***OFFICIAL***Decisions Thread 2010

I got in with a 3.2 1050 SAT
and I’m OOS.</p>

<p>I would bet that the OOS kids probably have an advantage this year in getting in with lower than average stats. I may be way off in my thinking but here goes…</p>

<p>With the economy still in the (semi broken) tank, you know, the stage where the bowl isn’t working exactly right but hopefully with more parts… </p>

<p>VT is probably banking on the in state admitted kids coming to Bburg. Most OOS kids with decent stats will probably be admitted to their state U’s, too. If they are admitted to VT and they have a peer institution for their in state school, they go in state. The cost savings is palpable. </p>

<p>So the powers that be at VT admit OOS kids for whom Tech would be a somwhat reach, dangling that carrot for more OOS money. The kid just may take a chance and their parents pay the OOS costs for possibly a higher ranked school than what they originally thought they could go to. </p>

<p>Whatever, I hope all of them thrive wherever they end up. They will be taking care of us someday! :)</p>

<p>For D2:</p>

<p>Decision: ACCEPTED into Architecture
(Okay, Dad is stunned, did not expect this)</p>

SAT Verbal:670
SAT Math: 640
SAT Writing: 710 (Essay: 12)
SAT Total: 1310/1600 and 2020/2400
ACT: 28
AP/IB taken/scores: English Comp.-English Lit.-Physics C-Calculus AB & BC-Spanish
GPA weighted: 4.31
GPA unweighted: 3.96
Rank or % estimate: Top 20 out of a class of 463 (Named as Class Marshal, no exact rankings provided)</p>

Essays: Okay
Teacher Recs: Outstanding
Counselor Rec: No idea
Hook (if any): none</p>

State or Country: PA
School Type: Large Public
Ethnicity: White
Gender: F
Legacy Yes/No: Yes - mother
Recruited Yes/No: No
Important ECs:
300+Hours of community service
President of anti-drug/alcohol youth group
VP of school-based service group
2-time Stage Manager for annual high school musicals (plus other shows)
Sports Team Captain
Six Varsity Letters
Part-time job during school year</p>

<p>Deferred Yes/No: N/A</p>

<p>Other Factors:
Architecture Apprenticeship
2 years of studio art</p>

<p>General Comments/Congratulations/etc:
Decisions, decisions, decisions…VT was/is/maybe First Choice, but…</p>

<p>Congratulations! I dont know why Dad would be stunned, it looks like you have just what Tech wants. I have been accepted for AE and CC but am waiting for financial package before deciding (OOS).</p>

<p>does anyone know how much ethnicity is considered in the acceptance process?</p>

<p>got my letter in the mail today!</p>

<p>Decision: ACCEPTED into CLAHS</p>

SAT Verbal:650
SAT Math: 600
SAT Writing: 670 (Essay: 11)
SAT Total: 1250/1600 and 1920/2400
SAT II: US History: 720, World History: 670
ACT: 29
AP/IB taken/scores: World History- 5, US History-4, Eng. Lang- 4, AP Gov., AP Stat
GPA weighted: 4.10
GPA unweighted: 4
Rank or % estimate: 1 out of a class of 297</p>

Essays: Good
Teacher Recs: Strong
Counselor Rec: Incredible
Hook (if any): VA House of Delegates Page</p>

State or Country: VA
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: White
Gender: M
Legacy Yes/No: No
Recruited Yes/No: No
Important ECs:
VA House of Delegates Page
Varsity Golf Team
Relay for Life Volunteer
Co-Pres. DECA Club
FBLA Historian
Leo Club
Beta Club Member
Gifted Program
Johns Hopkins CTY
ELCA National Youth Gathering
Active in Youth Group
2010 DLC Champion in Marketing Management(headed to states this weekend)
Top 172 in Profile in Courage Essay Contest</p>

<p>Deferred Yes/No: N/A</p>

<p>… I wonder when the “early March” wave of decisions will come out.</p>

<p>Accepeted (email a couple of weeks ago)
SAT 1330
GPA 4.0+
Instate Northern VA</p>

<p>Probably going to U. of SC (Scholarship With Out of State Tuition Waiver)</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted to IDST, which they just got rid of, so now it’s </p>

SAT Verbal:770
SAT Math: 780
SAT Writing: 680 (Essay: 8)
SAT Total: 1550/1600 and 22230/2400
SAT II: Math II- 790 Ecological Biology- 730 Spanish- 640
AP/IB taken/scores: English Comp.- 5 English Lit.- IP Physics C- IP Calculus AB & BC- 5,4 Computer Science- 5
GPA weighted: 4.4025
GPA unweighted: ?
Rank or % estimate: 1 of 297</p>

Essays: Decent
Teacher Recs: Outstanding
Counselor Rec: No idea
Hook (if any): none</p>

State or Country: VA
School Type: Large Public
Ethnicity: White
Gender: M
Legacy Yes/No: No
Recruited Yes/No: No
Important ECs:
President of school Mu Alpha Theta Chapter
President of school Spanish Club
Active in youth group (extensive community service/mission trips)
Founder and President of school FCA
Founder of school See You at the Pole
Founder of high school bible study for local teens</p>

<p>Deferred Yes/No: N/A</p>

<p>Other Factors:
Governor’s School student</p>

<p>General Comments/Congratulations/etc:
Top 35 this year; Honors Weekend Invite, but don’t know if it’s enough to outdo UNC</p>

