***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

@ccuser00 Most students will pick TCNJ/NJMS option NOT TCNJ UG only. For UG experience, RICE is much better. If you want to be a doctor, no one will ask your UG school. Only your professional credential as a doctor matters. It seems that you are NOT 100% committed to being a future doctor. Are your parents on board for you to go to RICE ? They will be the one who will pay for it. No one on this forum can decide for you.

hi, i heard HPME needs 4 interviews. does this mean if my DS is selected, we need to travel there 4 times for interviews? thanks.

@Colleg2018 Only one visit is needed and that is to the medical school. There are three interviews and an essay that one has to write on that day. One with Director of med school, one with the Faculty and the third with a studentā€¦

I plan to describe the interviews of the various programs soon (once we are past the 5/1 date and have a decision) so that future applicants can get a good idea.

@Colleg2018 HPME has one of the most rigorous admissions process in the realm of BS/MD. As @BS_MD2017 pointed out, expect a long day consisting of 3 sets of personal interviews with different themes and a writing sample, all during a single visit. Donā€™t worry too much about the writing sample though, as its typically used for verification purposes.

@BS_MD2017 great idea to share your interview experience with the other CC members.

@BS_MD2017 @DoctorTO Thanks a lot for your info. very helpful.

Hi guys! Are there any students here who committed to the GW/GW program? If so please pm me! Iā€™m looking to start a fb group for the BA/MD class of '20/'24.

Similar request:ā€¦ are there any students who accepted the PSU/Jefferson program? Could you please let me know? I can start the fb group if ok.

Similar request - any students accepted and committed to Union/AMC program? Please let me know to start the FB group for the BS/MD class of 2021/2025

Same w Case PPSP!

@misophoniax Thanks so much for posting your stats and reflection. That is very useful and wonderful to know that you got many opportunities despite not being perfect in test scores. At the same time, your perfect GPA and outstanding passion and demonstration towards medicine both volunteer and research, your essays and interviews compensated any weakness. That is what future students / parents should realize. It does not have to be perfect in all areas. Great to be in the state program and will help also for residency. GL and Best wishes @ Stony Brook.

All current cycle students:

Reminder, you need to decide and inform your school of choice latest by tomorrow. Time has come. GL.

Please, all of you start posting in the results threads with stat and reflection and help future students / parents. Do not procrastinate!

Request: Just click ā€˜Likeā€™ or ā€˜Helpfulā€™ for any posts in results thread and post any of your comments or follow up or any questions related to any post in results thread in this discussion thread, similar to what I did for @misophoniax post.

This year also there are students with different background and profile and it will help why they got selected or why they got in to some top tiers schools etc., So please post.

Also I see few new enthusiastic users @cheetah32 @dcowboys9 @ShamuBSMD17 @plookoh , start FB accounts but please post your stats in CC in this thread


@ShamuBSMD17 can you please create a facebook group for union 2021/albany 2025? Post the link on the union college class of 2021 page and I will join the page (and im sure others in our program year will do the same!)

@GoldenRock Thank you so much for your comments and leading other people to post their stats. They are extremely helpful for future students.

Please join this group on FB, the name is Union/AMC LIMā€™s Class of 2025

@GoldenRock . Why do students have to put their race when they post their stats? Iā€™m not sure how I feel about thatā€¦

@bsmd38 - Race,gender, income, special hooks are taken into consideration for admissions.

@srk2017 Students canā€™t change their gender, race, income, etc., so how would it help for another student to put it? It would do nothing but allow other people to say the person only got in bc of race. So students shouldnā€™t be pressured to put that info.

@bsmd - It gives some idea how competitive the process is for certain categories of population (Asian boy, Asian girl, URM etcā€¦). No one is pressured to provide that info.

@srk2017 Thanks

@BSMD38 Everything is optional. People can share what they are comfortable. Some template used for a long time.

Said that, here is the context. Unlike any other profession / education, Medical works in a unique way in US. (It was an eye opener personally for me when my D have to go thru the BS/MD process last year).

For all other admission MBA or JD, Ph.D or whatever, in general schools like to get the best possible students based on what ever their criteria. But for MD alone, colleges have a need to admit students closer to the US Population demographics setup. Unfortunately the application makeup and population makeup stats are having gap. So there is a possibility for example for Asian to get admission is harder since 10x (example) times Asians are applying than other population. If you look at AAMC stats, it will give that break up for various tables. Hope this clarifies the reason, some one put that item in the template.