***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

Rutgers-Newark is more of urban/commuter school where as NJIT is an Engineering School ( A lot of Indians in Honors College Dorm and overall in school). NJIT is good for MD/PhD.

Let me throw one more variable for i work at NJMS
TCNJ at ewing
NJIT is two block away from NJMS in central ward Newark
Rutgers-newark is right next to NJIT…

THIS is the Central Ward of Newark- inner city densely populated and all the trouble of any inner city
compared to suburbia of Ewing

PLEASE keep this in mind

@Mom22DDs In Temple University, there seems to be NO grade deflation. A recent first year UG from DD’s school is happy with 4.0 GPA in the BS/MD program. She has even taken Honors Bio and Chemistry in the first semester. UCB has serious grade deflation.

Thank you @AndrewNSM ! There are multiple folks commenting on grade concerns in UH HBS program and that many 3+4 kids did not make it thru to medical school. I was more the messenger bringing the news. You’re right that some kids tend to obsess over grades, which makes for an unhealthy environment for all. Not sure how things are at UH, hopefully better than that. If my DD does get accepted to UH 3+4, she’ll take it in a heartbeat, and we trust she’ll be in good hands there.

My son got into both Brown PLME and Wash U USPM. I know both come with steep price tag. Which one will you advice and why? Thanks in advance.

@bearchichi - thank you for the note. My daughter is somewhat familiar with inner city areas, though she hasn’t had close contact. Her school gets shut down every few months due to criminal activity in the area, yet she spends lunch frequently outside campus visiting hole-in-the-wall eateries. She has aspirations to serve in the inner cities of US, and is comfortable (and cautious) in those surroundings. We also happened to be on NJIT campus the day there was an unfortunate loss-of-life incident related to a student in Honors college, and we saw the last part of all the police activity. She was comfortable walking around campus and hanging out there even after that incident. She did also ask to visit any nice area nearby, so we hung out at the Starbucks on Broad St., and she said she might visit there occasionally. I think she understands what it is like there, hope she’ll be safe.

@Mom22DS TCNJ/NJMS even being in Ewing is not worth 40k/year. Rather I will pay for a top University like UCB as an OOS if my DD wants to go there.

@BeeMan - WashU is not a guaranteed program. Brown hands down unless there is a financial aspect to consider.

@Mom22Ds What NJIT fatal incident are you referring to above ? What is the date around it happened ?

@Mom22DDs You are right Wash U is not guaranteed but it is ranked very high in medical school. Also, last week when he attended the interview he found out that nearly 100% of the students admitted make it to Wash U medical school or higher. Tempted by that stats. Personally, I love the Brown (just everything about the school)

@grtd2010 - this was a late Jan incident of an NJIT student that was found unresponsive in his dorm after a fatal overdose.

@BeeMan - WashU sounds pretty much like having to prepare for medical school all over again. mine does not want to go through the process all over again, and would take Brown over WashU. in this case, it would depend on what your kid prefers.

@iGandalf Based on my experience with my daughter (Indian American) unless you up your ACT your chances are very low. For Indian Americans bar is set very high. Yes you have entrepreneurial skills as well as Tennis, but still I feel strongly that you need to up your ACT to at least 34. Advise shadowing doctors as well. My daughter had ACT 35; Unweighted GPA: 3.98 (only one B+ in 5th sem in AP Lang but 6th Sem she got A in AP Lang as well as 5 in AP Lang); 11 AP classes (all 5’s and 4’s taken so far); She is in the top 1% of 750+ graduating seniors; NHS Executive board; Shadowing Drs; Mini Med School; tons of volunteer hours; Classical Indian Dancer and Singer (various accolades). She applied to 4 BA/MD Schools - HPME, CaseWestern, UIC, ,and UMKC). She was invited to interview only at UIC GPPA (only for IL residents) and UMKC and she got admitted only to UMKC which she has accepted. In her school students with less record (low ACT and low GPA then her) of different race (non Indian American) got into HPME, PPSP finalist, UIC GPPA.

Good luck!

@Mom22DDs The incident you are referring seems to be an apparent suicide attempt. There have been shootings near NJIT where NJIT students have been victims.( google it)

@grtd2010 - NJIT is not overly competitive, from what we have heard. no idea about the incident. when a bunch of police cars are swarming around the campus, there’s not much of a difference in visitors’ perception about the safety of the campus grounds :slight_smile:

@Mom22DDs You had a serious event in front of you at NJIT. Be your own judge about going to NJIT.

Thanks @Mom22DDs. I agree. My son went to Wash U for the weekend and had a blast in the interview and networking with people. Now he cannot decide. I am with you. I would like Brown. But I also see his point – the kids have picked something that is very tough and does require dedication. He does not want to shy from that work in exchange for a good medical school.

@Mom22DDs, NJIT is mostly a technology school. What major is your DD looking for? Also, did you google as @grtd2010 suggested?

My daughter is from a liberal arts college and has chosen Science, Tech & Society as major. She will likely want to minor in Comp. Sci or Business. I’ve been on the phone non-stop from morning, trying to get scholarship info from Rutgers and TCNJ - no luck so far. DD also said she doesn’t have anyone contact her for roommate yet - not surprising given the 70:30 ratio of male:female at NJIT. Today’s dinner conversation at our home is going to be interesting :slight_smile:

@Mom22DDs, NJIT and Rutgers, Newark are next to each other. They both have the same concerns as suggested by @grtd2010. They also have federated departments. e.g. biology department is federated and classes are shared by both schools. Depending on the schedule, your DD may have to take classes in both the schools. In that case she may have to walk across the two campuses.