Official SAT Oct. 8th MATH

<p>This is for math only.</p>

<p>Did anyone get the problem with two rays, and the triangles drawn from point to point within them? It was the last problem in a section (in my case, section 8, I believe...the last math section at least).</p>

<p>'s annoying sifting through everyone whining about the MLK passage on the main SAT thread, so let's get a thread going for just math.</p>

<p>is this Math IC or Math IIC? cuz having done IIC, I don't remember that question at all.. There was a question whether three plains could make up a line, a ray, and a dot, though :)</p>

<p>i think he means satI math</p>

<p>If it was for SAT 1 , then it must have been experamental because I didn't have it.</p>

<p>It was for SAT I math. My friend also did not have it, so it must be experimental.</p>

<p>i didn't have that...though i did have an experimental math</p>