Official Cornell University 2013 Early Decisions Thread

<p>Yeah, it's kinda weird that I'm just making a new account now a day before my early decision fate is revealed, but it's better than not joining at all. That's a big whoops on my part. Good luck peoples!</p>

<p>i have a feeling that a meeting of the CCers would be like "the breakfast club" +50 IQ points</p>

<p>Frick...I'm so scared. The Dartmouth thread the living feces out of me.</p>

<p>Hey guys, just got around to making an account today, but I've really appreciated the posts. Good luck!</p>

<p>good luck!!!</p>

<p>I LOVE DONNIE DARKO! well.. it's kinda overrated, but nonetheless an interesting movie. i'm in need of my own god at the moment.. =S maybe a freaky rabbit man like Frank from that movie. ... i can't concentrate...
oh Tboonepickens, did you apply to SHA? just asking 'cause you work at a restaurant. XD</p>

<p>Lol ive also always refered to frank as my own personal god. Guess im not the only wierdo donnie darko lover here.</p>

<p>This CC community is so interesting. Have any of you guys added each other on Facebook? Lol curious.</p>

<p>no, college of engineering, good luck though</p>

<p>Yeah, there's even a group. Cornell Hopefulls. If you joined it, then you would be talking with me right now~</p>

<p>I requested but haven't been approved u_u</p>

<p>12 hours :)</p>

<p>10 hours, 26 minutes....</p>

<p>7 hours 42 minutes ._.</p>

<p>7hr, 32min, 28 sec</p>

<p>Good luck from the Brown thread. </p>

<p>God with Brown, Cornell, and Columbia on the same day, CC is going to explode</p>

<p>CC really explodes on March 31st</p>

<p>^interesting. I had totally dropped out by that point. got in in December...came back over the summer and read nearly a million essays in the essay section, and now I'm poking around here for ED. but I never say March 31. (is it cool?)</p>

<p>It's kind of cool. Most ivies release the majority of their decisions (excluding rolling and likely letters) last year on March 31st. CC was down for awhile, haha. But every now and then you could get in. What really stunk was making a post and then getting the "server too busy", because you didn't know if your post was actually posted. Im excited for their ED results. It's nice not being a wreck for once this year. Although being a GT sort of makes this year's application process a bit anticlimactic, haha. I'll still take it though ;)</p>

<p>Good luck from the Columbia Board!</p>