***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

How many does UCF accept? Is it like USF where everyone that applied gets in and then major weeding happens in the UG first two years so very few are eligible for their medical school or any other medical school? Could someone currently enrolled in UCF Medical Scholars or with knowledge about it please comment for the benefit of everyone?

WashU is out lol

Rejection here

With WashU’s decision, my BS/MD journey ends.
Just wanted to put my experience out there, without too many discriminating details.
Near perfect SAT score, 4.0 GPA, top 1% rank, NMF, 300+ hrs volunteering, 100+ hrs shadowing, lots of club leadership, 2 yrs of clinical research
Applied to over 15 programs (more high tier than low tier), and rejected pre-interview to all of them.
Suffice to say I’m a little salty.
Im not sure what it was (maybe my essays were absolute turd) but was surprised I didn’t get in, like, anywhere.
Oh well. Lost the battle but not the war, right? Lmk you guys ideas.

@fadeinnout these programs are getting so competitive. I thought i stood a chance for wash u but rejected as well. Who in this forum coming to REMS as well.

Are the Hofstra interviews intense or conversational?

@fadeinnout Thanks for sharing. Surprise since you hit many facets of the requirements and applied decent number and still not single interview. It is disappointing. You will succeed eventually. GL.

Where else did you apply?

@fadeinnout where else did you apply?

My daughter got in

Folks, my sincere advice is these BS/MD programs list is very slim and too competitive, and with all great ECs you all have should not miss out the other opportunities applying to good UG colleges.

Most of them are worried about taking MCAT, if you get into a decent UG, and work hard getting a decent MCAT score and doing UG research work, should open up to more medical school opportunities.

Good luck to all !!!

@unjha2 Congrats. But what exactly you mean. Does she get acceptance for some BS/MD program or she got interview for some program. Please share more details to benefit others. Thanks.

@fadeinnout a lot of us are in the same boat. I am looking at all of this that by going through this process I have gained insight into the med programs / applications / essays etc that a lot of others going through the regular 4 yr route haven’t obtained yet and will not for another 3 years. So I have gained a 3 year headstart compared to lot of others in prep for applying to med schools.

What is the acceptance rate for NU HPME ? how many they send out acceptance notifications after interviews ?


Got rejection from WashU
All done. Looking forward to the regular UG results. GL

Did anyone here get into wash u lol

What kind of applicants they’re accepting into NU, Wash U, Case, U Pitt ? don’t understand their UGs is not that par as compared to top 20 UGs one can easily get into with the same stats ?

These combined BS/MD craze is giving their programs too much importance ?

Big eye opening !!!

@mimc17 - NU, Wash U and Pitt are top 20 medical schools, while NU undergrad is also top 20. These programs are getting too many applications and it appears they are valuing non-academic experiences (esp community service not hospital volunteering) more. My DS also ended up getting rejections from NU, Case and Pitt despite required stats, research and good ECs. There are also regional biases. I don’t think they want too many CA and TX folks.