***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

@grtd2010 Congrats and GL. If you have not visited OU, plan to arrange one, If your child is NMF, contact the scholarship office and OU will get you 1 free night stay in Marriot. Also they can custom schedule your trip and you can attend some live classes and take college and dorm tour etc.,

@GoldenRock Thanks for the info. Yes, DD is a NMF.

For those who have scheduled interviews with NJMS, what is the SSN? I don’t think I received one.

@ccuser00 it’s your social security number

Anyone know if rems interview are mmi format

REMS interview, as far as I know, are one-one (you have 2 of these). Not sure if there are 1 or 2 group interviews (in the student itinerary).

will there be questions about ethics and scenarios

@Harryp17, when is your REMS interview?

lol next weekend

sorry :slight_smile:
forgot that REMS is all at once.

@Harryp17, @bpc2017, REMS has a new director, Dr. G. Edward Vates.
It’s really up to the interviewers on what to ask, anything could come up.

FYI: Union/AMC comes out during the week of March 6th

thank you @DrillMom

@anon9268 - thank you for the update. How did you find out? Is the date for RPI/AMC the same?

@anon9268 Did you call someone to get that date?
Also has anyone heard from the Medical Scholars program at Augusta University? They said the release date was March 3rd but a friend already got an acceptance email.

@Mom22DDs @chasingdreams21 I called AMC (specifically Maria) to find out.
I’m not sure about RPI/AMC but I would give them a call!

How did NU HPME interviews go ? any feedback is good ?

Its on 03/17/2017 : St. Patricks day

Thanks, what is the acceptance rate ? and how many acceptance notifications go out after total interviews ?

can someone post how many interviews each school gives out and the approximate acceptances they give
(particularly GW, boston, REMS, rice, wash u, brown, Northwestern, and VCU)