OFFICIAL Emory University RD Decisions - Class of 2013

<p>lol @ vandyprayer. You had the liberals eating out the palm of your hand until that. Good job.</p>

<p>Um, yeah sure. Okay. So who else was invited to Essence of Emory?</p>

<p>Decision: ACCEPTED!!!</p>

SAT I (by section): 590 CR, 570 Math, 650 Writing
ACT: not great (don’t want to disclose)
APs: US History (4)
GPA: Unweighted- 3.39
Rank: school doesn’t rank</p>

ECs listed on app: Art (particularly cartooning and printmaking), Played the violin, volunteered a bit at a local homeless shelter, served soup on Thanksgiving (I wrote about that as my specific EC on the commonapp)
Job/Work Experience: Summer camp counselor, worked at Burger King 2 summers
Essays (subject and responses): Wrote about Obama and the changing political structure in the U.S., I thought it was quite strong
Teacher Recs: Superb, one from spanish teacher and one from gym coach
Counselor Rec: Good
Applied on: RD
Hook (if any): First generation college student, URM
State or Country: GA
School Type, Average Stats of School (if available): Public, good school in a lower income area
Ethnicity: Black
Gender: Female
General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc: I can’t wait to attend in the Fall! Emory 2013!!!</p>

<p>congratulations EmoryBound91!</p>

<p>**Decision: ACCEPTED **</p>

[<em>] SAT I (by section): C: 750, M: 720, W: 800/9
so 1470/2270
[</em>] SAT IIs: Lit: 730, US: 710, Math 1: 580, 650 haha
[<em>] ACT: 34
[</em>] APs: Eng Lang (4), APUSH (3), Bio, Eng Lit, Econ, Gov
[<em>] IBs: N/A
[</em>] GPA: 3.94 and 94.7 - both weighted
[<em>] Rank: top ten
[</em>] Other stats:
[<em>] ECs listed on app: tons of ballet/dance, piano, some violin, community service, tutoring
[</em>] Job/Work Experience: negligible
[<em>] Essays (subject and responses): not cliche i guess; portrayed my personage well
[</em>] Teacher Recs: never saw
[<em>] Counselor Rec: samee
[</em>] Applied on: ? RD but in Nov to meet the Emory Scholars deadline…if that’s what this means
[<em>] Hook (if any): Emory Scholars Nominee by school; long-standing commitment to ballet
[</em>] State or Country: Atlanta
[<em>] School Type, Average Stats of School (if available): Catholic, 200-ish in grad. class
[</em>] Ethnicity: caucasian
[li] Gender: f[/li][/ul]General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc:
very surprised that i was accepted!</p>

<p>See Vandy…</p>

<p>Not to hate on Emorybound91 but 3.39 and 1810 SAT. Ugh.</p>

<p>Oh well at least Emorybound91 doesn’t try to act like her being black didn’t help. Good job on getting in!</p>

<p>She isn’t acting as if it let her got in because she doesn’t care to mention it. How can you speak for her? You’re not her so how can you tell how she feels? You’re so focused on numbers that you must have forgotten you’re not an admission counselor. I will be at emory. Where will you be boo?</p>

<p>I’m black, and I will admit that there is a notable discrepancy between URM scores and non URM scores… I would be an idiot not to. </p>

<p>I got into Emory, but my scores are not below the average for admitted students.</p>

<p>Still, It makes me wonder whether I got in just because I’m black, or what… Oh well.</p>

<p>I realize my numbers look very poor on paper, but you have to realize my GPA got dragged down by freshman year. Junior year I had a 3.9 UW, so there was definitely an upward trend. I also took many AP courses (Bio, Environmental, US History, Psych, Stats and Calc, as well as honors classes), and didn’t even submit my (admittedly bad) SATS I’s, I did better on the SAT II’s. To be honest I knew it would kill my chances, and I only took them once (which I regret, since I didn’t prepare beforehand enough). I believe I wrote an extra letter about extenuating circumstances (true) freshman year. Also, my older brother attends Emory (and had much higher stats) and my minority status may have played a role. I’m sorry if that offends anyone who didn’t get in with better marks (and I’m sure you guys have other great schools to attend), but I never expected to get in to begin with- so this is coming as a surprise to me as well. If it makes anyone feel better I’ve gotten 3 rejections also (out of 5 schools, one being a safety). But I think it’s also important to remember people are more than just numbers, which is why Ivies sometimes reject those with perfect scores for more unique people with better essays and lower scores. Not everyone is a robot.</p>

<p>And thank you SCMom :)</p>

<p>First off, congratulations on your acceptance to Emory University.
Just wondering, how did you send your SAT II scores without sending your SAT I? Did you take the SATII’s first and sent the score before you took the SAT I? If not, the admission officers would have seen your SAT I scores. </p>

