Official MIT 2010 EA Decision Thread

<p>Man o man. Rice is a great place, but you should have been more confident applying to other schools. You have a VERY WELL rounded set of SAT II's. Talk about having a consistent SAT I and II. Congratulations. I wish my mom did that with the tube I never got :).</p>

<p>Dude, I would kill for that house, btw. Just so you know. Feel free to open any suspicious packages you get ;)</p>

<p>hahahahaha. </p>

<p>thanks guys. i parents, being asian, were always like, "YOURE NOT GOING TO GET NE WHERE BC YOU DONT HAVE PERFECT SCORES! HUMPH!" </p>

<p>so, it was really discouraging, even though i KNEW scores weren't everything.</p>

<p>wanna know a secret?? these are the scores they prolly saw: (i took them once before, and i had a 102 fever when i took them..i wasnt going to waste money! lolz) 700M 690CR 680W...EWW!!!! i was disgusted... </p>

<p>but then i took them in oct. and got those scores...the scores i got on the bad SAT, i sent to all my schools before i knew they were bad, and I FORGOT TO SEND THE NEW ONES!!! the only one i pre-registered for to send was rice and UT...the one i really wanted and my safety. but all is well, i sent in my scores offically through collegeboard Dec. 5th...but the good scores were still on my i dunno why i just typed all that. lol.</p>

<p>You're going to do excellent wherever you go--it won't matter, when you graduate, whether you graduated from Rice or MIT; you'll still be the same person with the same merit, and you'll end up with the same opportunities.</p>

<p>thank you for that:)</p>

<p>I agree with rheasilvia. I know you'll do great!</p>

<p>thank you! im just scared about regretting not going to MIT..</p>

<p>so here's the shallowest thing in the world: MIT has the CUTEST mascot in the WORLD. lolz. and that's why i wanna go there, besides the AWESOMEST engineering program, which is what im doing.</p>

<p>but i think im going to be fine @ rice :)</p>

<p>yup yup! You are going to do great, and hey! don't even think about regretting not going to MIT, you wont, you'll get a really good education that many others are hoping to get too, so yeah, you are going to do awesome in your life, just keep up the great work!</p>

<p>aww! thanks, you guys are so encouraging! stop making me regret going to MIT even more! jk/lolz. </p>

<p>good luck to all u guys too!</p>

<p>lmao mollie, I just read the comment about the sign of a certain derivative between 2006 and 2007. Nice :p</p>

<p>wow Apollo you're not gonna go to MIT even though you were accepted</p>

<p>Quite noble!</p>

<p>Where in texas are you from?</p>

<p>Congrats btw</p>

<p>hmm finally got around to doing this. Though I had to dig pretty far to find the thread. Here goes:</p>

<p>Decision: Deferred</p>

[<em>] SAT: 2360
[</em>] SAT IIs: 3x800 (iic, physics, ush)
[<em>] GPA: 5.7... weighted<br>
[</em>] Rank: 3/500ish
[<em>] Other stats: IB candidate (2x6 so far); APs: Seven 5s; One 4;
[</em>] Essays: Mediocre, mediocre.
[<em>] Teacher Recs: Anywhere from pretty poor to pretty good. Teachers can be pretty fickle. ;)
[</em>] Counselor Rec: Same
[<em>] Hook (if any):
[</em>] State or Country: Texas
[<em>] School Type: Public behemoth
[</em>] Ethnicity: Asian (antihook)
[<em>] Gender: Male
[/ul]Other Factors:[ul]
[</em>] Extracurriculars: Nothing superman-esque
[<em>] Why I think I was accepted/deferred: Just wasn't up to par for Early Action (i.e. again, wasn't superman-esque). Looking forward to Regular Review though.<br>
[</em>] Other thoughts: I will live to fight again.

<p>who is john galt?</p>

<p>sorry couldnt resist, though i truly despise rand.</p>

<p>anyways ur stats are really similar to mine. i was 40 pts lower on SAT, and cumulatively 10 pts lower on SAT's. i also am an ib candidate with 2 6's so far (spanish and chem) and also have the exact same number and scores on ap tests. weird.</p>

<p>what were your (supposed) hooks? passions? etc.?</p>

<p>almost-thread jacking. Yeah, JSuresh, I think I PM-ed you awhile back in December remarking how we have very, very similar stats. If I recall correctly, both our hooks are probably Chess, though your hook is probably sharper than mine, and I'm lacking on the research-end. Too lazy to browse through the thread. What was your decision for MIT?</p>

<p>And you despise Rand? I can see why some people dislike Rand but despise seems awfully harsh. Rand has sort of accumulated a type of "quasi-cult" following. Anytime you bring up an idea of a "new intellectual" you are going to get tons of people boasting about what they have no idea about. Of course, I don't really fully understand Rand's philosophy anyway. I just enjoy her writing style. Heck, to tell the truth, I don't even agree with John Galt on quite a few notes.</p>

