***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

@DadOfSK, I called NJMS admissions number on their website

How was the HPME interview for those who had it today or yesterday? I heard the interview with the director is a bit tougher than the other two.

My HPME interview went well today
Hope to hear the good news

I’m looking for sites with reliable reviews of medical schools and UGs feeding to same medical schools - could others share the sites they depend on? Also, there seem to be USNews Ranking on Medical Schools that differs considerably from startclass rankings for those medical schools. Which is more reliable, and are there other reference sites out there with medical school rankings?

How are RPI/AMC and Rutgers/NJMS programs ?

@Mimic17 My kid is currently in the RPI/AMC program and so far likes it. The workload is pretty intense and should not be taken lightly. Grading is quite difficult. Professors so far seem pretty good. The kids in the program tend to have a pretty good bond with each other because since they are already locked into the program (assuming they maintain their minimum 3.5) there is no competition between them. The one negative that I am told is there is not a lot to do in Troy and campus life can tend to get a little dull especially on weekends. The main campus is pretty nice, but the dorms seem to be “eh”. Unlike other schools there is no “honors dorms” (which tend to be nicer) at RPI. Is there something specific you want to know about the program? If so I may be able to answer it.

How about Rutgers/NJMS one ? Anyone has a clue on this program?

@Mom22DDs those ranking lists could be maddening simply because they all use different criteria in ordering their ranking. I feel better than going by a generic list is if you compare the match lists of the different med schools you can then get a good idea of where the graduating students place and what area of medicine they place into. Then you can judge as to which schools are high tier, mid tier and lower tier.

Oklahoma hpme reject

@Mom2DDs, @Roentgen give some good insight in previous or the year before BS/MD threads. Look towards the end of the threads after the results are in.

@rsmith0208 Sorry to hear. This year OU notifying early. Did any one get interview from OU?

@GoldenRock DD got MHSP invite.

I just received my NJMS interview notification yesterday. Does anyone know if order matters? I seem to be one of the last ones to go.

BS/MD programs becoming very very competitive as every year goes

I received notification that I was accepted to UConn but it says nothing about the med program. Are others also experiencing this?

@swim1128, Same for my DS too. No mention of the BS/MD part at all. Only undergrad acceptance and scholarship info.

@bpc2017 - where do you find the scholarship info?

In the portal.

guess we didn’t get any then, because I only see financial aid and it says the information is not available for current year. Is that where you found Scholarship info @bpc2017 ?

@Mom2DDs, “New Admit Scholarship Acceptance” link is right under “View Financial Aid” link for my DS.