<p>Official Decision Thread Class of 2013
Everyone post their stats here</p>
<p>Pick one:
[ size=+2][ color=green][ b]Decision: Accepted (A&S/Business/Engineering)[ /b][ /color][ /size]
[ size=+2][ color=blue][ b]Decision: Deferred (A&S/Business/Enginerring)[ /b][ /color][ /size]
[ size=+2][ color=red][ b]Decision: Rejected (A&S/Business/Engineering)[ /b][ /color][ /size]</p>
<p>[ b]Objective:[ /b][ list]
[ *] SAT I (breakdown):
[ *] ACT:
[ *] SAT II:
[ *] Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0):
[ *] Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable):
[ *] AP (place score in parenthesis):
[ *] IB (place score in parenthesis):
[ *] Senior Year Course Load:
[ *] Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.):
[ /list][ b]Subjective:[ /b][ list]
[ *] Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis):
[ *] Job/Work Experience:
[ *] Volunteer/Community service:
[ *] Summer Activities:
[ *] Essays:
[ *] Teacher Recommendation:
[ *] Counselor Rec:
[ *] Additional Rec:
[ *] Interview:
[ /list][ b]Other[ /b][ list]
[ *] State (if domestic applicant):
[ *] Country (if international applicant):
[ *] School Type:
[ *] Ethnicity:
[ *] Gender:
[ *] Income Bracket:
[ *] Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.):
[ /list][ b]Reflection[ /b][ list]
[ *] Strengths:
[ *] Weaknesses:
[ *] Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected:
[ /list][ b]General Comments:[ /b]</p>
<p>** Decision: Accepted (Engineering)**
** Objective: **
[<em>] SAT I (breakdown)730 W:700 CR:580
[</em>] ACT:n/a
[<em>] SAT II:Math IIC:770 Chinese:790 Physics: 690
[</em>] Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0):3.7
[<em>] Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable):8%
[</em>] AP (place score in parenthesis):did not send
[<em>] IB (place score in parenthesis):n/a
[</em>] Senior Year Course Load: 4 APs (max APs taken)
[<em>] Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.):school awards only
[/ul]** Subjective: [ul]
[</em>] Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis):Honor Council (Prez), International Club (Prez), Student Congress (Founder), Math Club (VP), Tennis MIP, NHS, etc
[<em>] Job/Work Experience: Chinese Tutor
[</em>] Volunteer/Community service: 400+ hrs
[<em>] Summer Activities: Presidential Classroom Law and Justice
[</em>] Essays: good~very good
[<em>] Teacher Recommendation:very good
[</em>] Counselor Rec:very good
[<em>] Additional Rec:n/a
[</em>] Interview:n/a
[<em>] State (if domestic applicant):Utah (resident of Texas)
[</em>] Country (if international applicant):U.S. (Permanent Resident)
[<em>] School Type: Boarding, Private
[</em>] Ethnicity:Asian (Taiwan)
[<em>] Gender:Male
[</em>] Income Bracket: 150+ K per year (Parents combined)
[<em>] Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): none
[/ul] Reflection **[ul]
[</em>] Strengths:Extracurriculars-student leadership, Essay-I talked about the founding of Student Congress at my school and its meaning to me, Recs- very close w/ teachers and college counselor.
[<em>] Weaknesses:GPA (ok),SAT scores (poor CR)
[</em>] Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected:I guess my extracurriculars, boarding school status, recs, and math scores.
** General Comments: ** I thought I had a pretty good chance. I got rejected from Swarthmore and didn’t want to aim higher like Columbia or Carnegie Mellon. Great school see u all in the Fall!!!</p>
<p>remember to take the spaces off the codes like [ post] [ /post]</p>