<p>But seriously, at the end of the day, does it really matter how you got into the school? When fall comes, are the students at Emory going to go around and ask “what is your SAT score?” I hope not. What the students at Emory will see is your accomplishments and influences at Emory. As long as you can excel there and make some contribution to society (hopefully big ones), you have every right to say you deserve to be at Emory.</p>

<p>Conclusion: How you get into the college will not matter in the near future. So why even care? What matters is what you make of your college experience.</p>

Affirmative Action is a well documented practice among colleges. Accept it and move on. If you don’t want to, suit yourself. </p>

Seriously? There really is no point in making a person feel as if they are “lesser” than the rest of the accepted applicants. When you go to Emory, you won’t know their SAT score, GPA, and what not, unless you want to be the ******bag that goes around and ask everyone their HS stats that will be completely irrelevant in college. Even if you know their SAT score, so what? You have much more to worry about than that; like, your GPA in college.</p>

<p>Yea Emory 2013 your stupid why even say that, there is no reason to.</p>

<p>first off, congrats to everyone who got in. whatever race you may be, you obviously did something right. for those of you who weren’t so fortunate, my sympathy to you.</p>

<p>this whole “battle” is absolutely ridiculous. emory is noted for having such strong cultural diversity, and people on here are being so racist it’s absolutely sickening and disgusting. you guys that got rejected are so bitter! obviously it sucks that you didn’t get accepted, and you feel cheated because people with lower numbers got in, but in the end what’s happened has happened. maybe you’ll get off the waitlist and maybe you won’t. it’s not these other accepted students’ faults at all! yes, being of minority race is helpful in admissions, but it’s not like people can choose their race. be mature about the whole situation and be happy for those who were accepted. </p>

<p>if you wanted to go to emory so badly, maybe you should’ve been smart and applied early decision so these “lesser beings” wouldn’t have affected your admissions decisions.</p>

<p>I have lived in nearly racist South Georgia for ten years ( moved there from New York when I was seven ) and some of the comments that I have seen on here are equivalent to the ones I here there. To the person who said “add your ACT score +5 and you will get your white score” ARE YOU KIDDING ME. How that comment found itself on this board, I don’t know. But what I know is that SAT and ACT scores do not make you anymore of a person or any less of a person. That’s a comment that seems to be hard for many CCers to grasp. And why would a SAT or ACT score make you any whiter or blacker? Now if you were trying to address the thing about AA, then you could have done so through a much better approach. And by the way, race is not the determining factor for admissions. The admissions process is very holistic. They don’t want a bunch of robots who have 2400s or 36s who have done nothing to contribute to the community of have done no significant ECs but who do homework all day throughout high school. So there will be a lot of students who have low SAT scores who get in to a rather selective university. And why would that score matter? Its a three hour test that doesn’t indicate much about you other than the fact that you are a good test taker. And yes, the ACT and the SAT are rather poor indicators for determining college success. So please be happy with the fact that these students with low scores have been accepted.</p>

<p>P.S. i am a URM as well and got accepted to Oxford College despite my low math SAT score (450). Did that matter to the adcoms? Apparently not. Did my race solely get me in? no. It was a whole combination of things that made me a good fit for the class</p>

<p>Congratulations to those who got accepted to Emory and i’ll be seeing some of you two years from now, lol. For those who got waitlisted or rejected I have you in my prayers and may God Bless You :)</p>

<p>^ Oxford is very easy to get in! this Vandy will be better at Oxford… and leave a spot for someone who got 2100 sat and 31 and over act at Emory!</p>

<p>for once i agree with lavieenchocolat</p>

<p>and i didn’t mean your “white score” in that sense, I meant a 25 act means for a white person they would have to get a 30 to get the same respect from adcoms.</p>

<p>^ Yes i am aware of the fact that Oxford is easier to get into, but whether it is Oxford or Emory or any other college, SAT means nothing much except good test taking skills that would help you in some way in college thats it. But here on CC that seems to be too much of a big deal. No matter how many times I say this, it wouldn’t matter because some of you just don’t get it. I understand that some of you bitter are over those who got accepted with lower stats and stuff while you have better. Newsflash, life isn’t fair. Easy said than done, but for those who have a college to go to especially a GOOD one, please stop wasting your time bickering and focus on next year. All that nonsense will not change the adcoms minds. i understand how hard this is but the thing about life is that you have to move on and as hard as it may seem (especially for me) it has to be done.</p>


<p>Your comment was STILL out of touch. The fact that you are bashing him for his ACT score
and that he got in because he is black does not make you different from those who pull the race card when it is unnecessary to do so. Just stop being bitter and judgemental and be happy with the fact that you got in along with him.</p>

<p>Ok people. Affirmative action exists.</p>


<p>Yay Emory!</p>

<p>well, that was interesting!</p>

<p>Smiley44: “interesting” is not the word. Pathetic is more like it. Any parent who states: “Vandy will be better at Oxford… and leave a spot for someone who got 2100 sat and 31 and over act at Emory!” needs to reevalutate their priorities for their sake and their child’s!</p>