***OFFICIAL***Decisions Thread 2010

<p>joel410-maybe check with the school and make sure she put Engineering on her application. That is what I am afraid is going to happen with my son. He applied for Architecture and we are still waiting for the letter.</p>

<p>Upon further checking, she said that there was not a specific question on which school she was applying for but there was 1 on what her major interests were and she said undecided instead of general engineering. So, are we stuck in the arts & sciences or is it too late to get into the College of Engineering?</p>

<p>I would call them. You never know. Maybe there is a chance she can still get in or waitlisted if other kids do not attend.</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted</p>

[<em>] SAT Verbal: 540
[</em>] SAT Math: 610
[<em>] SAT Writing: 520
[</em>] SAT Total: 1670
[<em>] SAT II: None
[</em>] ACT: None
[<em>] AP/IB taken/scores: 2 IB courses. No testing yet.
[</em>] GPA weighted: 3.82 up to senior year. 4.23 for first semester Senior year.
[<em>] GPA unweighted: IDK
[</em>] Rank or % estimate: School doesn’t rank. Probably top 10%.</p>

[<em>] Essays: Good
[</em>] Teacher Recs: None
[<em>] Counselor Rec: None
[</em>] Hook (if any): None</p>

[<em>] State or Country: Northern VA
[</em>] School Type: Public
[<em>] Ethnicity: White
[</em>] Gender: Male
[<em>] Legacy Yes/No: No
[</em>] Recruited Yes/No: No
[<em>] Important ECs: Not really.
[</em>] Deferred Yes/No: No</p>

<p>[/ul]Other Factors:
I was shocked I got accepted.
General Comments/Congratulations/etc:
Probably not gonna go there. Penn State has a better computer engineering program.
<em>FOR DEFEREES</em> IF accepted, reasons why you think so, actions you took after being deferred, etc…:

<p>Joel410, even if she has to start in University Studies, it’s not the end of the world. Last year my son applied for Engineering and was admitted to University Studies. We were really bummed initially, but quickly learned that he just had to take about 4 specific classes and make a 2.0 in them to be allowed to change his major to Engineering. The kicker was that the 1st semester of the freshman engineering class was only open to current engineering students. We got around that by taking the class at New River Community College in Christiansburg. It was only one day a week and my son took Blacksburg Transit there and got a ride home from classmates. Almost all the students in the class were VT students. As soon as the semester was over, he emailed the Engineering Dept. people and was able to change his major and take the 2d semester class at VT. It was a little bit of a hassle (and a little more $), but at least he is now (2d semester freshman) totally on track with all those freshmen who started the year in the College of Engineering. Initially, I’d been scared he would have to be a semester behind his classmates or (worse!) he would have to stay in Blacksburg his first summer to get the class caught up! The only other thing I would caution you about is to make sure your daughter registers for all the prerequisites during orientation. My son was advised by the Univ. Studies advisors to sign up for classes that didn’t satisfy the prerequisites, even though supposedly those advisors are knowledgeable about what’s needed to get your kid where he/she needs to get!</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted</p>



<li>SAT Total: 2130 M: 800, CR: 700, WR: 630,</li>
<li>ACT: 30 M:34 E:33 R:29 S:26</li>
<li>SAT Subject Tests: math II: 710, u.s. history: 700, physics: 660</li>
<li>GPA-UW/W: 3.75/4.075</li>
<li>Rank: n/a</li>
<li>AP/IB classes: 11 APs</li>


<li>Essays: ballin’</li>
<li>Teacher Recs: meh</li>
<li>Counselor Rec: probably terrible</li>
<li>EC highlights: track captain, VP of Ski club, went to New Orleans to help out, canvasser for a remodeling company, Dairy Queen, and many others</li>


<li>State or Country: VA</li>
<li>School Type: public</li>
<li>Ethnicity: white</li>
<li>Gender: M</li>

<p>Other Factors, hook?: nada</p>

<p>General Comments, scholarship chances, status info, going to VT…?: admitted to my safety, this is good.</p>


