***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***



@summershine I was accepted to GWU/GWU also! I haven’t found a thread for the program.

@Mom22DDs,@texaspg Many thanks!

Brown MD Match list 2011 through 2017:


@IfnousWHO - I wonder if there is a comparison of PLME vs non-PLME students outcomes.

PLME is a large percentage of Brown unlike other med schools where combined program students are a small percentage. So I would think PLME is driving the outcomes?

I agree with texaspg assessment
PLME being the driving force (overweighted by PLME participants).

@cheetah32 I sent you a PM

@cheetah32 congratulations!

@Mom22DDs,congratulations on your DD’s admissions to NJMS/Rutgers, TCNJ and NJIT. I am wondering if you visited their campuses before interviews? Some admission counselors told me this is needed, some said they do not care.

Can you share your experience? Thanks.

My DD got into Stanford, Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Penn, Dartmouth, Cornell, (all with ~50k financial aid) and BC as a Presidential Scholar (full ride, 15 people per year). She is interested in medicine. Any suggestions?

@xXLegoMan1999Xx Go where one can have a high UG GPA more like 3.7 or higher. Some Ivies may have grade inflation. Google it.

@xXLegoMan1999Xx - Harvard, Penn, Yale is the order I recommend.

@Colleg2018 - we have only visited NJIT and Rutgers. We are going with her to NJIT for Admitted Student day this weekend. DD will also likely go to TCNJ overnight event in two weeks before making a decision.

Generally, we found it simpler to apply without visiting, especially for BSMD, as we will visit if invited for interview and then again for Admitt d Student Day. We couldn’t have visited all these colleges before even knowing we will get in, but that differs from family to family.

Simply put, Harvard!

@Mom22DDs, thank you for sharing your experience. we thought the same thing. tried to minimize the visits. but one admissions counselor and one admission consultant asked us to do campus visits.

we may select some nearby schools to visit.

We also toured nearby colleges for DD, mainly UCs and USC, to get her a feel for what a college campus tour is like, and for her to start thinking about what matters to her in college - food, location, size, majors, class size, grades, facilities, entertainment etc. We also tried to visit campuses, even if we could not take college tour, any time we traveled, but that was not too many. we even toured colleges we never planned to attend, just because they were nearby.

however, if you try to tour campuses for all colleges you’re applying to, like Oklahoma, Texas, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, the airfare, hotel costs and effort to plan such trips adds up.

@xXLegoMan1999Xx Stanford for happiness and Premed, Yale for premed and happiness, Harvard for premed.

My suggestion is to make use of free tickets for college admitted days if the colleges give them. Each kid feels happy in a particular environment and what I said was my own bias.

@orangefl2017 @Mom22DDs I was told everyone at FAU matched in 2017 and 2016 by my DS mentor. I saw the list as it was posted on apetest.com but now I cannot find the link :(.

I remember seeing impressive matches on the 2017 FAU list such as interventional radiology and dermatology @ Harvard. If I come across the link again I will share.

Thank you @kkfields ! I watched the video of match day 2017. They clearly mentioned everyone matched in 2016 & 2017.