<p>He was accepted.</p>

<p>question: how did JSuresh get into both caltech and mit in january? no rules for applying to both schools early?</p>

<p>EA...not SCEA</p>

<p>JohnGalt: now that you mention it I do remember you pming me.</p>

<p>and yes i despise rand. for example she thought kant was evil. literally. in any case i can agree with egoism to some degree. but when she writes an epic pile of crap like atlas shrugged in which everyone who cares about anyone else is a whiny loser, it gets real old real fast.</p>

<p>super6: yea caltech and mit both allow you to apply early to other schools, so...yeah. also applied to uchicago early and got accepted.</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted</p>

[<em>] SAT: M:800, V:790 (old SAT I)
[</em>] SAT IIs: Math IIC:800, Physics:800, Writing:770
[<em>] GPA: UW-3.86, W: 4.22
[</em>] Rank: School doesn't rank.
[<em>] Other stats: What's this?
[</em>] Essays: Possibly amusing.
[<em>] Teacher Recs: Decent I'm sure.
[</em>] Counselor Rec: Probably good
[<em>] Hook (if any): Good fencer. (National medals)
[</em>] State or Country: New Jersey
[<em>] School Type: Public
[</em>] Ethnicity: Caucasian/Korean (half of each)
[<em>] Gender: Female
[/ul]Other Factors:[list]
[</em>] Extracurriculars: Fencing, Orchestra (flute)
[<em>] Why I think I was accepted/deferred: I took quite a few math courses at the local university (Princeton), and did reasonably well.
[</em>] Other thoughts: I'm way late on this.</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted (!)</p>

[<em>] Fee Waiver Used?: nope
[</em>] SAT I (by section): 780M 800CR 730W
[<em>] SAT IIs: 800 MathII, 790 BioM, 790 USH, 750 World History, 730 Lit
[</em>] ACT: n/a
[<em>] APs: 5's BC Calc, Euro, Lang&Comp, 4 USH (US & Euro were the same day... that wasn't cool)
[</em>] IBs: n/a
[<em>] GPA, Unweighted: 4.01 out of 4.11 (yes, this is a weird system)
[</em>] Rank: not a clue
[<em>] Senior Yr Courseload: Calc III/DiffEq (offered through my school... I'm thinking considerably easier than MIT level), AP Calc C, AP Bio, AP Lit, a few other random courses that I'm taking because of scheduling being weird.
[</em>] Number of Apps from Your School: 3 EA, maybe... 7? total.
[<em>] Other stats: big school; around 700 per class
[</em>] ECs listed on app: Environmental Club (co-founder), Marching/Jazz Band/Orchestra stuff (flute & tenor sax), various volunteer work, 4-H (I own two goats, and live in the middle of suburban NJ. perhaps this is what got me in?)
[<em>] Job/Work Experience: lots of volunteer work, mostly related to science/environmental education
[</em>] Essays (subject and responses): main essay B about a summer course I took on Appledore Island; connects in with this make-every-experience-your-own idea (my lit teacher really liked it), short essay "something you enjoy" about crocheting (I was worried I was being not-serious-enough, but apparently the honesty worked), and this absolutely insane, what-was-I-thinking optional essay about marching band ("something you have created" prompt - I never showed this one to any teachers)
[<em>] Teacher Recs: one awesome, one probably solid (these are just guesses). one from my lang&comp teacher from last year, the other from a teacher I had for both soph chem & junior orgo/biochem
[</em>] Counselor Rec: probably pretty good
[<em>] Interview (feel and general location): twas fun; it was more of a conversation than an interview, and I think I was asking him more questions about MIT than he was asking me questions. we talked about the most random things like... sudoku, the myst games, milking goats, and lasers. not in the same sentence.
[</em>] State or Country: NJ
[<em>] Ethnicity: caucasion. 1/32 native american, although nobody knows that, or even cares, I think. ;-)
[</em>] Income Bracket: pretty high. high enough that we probably won't get any financial aid, low enough for that fact to be really annoying.
[<em>] Gender: F
[</em>] Hooks: I'm very interested in environmental issues, and have volunteer work/clubs/regular classroom research projects behind that - btw, does anyone have experience with Terrascope? (whether you would recommend participating, any other comments, etc.)
[<em>] Strengths/Weaknesses: I'm pretty good at everything, although not a genius at anything... I'm probably slightly unusual in that I'm actually slightly stronger in the verbal/writing side of my brain than the math/physics side
[</em>] Why you think you were accepted/deferred/denied: mostly well-roundedness; good grades, scores, recs, etc
Other Factors: I'm really not sure how much of a difference this makes, but I have several other family members who attended MIT
General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc: I think my little sister is planning to turn my tube into some kind of projectile launcher. ^^</p>