From Virginia (Fairfax County- one of the largest and most competitive school districts in the country)
3.9 GPA (very competitive high school)
2210 SAT
First Language: English
SAT II Scores: Spanish with Listening (800), Literature (730), US History (750)
I will graduate with 10 AP Exams (So far, I’ve taken 4 exams. I’ve gotten three "5"s and one “4”)
My school does not rank.
My family and I emigrated from Cuba when I was younger, so I will be the first in my family to attend college in the states.
I am fluent in both Spanish and English. I also speak basic Russian. </p>


<p>National Hispanic Recognition Program Scholar (National)
AP Scholar with Honors (National)
Chantilly Pyramid Minority Student Achievement Committee Award for Academic Excellence (Regional)
Cougar Commendation for Volunteerism and Academic Excellence (School)</p>


<p>ModelUN - I am an officer in the club and have won three awards, one of which was a “Best Delegation” award in a crisis committee at an Ivy League Conference. This is the highest level of award possible. I won a “Verbal Commendation” at The University of Virginia MUN 2007 and an “Honorable Mention” at Boston University MUN 2009.</p>

<p>DECA - I am Vice President of Competitive Events. Some of the awards I’ve won in the DECA circuit are: 1st place at the District Competition in an Individual Role play 2008, Top 10 at the State competition in a written event 2009, Top 15 at the International competition in a written event 2009, 1st place in an Individual Role play 2009.</p>

<p>Indoor and Outdoor Track - Promising Runner Freshman and Sophmore year. Over 24 hours per week for around 30 weeks a year. My career as a runner ended after a serious injury in late spring 2008.</p>

<p>National Honor Society - I’ve completed more than 40 hours of community service for NHS in a year and a half.</p>

<p>KEY Club - I’ve completed over 50 hours of community service for KEY Club in 3 years.</p>

<p>American Red Cross Club - I’ve been on the Finance Committee and on the Blood Drive Organization Committee.</p>

<p>Debate Team </p>

<p>Student Ambassadors - I am on the board of officers for this club</p>

<p>Piano - I have played the piano since I was 7 and have won the Student of the Year award at my conservatory 5 years in a row. I generally play more than 12 hours a week.</p>

<p>Employment (Paid and Unpaid)
I’ve had a job at a store in the mall since junior year. I work about 20 hours a week.</p>

<p>I’ve been a volunteer in the publications department of Pan American Health Organization (a branch of the WHO) in Washington DC for the past 3 summers.</p>

<p>I received the acceptance email early last week, but still don’t have a letter or any indication at all in my account status that says that I’m accepted. Anyone else still in the same boat? Where is everyone seeing the offer of admission on their VT info account?</p>

<p>Same as you jdhjdh</p>

<p>are these sat scores in one sit or superscored?</p>

<p>jdhjdh–my son also got the email but not letter yet.</p>

<p>Well, the website has now been updated to indicate that D2 has been accepted, but still no mention of what major. (VT will, however, gladly accept our $400:))</p>

<p>Maybe the mail will come today…</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted</p>

SAT Verbal: 510
SAT Math: 720
SAT Writing: 590
SAT Total: 1820
SAT II: math 2c 799
ACT: None
AP/IB taken/scores: calc ab/bc, chemistry, physics, english lang/comp, statistics
GPA weighted: 3.86
GPA unweighted: IDK
Rank or % estimate: 18/213</p>

Essays: Good
Teacher Recs: good
Counselor Rec: good
Hook (if any): None</p>

State or Country: VA
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: asian
Gender: female
Legacy Yes/No: No
Recruited Yes/No: No
Important ECs: Not really.
Deferred Yes/No: No</p>

<p>My son received an email about a week ago and got his VT account updated today and it says he was admitted for university studies when he applied for architecture. He was upset but I called the school and they explained to me how it works for him to possibly get in after his first year. He really has his heart set on Virginia Tech but he really has his heart set on Architecture. He was admitted to two other schools for Architecture (University of Buffalo and NYIT) but has always wanted to go to VT. I don’t know what is the best route to go. What if he does a year of university studies and then does not get into Arch the next year. I see someone above posted that that happened to their son with Engineering. Has anyone had this happen with Architecture ? I am confused as to what to do.</p>

<p>pha516, I am so sorry for your son’s disappointment. I had never heard of this with architecture until your post. (I had heard of it occurring with engineering applicants). These kids are facing some brutal competition. It hurts- especially for you as a mom to see him disappointed. I don’t know what I would advise. He is into Tech, which is a huge accomplishment in itself these days. He should be very proud! But onto the Arch dilemma.</p>

