***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

@kmn213 Thank you so much for your post and reflections. First reaction, what else any one possibly expect from high school student? But the reality of the outcome is so different. This bs/md program is so competitive and no one can predict the outcome. Though you can predict the chances for overall to get admission in some school, but it is impossible to predict for a particular school. GL with your HPME program.

@kmn213 - I second thatā€¦ Thank-You!
ā€œThatā€™s a great post! Congrats for HPME! your results are great reflection of how unpredictable the BSMD process isā€

Did anyone receive Acceptance/Rejection emails from Rice/Balor program which is supposed to be out today?

Still nothing

DD received Rice/Baylor acceptance email and already committed.

Congrats @dadofd! Thatā€™s a lightening commitment :slight_smile:

Congrats @dadofd!! My daughter got waitlisted for the Baylor Medical School. She got accepted into BU BS/MD, but loves Rice/Baylor. Wondering whether she should go for Rice undergrad and try her chance for Baylor or take up BU BSMD. Any inputs appreciated?

@srk2017 yes, DD is indeed in love with Rice/Baylor and she acted almost immediately.
@bkpkca BU SMED is a great program, and I believe your DD will have the same opportunities to pursue her dream to be a physician.

Hi, Iā€™m revisiting my earlier postā€“sorry for the discontinuity. Iā€™m deciding between Rice vs. TCNJ/NJMS.

I visited Rice and absolutely love it. From what I understand Rice is pretty good for pre-med (87% med school acceptance although Iā€™m aware that these are the top remaining pre-med applicants, opportunities at Texas Medical Center, good support system).

Butā€¦TCNJ/NJMS is still the secure and practical route. My parents have talked to a lot of doctors/students who have gone through the process, and they all advised to go to the program. I really want to go to Rice, although I know Iā€™ll find my home at TCNJ if I go. I would have to suck it up and know Iā€™m doing this for my future.

Any further advice?

@ccuser00 - guess you know what you want to do, what are you asking from us in this forum? :slight_smile:

@ccuser00 You and your parents have done all the research and pros and cons at this point. Realize it is just the beginning and not the end. Life, career, finance and personal success every thing is a journey. At this point go with your instinct and struck to it and donā€™t think back on any thing. Believe in your self.

Half the feedback is going to be, doctor is a doctor and TCNJ/NJMS is a decent mid tier and why do you want to take a chance and go thru the ordeal in 3-4 years. Other half, why not Rice and get in to top tier medical school and take a chance. Can you do it? Sure, absolutely as long as you are ready to commit yourself against any odds, that will happen. But make that resolve today and inform your parents and other support team and stick to it. GL.

Here are the requirements for TCNJ/NJMS if anyone is interested:
Maintain a grade point average of at least 3.5 each semester, both overall and in all science courses.
Take the MCAT by March of Junior year. No minimum score is required. (*I heard from a current student that the score does have to be above the national average, though.)

@ccuser00 Do you think it is hard? Does not look that bad at all. Many schools moving away from fixed MCAT or GPA to on or above the previous year average of admitted students (which slowly creeps up). If current students feel 3.5 GPA is not reasonable in TCNJ, then go for it.

@ccuser00 NJMS has average old GPA/MCAT 3.75/33 for accepted traditional applicants. This combination is much higher than what you have to meet for BS/MD program.

Who got in rice/baylor

So RB came out and DD got waitlisted.

This leaves HPME, PLME, Stanford and Yale as the shortlisted schools and we need to pick oneā€¦ She really wants to go to a top 10 med schoolā€¦

Other schools she got in (Penn State, RPI/AMC, Case, TCNJ/Rutgers-NJMS, BU SMED, Princeton, Cornell).

@BS_MD2017 Your DD has so many great options! Congrats! Please keep us updated on her final choice.

HPME, Yale, Stanford will be my 1,2,3.

@BS_MD2017 Your DD has many OUTSTANDING options! Congrats!
***Similar ranking: HPME, PLME, Stanford and Yale would be my top 1,2 3 and 4.

whatā€™s the consensus on the hofstra northwell 4+4 program? is it a good program? where does it stand in relation to other bsmd programs?