<p>Does anyone have any information on when transfer applicants will receive their acceptance emails? I can’t find anyone with a clear answer to this since most posts here are about high school applicants.</p>

<p>Are you kidding? Can you say “student athlete”? It happens all the time.</p>

<p><<<<“Natmat, excuse me for being so blunt, but there is no way someone was accepted with a 2.8 GPA out of state. We had like a 6% increase in in state applications, and like a 5% in out of state applications, there is simply no way someone was accepted with a 2.8. There are cut offs for how many out of state students we accept so I’m pretty sure it simply is not possible. Now I can’t sit there and say no one was accepted with a 2.8, according to last year’s stats, 55 people were admitted with less than a 3.1 average, but I find it unlikely that it’s as large scale as you make it seem. Admissions aims for 70-30 IS OOS and with a slight increase over last year, the transfer students and the moderate in state increase, it just doesn’t seem viable.” >>>>>>>>></p>

<p>This person with a 2.8 is not an athlete. However, it is someone who scored a 1220 on the SAT which may have helped. A good friend of my daughter’s got accepted with a 3.1 even though the guidance counselor tried to discourage him from applying. I am only stating what is true for our high school and cannot speak for anywhere else. It’s a great opportunity for everyone and i wish them the best.</p>

<p>“VT is probably banking on the in state admitted kids coming to Bburg. Most OOS kids with decent stats will probably be admitted to their state U’s, too. If they are admitted to VT and they have a peer institution for their in state school, they go in state. The cost savings is palpable.”</p>

<p>this is exactly my son’s case. He was admitted to VT and it would be his first choice. His father used to live in VA but doesn’t anymore so we’d have to pay OOS. His stats were in the range for VT, but I did find it interesting that he got accepted shortly after the school received our FAFSA information that showed we’d pay the entire cost of going there. Can’t blame the school. When we were up there for orientation, you knew there was concern about budget cuts. </p>

<p>Anyway, at the time I cornered the assoc. dean of Business and asked her point blank if she thought VT was worth more than our state school. Turns out she got her undergrad at our school. Of course, she sang the praises of VT, but did refer to our school as a “peer” institution. Thus, I can’t justify spending a minimum of $80,000 more to send him to VT. He’ll be attending in state. He’s disappointed but has accepted it.</p>

<p>wtztu, I fully appreciate what your family decided to do and would have done the same. Your son will be fine. Once he gets onto his chosen campus this fall, makes friends, and becomes a part of his school’s community, his disappointment about VT will be an afterthought. Best wishes to him- I hope he does great!</p>


<p>SAT: 710 M- 620 CR- 690 Wr (2020)
SAT IIs: 650 MII,600 Spanish,
GPA: 3.64
Rank: school does not rank
Teacher Recs: good I hope
Counselor Rec: good I hope
Hook (if any):none
State or Country:VA
School Type : Private catholic
Gender: female</p>

<p>Extra Curriculars: Class President
Varsity Crew 10, 11, 12
Virginia Governor’s School for Math & Science
Virginia Girl’s State Delegate
Physics Award
Maryland Math League
Spanish Honor Society, National Spanish Exam Bronze Medal, National Latin Exam Silver Medal</p>

<p>Did you just receive this acceptance this morning?</p>

<p>No sorry, I got it a couple weeks ago…unexpected. I just forgot to post and think it’s helpful. Good Luck!</p>


<p>SAT: 710 M- 620 CR- 690 Wr (2020)
SAT IIs: 650 MII,600 Spanish,
GPA: 3.64
Rank: Extremely competetive school- does not rank
5 AP’s- Senior yr- AP Calc AB, AP Environmental, AP Psych, Honors English 4, Spanish 4, Bioethics
Teacher Recs: good I hope
Counselor Rec: good I hope
Hook (if any):none
State or Country:VA
School Type : Private catholic
Ethnicity: white
Gender: female</p>

<p>Extra Curriculars: Class President
Varsity Crew 10, 11, 12
Virginia Governor’s School for Math & Science
Virginia Girl’s State Delegate
Physics Award
Maryland Math League
Spanish Honor Society, National Spanish Exam Bronze Medal, National Latin Exam Silver Medal</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted!</p>

[<em>] SAT Verbal: 670
[</em>] SAT Math: 800
[<em>] SAT Writing: 650
[</em>] SAT Total: 2120
[<em>] SAT II: 790 Math II, 730 Chemistry
[</em>] ACT: 31
[<em>] AP/IB taken/scores: Chemistry: 5, Physics C (Mech and E&M) and Stat will take this year.
[</em>] GPA weighted: 4.0
[<em>] GPA unweighted: 4.0
[</em>] Rank or % estimate: 20/480</p>

[<em>] Essays: Included some of my poetry.
[</em>] Teacher Recs: One insanely awesome one from my swimming coach.
[<em>] Counselor Rec: Dunno how it was.
[</em>] Hook (if any): Student Athlete? I dunno.</p>

[<em>] State or Country: Pennsylvania
[</em>] School Type: Public
[<em>] Ethnicity: Caucasian
[</em>] Gender: Male
[<em>] Legacy Yes/No: No
[</em>] Recruited Yes/No: No
[<em>] Important ECs: Swimming
[</em>] Deferred Yes/No: No[/ul]</p>

<p>I’m probably going to Virginia Tech if I don’t get into Carnegie Mellon. :]</p>