3pm <em>gulps</em></p>
tomorow at 5pm est</p>
<p>good luck</p>
<p>Hahaha, nice Tboone! Seriously, I hope we all get accepted so we can meet up at Cornell and party, because you all sound like VERY interesting people.
bestwhit: I kind of gave up on musicals after "Honk!" in 6th grade... 3rd chicken from the left (literally) was my part. But I was Bottom in Midsummer Night's Dream the year after. But I gave up the theater stuff after 9th grade, when I was a "Spirit/Reaper" in The Tempest. We had to wear black masks so you couldn't tell which person was which. Definitely my debut, hahaha (not).</p>
<p>Btw, dande, that was an AWESOME post, I really appreciate it.</p>
<p>I love how I'm listening to Chinese songs while trying to do Economics while actually posting on CC.
And my mom is watching Donnie Darko, which is EXTREMELY weird.</p>