***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

Who knows there are better options than what you are pissed about. Remember, if they didn’t select you, it doesn’t mean that you are less qualify. You only control what you have, don’t have control on other candidates nor the admission process.
Just throw another example, 2 years back UMich offered 9-10 UG admission from my S high school, prior 5 years combined 0. Does it mean previous years kids were less qualified, ofc not. I can certainly see there are variables beyond your control had played the role in your case, but only admission office can pin point precisely (don’t attempt to call them and ask why, they are not obligated to answer it).

don’t see a single post about Temple, wonder what is going on there…

@brainbuilder02 : Dont you get interview from TCNJ, and NJIT already ??? If so, Rutgers is giving chance to others , as they probably know that you got yours !

2 feeder schools are enough for NJMS to pick you up . Really dont need any more. If 2 feeder did not work , I doubt if 3+ more would change the panels decision.


I would not only be upset but mortified with your stats.

Did you get any interviews so far from any BS/MD?

I went to Boston University for my graduation and my daughter did extensive research in BU university Bio labs including a paid internship. She has 95%~99% scores but not 100%. Many international and national awards including science fairs and community service. No interview yet from BU. Does a call from BU Bio professor to admissions (If feasible) help or hurt her chances? We were told that the professor gave a very good recommendation letter as well. Do not know if the BU have finished their interview calls.

Just want to share this… there are ORM applicants who are swimmers, water polo players, tennis players, volleyball players, etc. They don’t just study, but spend years in doing sports. I would not be surprised that the schools look at proof of tenacity and perseverance. As an example, if a kid swims, the chance of losing is not just 50:50, but like 1:20 if there are twenty swimmers. However, if they still hang in there at the end of the day for years… This is what Med school is all about.

@brainbuilder02 If I were you I would be very happy that both TCNJ and NJIT have interviewed you. There are students who applied only one of the feeder schools. Give them a chance. I believe the schools do compare notes in selecting students. NJIT and Rutgers are literally next door. I know someone accepted by both NJIT and TCNJ but rejected by Rutgers got into NJMS. Don’t worry.

football time…


Well all the kids I happened to know are winners in both, studies and whatever sports they chose. Not sure why can’t others be like them as long as they are disciplined.

My child was also part of the marching band team of their school, which won 4 straight state championships in their category and invited for NFL. Though you can’t call it exactly a sport, but nevertheless required a lot of time, dedication, practice in cold weather every alternate day of the school for 3 hours. There were days when the child would have only 2 hours to sleep after returning from the practice, finishing homework, projects, APs, preparing for exams and all the grind …


Not sure how true, but read the comments on the 2018 thread, I guess. From an upset parent of an incredibly stellar student with multiple publications, not getting selected in any of these programs.

I think he felt that with the new incoming associate director of admissions of med school at BU, the importance of research in candidates’ background got de emphasized. At least that’s what he felt was the reason the student did not get an interview or admission there. She had admissions from yale, princeton and few others though.

Let’s wait and see what happens next week though.

Mercy on high school students! Wish there are other ways to evaluate students so students can get some sleep and be a normal kid! Perhaps that’s why they are using “holistic” approach, which is pretty opaque. No win situation.

@rk2017 I am referring to top athletes applying to accelerated BSMD programs. Very tough to manage both.

Well obviously some did manage both very well ?

If I recall correctly from last year’s posts, @upstream 's son is also a top athlete even at college level at RPI.

Also someone mentioning in the 2018 results thread that of the two of his classmates getting into BU that year, one had heavy research exposure and the other was very good in sports.

I am not surprised that those with strong research are not getting interviews and not always yield protection.

Admission criteria at public medical schools is changing now. Even powerhouses like UCSF are valuing service to underserved more value over strong research. I think it’s a huge mistake driven by liberalism. It should be a mix, like T20-T30 should focus on reseach and others focus on different aspects like primary care vs specific specializations.

A number of kids do not look at sports as an burden because they love it. Normally kids do sports or are in band for years because they love them, and they actually act as a break from school work, and it is their social life as well. My kids would go crazy if they only study and don’t have a break after school to play sports. In general, I wouldn’t feel sorry for them because it is likely that they enjoy it. And they actually balance their time quite well. The complainer is actually the adults… driving them around after school and weekends.


do you think the news about the drexel student would garner negative views about drexel? What happened was truly sad for the boy and his family. He is from NJ too…

@brainbuilder02 , I agree with your comment on yield protection.

My DD has so far got an interview only from NJIT. Nothing yet from TCNJ, BU or GW.

We hope we get some interviews this week. Hope it’s not too late.

She has great stats (SAT; 1570, 4.0 GPA, 790/790 in both Math 2 and Chem subject tests, 5 on all the AP tests, decent research and shadowing experience, varsity athlete, performing arts experience for 10+ years, community service etc)


Depends on the definition “top”, the sport and D1, D2 or D3 :wink:

@kush22 : thats amazing! Best of luck to him/her