<p>i used
2004 red sox
examples of war
personal experience</p>
<p>better than my last essay, but still not great. im hoping for a 9 or a 10, i want to do better than the 8 i got last time.</p>
<p>i used
2004 red sox
examples of war
personal experience</p>
<p>better than my last essay, but still not great. im hoping for a 9 or a 10, i want to do better than the 8 i got last time.</p>
<p>I had "Is it important to stand up against authority?" or sumthing like that.</p>
<p>I had coop/comp and just used ******** life experiences. It works perfectly and they can never know you're lying. Well maybe. mEh.</p>
<p>man i think i bombed the essay. after i finished writing i noticed i switched views. i started off in the 3rd person and concluded using "this is why its important..... you should etc." didnt say that but i switched to 2nd person. how bad will that hurt me?</p>
<p>I don't think that should hurt you very much.</p>
<p>I had competition/cooperation one.
Macbeth vs. Banquo
<p>Pretending one</p>
<p>I wrote about anorexia/bullemia, derived from some made up book (which was my good example) and a personal experience (which came out HORRIBLE)</p>
<p>I ripped mine off this thread about social Darwinism and how it applies to success that I read Friday night, so nice. My 2 examples:</p>
<li>Union Pacific, Standard Oil and Carnegie Steel</li>
<li>William Golding's Lord of the Flies</li>
Competition: Chinese civil exam system and modern day East Asian firm hiring practices</p>
Talked about the Antebellum Period's slave rebellions, comparing the impact of the escape of individuals to the North to larger-scale revolts such as Harper's Ferry, which was a group effort and sparked abolitionists to mobilize for the anti-slavery cause.
Also mentioned Barbara Ehrenreich's book Nickel and Dimed and talked about inequalities in our society spurring from competition.
I concluded by talking about "survival of the fittest," but rejected that idea because as humans I feel that it's our duty and unique capability to work together for the common good..</p>
<p>yeahh, BS like that ;)</p>
<p>Is there a penalty for an unfinished essay (like ONE line from the last line, I was in the middle of my concluding sentence like "Thus, cooperation in unity is the greatest ____)... ugh, haha. I had 2 decent examples... quite a bit of fancy language</p>
<p>i had the authority one.</p>
<p>i used huckleberry finn and a personal one.</p>
<p>i think the essay will save my writing score; think i got a 11 or 12.</p>
<p>This discussion is so totally illegal, guys. You're not supposed to talk about the essay prompt until the scores are available. :p </p>
<p>cooperation one
examples: American Revolution and Allied powers in WWI (are they good examples?)</p>
<p>-Thomas Paine's Common Sense and American Revolution
- African American Emancipation and their Rights</p>
<p>I uses these examples, hope I get a 10.</p>
<p>Memorize over 40 pregraded "12" essays and you will get a 12 like a got today!</p>
<p>Authority one:
All Quiet on the Western Front
Personal stuff</p>
<p>Compassion/Competion one:
Personal anecdote
(I didn't have time for a third body, but I don't think that matters.)</p>
<p>I felt that a cooperative environment was better...I wrote about Amory Blaine's character from This Side of Paradise. the only downside is that I didn't include anything about Monsignor Darcy who really was the only one Amory could relate to...making him feel more like himself rather than the image he strived to live up to in the competitive environment of Princeton. man that would've been good. ugh.</p>
<p>you're right, maestro, it doesn't. it's better to have just one or two examples than three...with three you can't elaborate as well as you should.</p>
History (Hitler) and Farenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury.</p>