<p>3 hours 29 minutes omg!</p>
<p>I have classes while the decisions come out, but I wanted to wish you guys the BEST of luck! I think many of you seem like incredible applicants, and I hope Cornell agrees with me :D</p>
<p>Thanks grantortue!
Good luck with classes!
And I'm soooooooooooooooooooo nervous</p>
<p>2 hours and 30 minutes</p>
<p>good luck from columbia board.</p>
<p>good luck everyoneee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>
<p>2 hours and 7 minutes.</p>
<p>I just said good luck to the columbia board from the cornell thread...their equivalent to this thread is 75 pages long. 75.</p>
<p>So I had a panic attack today. It was bad.</p>
<p>I had a nervous breakdown yesterday,
no big. haha. you either get in or you dont.
life goes on. yadiggg?</p>
<p>yeah, but it doesn't mean I have to be happy about it...i had a minor panic attack yesterday too. today was my big one. see the yale cameo thread</p>
<p>I am about to hyperventilate... this isn't good for my health at all.
This thread is already 10 pages? Wow, it's only been like 2 days since its inception.
I'm listening to the same song over and over to calm me down... my AP Econ test got postponed to Monday so I don't have to study for anything tonight! That alone makes me happy.
Good luck, grace!</p>
<p>OMGOMGOMG less than 2 hours away</p>
<p>One and a half hours left guys
<p>Thanks chandler..............i'm a wreck</p>
<p>GOOD LUCK from Penn board!!!!!!!!! hang in there!</p>
<p>omg we haven't even started posting our acceptances/deferrals/rejections yet and the thread is already 11 pages long.</p>
<p>columbia's is 75 pages</p>
<p>Best of luck from the Brown board, guys!!! :)</p>
<p>I didn't read the Columbia one... do I want to?
A little over an hour left until death.</p>