Official Posting Time

<p>it probably has something to do with stopping us from our homework, making us uneducated , therefore more likely to vote republican.</p>

<p>I think I'll sit here and obsess some more</p>



<p>Hibachi rocks, its the Valentine's dinner of champions</p>

<p>According to people who have called, the original story was 6 pm Central, 7 pm Eastern. Everyone and their brother called today and they were all told the same thing.</p>

<p>god 2 nights in a row they've messed with us. ARGHHHH!!!!</p>

<p>confused, they also might have overloaded the server with too many people checking at the same time. They might be trying to distribute the load and that might be taking more time.</p>



<p>you are my favorite person</p>


<p> Space anyone?</p>

<p>If they haven't released the news by the time Lost is on, tough cookies, I am watching my show!</p>



<p>Breaking News: Weapons of Mass Distraction found in NU Admissions Office.</p>

<p>I hope they post in a few minutes because I have to go pick up my parents from the train station soon!!</p>

<p>Is Cheney behind this?</p>

<p>has anyone read beckett's waiting for godot in lit class? because i feel like didi & gogo right now. northwestern would be our god.. playing us.......i could write a decent AP essay comparing the two. lolz.</p>

<p>I'm tempted to call them, just to hear something directly from NU.</p>

<p>at this point, I don't think they'll be released tonight</p>

<p>lol, do it.</p>



<p>See, if the weapons of mass distraction were actually there, the republicans would go to someplace like Switzerland to look because they know that the Swiss are packing serious heat.</p>

<p>I can certainly see that college will be fun next Fall.</p>

<p>heh...I'm a bit of a republican, myself...</p>

<p>so please, quit the immature/completely overdone jokes, because you just might offend someone :)</p>