***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

@WGSK88 - Unfortunately that’s the case for last few years and getting worse with increase in number of asian applicants hence few law suits were filed and schools are fighting hard to keep the information private. Also, you will see a big difference between genders in STEM fields.

@WGSK88 Man, that article was depressing to read. Are there any lists of colleges that have released demographic stats along with average SAT/ACT and GPA as benchmarks?

I remember that Akron had an early deadline for the decision of April 1st that could be extended to May 1st if needed. I was wondering if anyone has been pulled off the alternate list yet? Also, for someone who got waitlisted to both Akron and Kent, do you think I have a chance of being pulled off the waitlist in May (note that Akron still takes 35 but Kent only takes 25 now)?

@GreenPoison - It’s hurting the hard working children (doesn’t matter what race and background one is?) but just to get rejected compared to your other race counterparts who have sub-par record than you without proper disclosure by the Universities in the name of holistic process is pure garbage. In India at least it’s open reservation system where one understands before going in. Here everything is done under the table deals in other words utter discrimination but the Universities doesn’t have the gut to admit. To say they want mixture of children with wide ranging capabilities also doesn’t makes sense especially most of these children also excel in other extra curricular activities (may be not sports). When people say they got in because their essays is another non-sense. My daughter wrote her essays 100% truthful without sugar coating or getting professional help. This is her way to be sincere and honest.

I really don’t mind some of the children who went through hardships in their life are given chance irrespective of their academics. These are the cases that I am not venting about (including from poor families/medical hardships/separated families, etc.)

@WGSK88 I feel your pain…believe me we are in the same boat. But on the other hand I was under the impression that it is mostly Asian kids that apply to these Direct MED programs because their parents are willing to pay these exorbitant amounts of tuition fees. So generally speaking are we not competing amongst ourselves? :((

@MedhopefulMom - Yes, totally agree. Lot of Indian American children apply for these selective programs (BA/MD). No doubt they do get admitted in droves compared to other races. Admission in to IVY league or few other top schools is the issue I am mostly pointing to where admission disparity is way more. It’s not because of the affordability that Asian Indians apply to BS/MD programs, it’s very very tough for Indian Americans to get into MD program after BS pre-med even with high GPA & almost perfect MCAT. I have seen many cases that had to wait up to 4 years and then get admission to MD (after extensive research in top school). One of our friends relative who is in the MD admission board told us that they had to reject so many Indian American students for their MD program with almost perfect scores where other races will get in easily with way less MCAT scores and GPA compared to Indian Americans counterpart. This doesn’t mean they don’t admit Indian American students but it becomes very tough for them. Hence most children/parents rather prefer 1 time shot of combined BA/MD programs. The competition should not purely based on with-in the race competition. It should be open ended. If NBA restricts how many can get in based on race, we will have sub par NBA league and no one will care to watch NBA!!!

@WGSK88 I like the NBA analogy here =D>

@WGSK88 unfortunately Indian American and Chinese Americans are victims of their own success, and I agree it is not fair to not be judged purely on ones merits. If you or your kids have noticed, even when you go to a university website to simply be put om the mailing list as a HS sophomore or a junior, there is an entry which point blank asks you “are you Latino”. I don’t remember seeing that with my older one who is already in college, but I have seen it with my younger one constantly. For them to ask that seems to me that if your Latino it may put them in a separate database for future reference.

I agree it’s a biased system, but only way to fight about it is getting diversified. All colleges sees Indian kids doing is traditional dance and Chinese doing Piano besides competing in science and math competitions. They don’t want all the kids with same skills. Kids who are doing different things are having better success.

@srk2017 I definitely agree with you. I’m an Indian American who had a pretty good GPA and ACT and did compete in science and math competitions along with doing tons of volunteer work and some research, which is pretty standard for an Indian kid who is applying to a BS/MD program. What set me apart was playing Golf, Football, Basketball, and Tennis, and captaining each of these teams my junior and senior years while qualifying for states in Golf and tennis. Truthfully I played football for fun and was a starter but wasn’t anything special and was a role player in basketball. Playing sports made me distinctly different from the “standard” Indian applicant and I think is what got me in despite not having perfect stats.

@srk2017 Thanks! I intend to major in Neuroscience or Sociology if I want to take less course load. They offered me 15k but I pay OS so the total cost of attendance will be around 30k/yr

Anyone deciding between the Drexel BS/MD or Brooklyn College BA/MD programs? My DS was accepted to both and doesn’t really know which one to pick. If anyone can describe the major differences, that would be greatly appreciated.

I don’t know why these are called combined programs. These are the best of the best students and medical schools are grabbing them and making sure that they are stuck with them. It would be reasonable if medical school was sure of their selection and waive the MCAT . In my opinion there no true combined program with an MCAT required. Can someone post a list of waived MCAT programs

My DD has been looking for students who have accepted or are going to accept GWU/GWU 7 yr. She hasn’t found an existing FB group, and is willing to start one if anyone is out there.

@tempestasavvy108 are you NYS resident? If so Brooklyn College would be a huge cost saver. Their tuition is only $6838/year, opposed to Drexel which is $48,791/year. Also did your DS get accepted to MaCaulay Honors College for CUNY? If so undergrad tuition/room and board fees is waived. Even if your OOS your tuition would only be around $13,000/year Also Downstate Medical Center tuition is very reasonable. Both Downstate and Drexel are not in the best of neighborhoods, but the quality of med schools are pretty similar. From what I’m told Brooklyn ciriculum does not seem to be overly stressful, don’t know much about the workload at Drexel. GL with your decision.

@crazy dad Here’s the list of BS/MD programs that don’t require the MCAT. If anyone sees one that shouldn’t be on the list or one that should be, feel free to point that out:

George Washington University
St. Bonaventure University/George Washington University School of Medicine
Northwestern University HPME
University of Missouri Kansas City
Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education/Various medical colleges
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute/Albany Medical College
Siena College/Albany Medical College
Union College/Albany Medical College
University of Rochester
East Carolina University
Case Western Reserve University
University of Toledo
University of the Sciences in Philadelphia/Commonwealth Medical College
University of Pittsburgh (unless applying for merit scholarships or MD/PhD program)
Brown University
Texas Tech University
University of Texas Dallas/University of Texas Southwestern

University of Texas Dallas/University of Texas Southwestern - No longer exists.

@Empire007 I am a NYS resident and my DS did get into Macualay so tuition is free, but living in NYC is very expensive (15k/yr). He also got a scholarship to Drexel. Finance is not really an issue since in the end, it evens out being that Drexel is a 7 year program. Not considering finance, my DS likes the feel of Drexel much better than Brooklyn. Also, the undergrad school is better than Brooklyn College. However, he wants to stay in the NYC area for residency and work there after. In terms of this, we are not sure which to pick since Brooklyn will give him the better chance for a NYC residency, but yet the undergrad and SUNY Downstate are a bit run down.

@tempestasavvy108 since you said finance is not an issue, I’ll leave it at that, but for my own curiosity isn’t room and board also free if you’re part of MaCaulay? For residency, I suggest compare the match list between both Downstate and Drexel and see how many from each program actually place in NYC.

@Empire007 No, I believe that only full tuition is covered with Macaulay.

We did compare residency lists. In addition, would you suggest any other major considering factors when choosing?