official decisions for the class of 2009

<p>i just came upon this fun decision thread from 2004. </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>the first posters (many from NJ) on this thread got his decision on dec 11!!!!!!</p>

<p>well, i like reading these, so i thought some of you might be interested. they also tried to keep it "decisions only" but failed. we can be the first to succeed!!!
GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONEEEEEEEEE !!!!!! 16 days! (<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;)&lt;/p>

<p>oh wow.
the old days.
thanks! haha</p>

<p>okay so they started receiving them on the 11th, but when were they supposed to start receiving them?</p>

<p>hm good question.... i don't know. maybe they just said "mid december" like they do for us. or did princeton actually set the 15th as our decision date (not just mid dec)??</p>

<p>I think they actually said December 15th.
But now that you mention it, I don't know where I read that.
I'm pretty sure they said around Dec 15th, so maybe it'll come a day or two earlier...?</p>

<p>a day or two earlier would be AMAZING as long as i am not planning on it!!</p>

<p>I actually think they just said mid-December, and all of us somehow thought it was Dec 15th. I know I did, and then I looked back at all of the stuff I got in the mail, etc. and it all said "mid-December."
And I'm with OMZ--hoping by "mid-December" they mean any time from Dec 1 on!! :)</p>

<p>hahah yeah it would definitely be a nice surprise...depending on what's in the letter, of course!</p>

<p>lol dec 1 would be the best surprise ever. except yeah, omz, you're right.. it could also be the worst surprise ever!! although either way, i just want my decision so i can get over it, take exams, do RD apps, and enjoy christmas.</p>


Early Decision</p>

<p>If you have determined that Princeton is your first choice, you may submit your application by November 1 and receive a decision from us by mid-December. Applying Early Decision constitutes a commitment to attend Princeton if you are offered admission.


<p>Now I'm trying to remember where we all heard December 15th from....strange haha maybe they never really said that.</p>

<p>OMG yeah, just remembered--QB applicants--2 days left!! Good luck and plz let us know how everything works out!!!</p>

<p>I remember now.</p>

Early Decision & Early Action</p>

<pre><code>* Early decision deadline: 01-NOV
* College will notify student of early decision by: 15-DEC
* Early action deadline: Not reported
* College will notify student of early action by: Not reported



<p>This is what collegeboard says.
But collegeboard is wrong a lot.</p>

<p>Collegeboard also says MIT's comes out on Dec 15, but I thought I read that it came out Dec 11th on their website.</p>

<p>So maybe it's wrong for us too.</p>

<p>haha, I love how EVERY group of P-ton ED applicants tries to keep their Official Thread purely stats. And no one ever succeeds. Can we do it???</p>

<p>haha no of course not.
I'm guessing ours will be more off topic than ever!</p>

<p>EDIT: hey where did his post go??? lol
now i look like i'm talking to myself...</p>

it's okay you'll get it next time. =P
i'm too fast.

<p>that 2004 ED decisions thread makes me really nervous...T_T so many great qualified peeople were deferred</p>

<p>i know, it seemed so unpredictable that year.
wow =/</p>

<p>ok how MUCH HARDER/COMPETITIVE do you guys think P'ton apps process got in 2 years?</p>

<p>this is a serious question, btw</p>

<p>I don't know if there will be any tangible difference between the competition....after all, the class size will actually be larger this year. That will probably balance out the tougher competition...or so I hope.</p>

<p>On a different note, good luck Questbridge applicants!</p>

<p>like 976654285925942x as hard.</p>

<p>Seriously, a lot.</p>