January 2009 SAT Math Discussion

<p>hey. does anybody know which math section was the experimental</p>

<p>does anybody remember a sequence question</p>

<p>with 5,a,b,5</p>

<p>it was like what is the tenth term</p>

<p>i got 5 x 21
which was e</p>

<p>was that question in the experimental?</p>

<p>Nope. It was one of the core sections.</p>

<p>did anybody get a section with a pentagon</p>

<p>how many sides of the pentagon can a circle touch</p>

<p>this might have been experiemental</p>

<p>i didnt get it
i put 5 :confused:
what does it mean by plane?</p>

<p>i think its 10 cause if u draw the circle a little smaller than the pentagon it touches it 10 times…idk though</p>

<p>i put 5 also…was that the experimental section</p>

<p>people who didnt have math experimental: Did you see this question?</p>

<p>about a pentagon. and how many sides a circle can touch on it</p>

<p>i didn’t have that question</p>

<p>That was experimental.</p>

<p>wow whoa, i got -5^21 because 21 is odd. oh crap im wrong arent i? as always…</p>

<p>how do you know?</p>



<p>okay so that means section 4 was the experimental math…question about a pentagon…and a circle</p>

<p>It was 5^ 21. I actually worked it out.NOT experimental.</p>

a is negative as stated
b must be negaive too
it goes into a pattern

<p>What did you guys get for the question about hardcover books? It was a grid-in…</p>

<p>yeahhh i guess 4000
what did yall put?</p>

<p>That’s what I got…if I remember correctly.</p>

<p>Yeah I remember 4000 somewhere. Did you guys get 12 for the number of games played? I HATE these types of questions!</p>