Official Subject Tests Book?

<p>I am thinking about buying "The Official Study Guide for all SAT Subject Tests" from the College Board. <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>The plan is to take the Biology E/M test in June of 2008 as a culmination test for my Honors Bio course. So I have a couple of questions.</p>

<p>-Will this book still be up to date then?
-Is it worth it? Or should I just be reading SparkNotes?</p>

<p>Has anyone bought and/or read this book? Let me know if its worth the $18.95 and my time.</p>


<p>I'm not sure if they are coming out with a new edition before then, but note that this book does NOT include any study's basically a book with a sample test for each subject. If you want to actually study, use Spark Notes. If you want to take sample tests, then get the "Official Study Guide." If you're taking only one test, this book is probably not worth it.</p>

<p>I took 3 tests and I got this book, it definitely helped me so go for it if you wanna take 2+ tests</p>

<p>The book does not provide prepatory material. However, the format of the current tests in the book should be good for the immediate future until you hear otherwise.</p>

<p>What is it good for?
-- All the tests are in one place - you can compare tests to see which ones meet your prefernce.
-- Actual scoring grids for actual tests are in the book - you can get an excellent sense of the "curve" for each test (some are quite generous, others very stingy)
-- Good for final "tune-up": after you've prepped (via class work or self-study) you can take an actual test to see what it will be like. Prep book tests simulate actual tests in content and difficulty only imperfectly.</p>

<p>A big problem with taking practice tests from other test prep companies is that they sometimes aren't that similar to the actual test. Obviously, nothing is more similar to the real thing than previous administrations of it, and that's why I think this book is useful. Don't expect to learn anything from it, because it only has practice tests, but I think it's very useful.</p>