***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

@pillows56 , They still offer 4+ 4 year this year too. The difference is that current 4+ 4 is only for Biomedical Engineering major. Biology major is 3+ 4. Looks like they want to consolidate the BS/MD students, so that everyone in one cycle will enter Medschool at the same time. That is my inference from reading the information above.

@pillows56 The message is clear.

  1. Drexel decided not to offer BA/BS/MD accelerated program from 2018
  2. Drexel decided to offer ONLY early assurance program which is 4 + 4 for BA/BS + MD.

The point which explicitly not mentioned is if a student completes requirements for UG in 3 years (whether BA or BS), do this early assurance program allows to enter MD or not. That is a least priority point since the most important one students / parents need to understand is the difference between BS/MD guaranteed program versus early assurance program.

Every year BS/MD programs get dropped for variety of reasons.
2016 UCSD stopped, 2017 UM stopped 2018 Drexel stopped to name a few,.

@sampil as suggested earlier always give enough information so that readers can give their perspective. What is your state, what is your financial situation, What are the other BS/MD programs or UG programs you got acceptance and how much aid you got. Any preference for big city vs small college town? Any other specific info in your personal situation which may influence your decision. Have you visited Drexel?

Drexel is like any other typical college. It is located in urban in main busy part of the city and scattered buildings. $20k is good but still the bill will be higher to complete UG being a private college. You have read if EAP has any interesting special points to expose medicine related EC, shadow etc. What role pre-med office plays and how they filter?

@GoldenRock, From the information provided in the website, are you able see how the new Early Assurance 4+4 BA/BS/MD is different from what is offered till now ( 4+4)? The criteria to enter Medschool from UG has not changed. They go through the same process as the current cycle students. and interview before entering UG, have to meet certain GPA and MCAT requirement.
I am sure if anyone calls their admissions office, it will become very clear.

Brown decisions will be out today at 5:30 pm EST.
Has anyone heard from GWU or Univ of Houston BSMD programs?

I guess the students accepted to the Drexel BS/MD this year will still be subject to the current terms, not the ones of future early assurance program, correct?

@ninject110 Normally no program will retroactive any policy. It is for 2018 students. But if I a student/parent of 2017 will call and get it confirmed or even get it in writing in email response before making the final decision on May 1st.

@path2md : I never visited Drexel sites before. So will go with whatever you know. But just now I looked at this site.

It is as clear as muddy water. But I think it is best to wait since things are evolving Drexel will update their site before the next cycle starts. Wish Drexel could have waited to make this announcement until the current cycle gets over in June end. But not surprised because got the feeling with my single visit to Drexel, their execution and planning gets a grade of F.

The reason for my concern with the current info in their site. Except for the top line, all the info they left as it is which is BS/MD program (and not early acceptance program) unless they intent to have a hybrid version of guaranteed and EAP. But the last line they kept “Acceptance into the College of Medicine is not guaranteed.”. Though interview by SOM is done at the time of admission to UG (which is not EAP). So just wait until dust settles down. It is too early for 2018 students to worry about.

@pillows56 Are you senior or junior in HS today?

@summershine…GWU will be out on 4/1. my DS is anxiously waiting on Brown…Good Luck to everyone!!!

@summershine We have many students waiting on PLME!

Houston BS/MD decisions are out.
GWU decisions should be out by tomorrow.

@dualmd2017 4/1 is a sat. so more than likely GWU will release decisions by tomorrow.

@DoctorTo when did Houston BSMD come out? Was it email/phone call/mail?

@doctorTO…I would hope that GWU would release tomorrow…GWU is a bit unpredictable about its timing…

Ohhh, this is why my phone and email are blowing up. @DoctorTo is misinformed. I’m the UH Program Director. The decisions are not out. I’m still waiting to hear from our medical school partners. Sorry to keep everyone in suspense. For now, no news is no news. I promise to message everyone who is waiting to hear at exactly the same instant, so no one has to wonder. I will also post here when the notifications are made.

@AndrewNSM My apologies for any confusion. One of our students had mentioned getting a decision from the program, hence the source of confusion.

I thought Simon Bott was the program director. Did he step down? Welcome and thanks again for clarifying.

@AndrewNSM thank you for the clarification!

GWU will be out at 5ET today!!!good luck everyone

My DS is accepted to Brown PLME

Congratulations @rsmith0208 !!!

Congratulations @rsmith0208 !!