***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

so if she goes there, might as well go to NJIT with full-ride I guess. I’ve left voicemails for TCNJ counselors, hope to hear back tomm. I feel like I can hear a giant clock ticking now, bit envious of those of you that are all done with decisions :slight_smile:

@Mom22DDs I am not comfortable in urban areas in Newark,NJ even when in a car. Prefer Rutgers-NB campuses. Will be visiting this weekend open house at Rutgers-NB. DD has full ride to Rutgers-NB and NJIT.

Awesome,we’re in NJ too, let’s try to meet up :slight_smile:

My DS is accepted by BU 7-year program , JHU BME and two ivies .Now it’s really hard for us to make s decision.
Any suggestions, folks!

@AndrewNSM - Can you provide input as to why only 4 students advanced to med school this year?

Have the results come out yet?

@sharc - Which 2 Ivies?

@sharc - BU if your son is sure about MD path, and they allow him to apply out too. Ivy otherwise. JHU BME is a great program, but I wouldn’t pick it over BU for MD as it doesn’t top the guarantee you get with BU. Of course, your DC might feel otherwise about it.

@Mom22DDs I dont think BU will allow you to apply out without losing the guaranteed seat@BU. I am not sure though.
@sharc I think BU would be a best bet between JHU and BU.

@HS2DMed - you are right, BU does not permit applying out.

I heard you can take MCAT at the end of second year and if you get a good score you can convert to 4 yr UG at both BU and RPI.

@sharc - My S also got JHU BME and BU. While JHU BME is a great program, it’s very tough to get GPA and if you don’t want to have the possibility of one or two gap years, then don’t go for it. My S is dropping BU to go for either for Vandy with full tuition or Penn.

@Mom22DDs I remember hearing that BU LAME program is binding.

@sharc does your son have any doubts about medicine? if he does, don’t go with the BU program and allow him the additional time to make sure medicine is the right path. Going to an ivy won’t necessarily increase your DC chances of getting into med school through the traditional route over someone who is able to get a higher GPA from a less competitive environment.

Has anyone on this forum been accepted to GWU-GWU BAMD program? Is there a separate thread for this program?

@srk2017,@kkfields,@Mom22DDs, @HS2DMed Thank you so much!  We are going to visit BU next Friday.

Does anybody have FAU Residency Match list 2017? I cannot find anywhere. Please share. Thanks.

@orangefl2017 - I watched the whole FAU 2017 match video video and counted the matches announced, but it only had 47 students. Please share if you get the full list from FAU.

@Mom22DDs Thanks so much for the info. I checked on Student Doctor Network, they post match list of other schools, but none from FAU.

@Mom22DDs I wonder if you know how many students in FAU graduating class? I have heard each class has around 60. Does that mean only 47 out of 60 matched residency this year?

@orangefl2017 - I believe everyone graduated successfully from FAUCOM this year and also matched successfully this year. I was merely calling out that there wasn’t a complete source of all their matches this year even if someone sat through the match day video.