<p>Have you seen this “internal transfer” document that is on VT’s website?</p>

<p><a href=“http://archdesign.vt.edu/admissions/images/Internal%20Transfer%20Process%20FAQ%201.doc[/url]”>http://archdesign.vt.edu/admissions/images/Internal%20Transfer%20Process%20FAQ%201.doc&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>It goes through what he would need to do in order to transfer in. He would need to stay there after his first year for the first and second summer session. Then he would have his work reviewed to see if he would be placed in the first or second year of the BARCH program. If he were fortunate to be placed in the second year, he would then be done in 5 years with the summer sessions. If he were put into the first year of the program, he would take 6 years with the summer. </p>

<p>I had a friend whose son transferred into VT and architecture after his first semester from another OOS school (in graphic communications). He was placed into the first year of the ARCH program after the summer sessions. It took him the 6 years to complete the program, but he is a happy and talented architect now. :slight_smile: It was expensive for mom and dad, though. Rent for the summer in Bburg, the cost of the extra classes, etc. He was not able to go abroad because of the extra costs.</p>

<p>I wonder, how would he feel about another area in CAUS that has an architecture bend, say urban planning? Maybe they wouldn’t require the extra summer classes and the review. Just throwing the idea out there. That first year of design education is the building block for VT’s architecture programs and I know they are very, very selective. </p>

<p>This is a tough call. I wish you both the best, but in the end it will all work out for him I am sure. Take care.</p>

<p>pha516: my son is also a VT architecture hopeful. If you don’t mind me asking what was your son’s GPA, SAT, etc. My understanding from our visit to the VT architecture school is that is as difficult to get into architecture as a sophomore as a freshman. They told us if you are not admitted as a freshman you should strongly consider other schools. In my son’s case, if he’s not admitted to VT architecture he will choose one of the other schools where he has already been accepted in architecture rather than gambling on being admitted to VT architecture as a sophomore.</p>

<p>My son also received an email of acceptance about a week ago and his account was updated yesterday as well; however it doesn’t mention his major (engineering), only that he has been offerred admission. How did your son know he was in university studies and not architecture. Did his status page say “university studies” ? My son still hasn’t received any notification in the mail, only the online information.</p>

<p>KandKsmom - thanks so much for all the advice. They did advise my son he could start with something else - ex. urban planning , etc. I will have to discuss that further with them to see if he starts with that how he can proceed into Arch after that. There is so much to take into consideration now. I have not received the letter or packet in the mail yet and have no idea about financial aid, etc. Once I have that all in hand I can make a better decision. I feel so bad for him. He really has his heart set on this. </p>

<p>2014Dad- My sons GPA is a 93 but his SAT scores were alittle low 580 Math and 580 crit reading. </p>

<p>HGA- His VT account showed that he was accepted but it showed that he was accepted into university studies. I did put a call in to find out exactly what the deciding factor was to see why he did not get into Arch. They are pulling his file and calling me back. </p>

<p>Thank you all so much for your responses.</p>

<p>My d was accepted and very surprised with 3.6 and 1180 SAT’s. However, after talking with others in her HS, it appears EVERYONE has been accepted including those with 2.8’s and low SATs. There isn’t one person she knows who applied and hasn’t been accepted. We are out of state but what’s going on? Is the school in need of money and is banking on OOS tuition?? I really thought VT was much more selective. Anyone else finding this trend with OOS?</p>

<p>Natmat, excuse me for being so blunt, but there is no way someone was accepted with a 2.8 GPA out of state. We had like a 6% increase in in state applications, and like a 5% in out of state applications, there is simply no way someone was accepted with a 2.8. There are cut offs for how many out of state students we accept so I’m pretty sure it simply is not possible. Now I can’t sit there and say no one was accepted with a 2.8, according to last year’s stats, 55 people were admitted with less than a 3.1 average, but I find it unlikely that it’s as large scale as you make it seem. Admissions aims for 70-30 IS OOS and with a slight increase over last year, the transfer students and the moderate in state increase, it just doesn’t seem viable. </p>

<p>Your daughters 3.6 and 1180 fall on the lower 25% of admissions so it’s not surprising you got in.</p>