***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

@Undecided3494 . I am going to take the ACT too and try to get around a 34-35 so i can use that is sophie davis because the deadline for that is December

If you can manage to bring up your SAT/ACT in time, apply to Penn State program too, though it may involve some extra travel the first 3 years. It is a great program if you are lucky enough to get in. Check out the profiles in the results thread, for cross comparison of folks who got in the latest cycle. Not sure though what is the application deadline for it is and whether you have enough time.

Hey guys quick question,
I am applying to a lot of BSMD programs this cycle and all of them have a 2-3 essay medical supplement IN ADDITION to the 0-3 essay normal supplement and the common app essay.
However, some of their questions ask things like “how did you overcome your greatest hardship” which I pretty much answered as a part of my common app essay. For others like brown plme, I wanted to talk about my research experiences in both the regular brown supplement and the plme supplement.
My only question is that will the BSMD adcom see ALL of my essays when deciding, including my common app and supplementals for regular program? If so, ill try to find different topics as I don’t want to repeat myself. If not, then I am OK.
I was also wondering whether this was true for programs such as honors college as well. Will they see everything or just the honors college essays?
I tried contacting a few admissions offices but they never respond lol.

Also how do you best prepare for the interviews?

Hi, I am a new parent to this thread and wondering what are the chances for my daughter who is a senior (first kid in the family and we are first gen parent here in US) in getting into BA/MD programs.

Here is Her Stats
Indian Female
Weighted GPA - 4.9/5 , Unweighted - 4/4
ACT – 33 (This Second attempt in ACT- Math and Science same score . First Attempt – 32)
Class Rank – 15 /1000 ( Top 2 %)
SAT Bio – 770 ,SAT Chem – 750 ,SAT Math – Taking in Aug

AP Word History – 4, AP Human Geo – 4,AP Bio – 4, AP CALC AB – 4,AP Physiology – 5,AP Chem – 4 , AP Language – 4 ,AP Spanish 4 – 4 , Apush – 4 , AP CALC BC- 4
Senior year AP
AP Stat , AP Spanish 6,AP Physics, AP Gov

Club & sports
Taekwondo – Black belt
Debate team( JV and Varsity 10,11,12)
Red Cross – President
Leadership position in Non Profit
NHS( Member)
National Spanish Honor Society (Member)

National AP Scholar
Presidential Award for Volunteering

Volunteer /Research
100 + Hours in Volunteering at Hospital Emergency Dept.(Some Interaction with Patients)
But no Dr Shadowing
Did Physiology based research through school Honors science research program
What are her chances for BS/MD program ?Does she have take ACT again to improve it to be competitive in the application process?

@Somo2020 Think time well spent for primary and secondary essay and application process, preparing for interviews than taking ACT again. Just apply to few BS/MD programs and few good colleges. BS/MD outcome is unpredictable.

If you are from an ORM (over represented minority i.e. Asian background) I would say the ACT score is borderline, slightly on the lower side. Have her give another shot if possible without spending too much time and be effort and see if it helps. She will be competing with other candidates with stellar credentials, so any slight improvement can be a value addition.

@GoldenRock , @rk2017 ,Thank you for the feedback…Should we apply only to Tier 3, 4 colleges?
I also see for some colleges the due date is Nov 1st, does that mean even all the supplemental essay is also due at the same time too?

@Somo2020 You need to review carefully the process and dates. Some colleges the date for UG app, BS/MD program and Honors college app, each may have different dates. In general try to get it done sooner, preferably by Nov 1st.
Apply to few colleges depending on other criteria if you have (like distance from home, city vs college town, feel for college etc, besides so caller Tiers). Apply few, it is spending few bucks and taking time to apply. Short list and finalize a list.

You need to review the stats of each college/program that you are interested in and narrow the list (referring to their FAQs). Don’t hesitate to call them up if you need any further info.
Regarding the “Tier 3,4” colleges for those going only by US News Rankings and nothing else, as an example the stats given by NJIT/NJMS program which I believe falls in that category - though their minimum requirement is a 33 ACT - the average SAT of a recent batch was 1570 and the average ACT between 35 and 36 (looks like they consider even to the decimals/fractions of a point range). So most likely it will be a wasted effort considering that.
Everyone needs to make a good plan B college/major for traditional route.

@GoldenRock , Thank you.

@rk2017 , Thank you.If my daughter gives another ACT attempt, will the highest (or super score) score be considered?She is worried that what if she gets below her current score and will that impact the college application since there is not much time to prepare for the ACT.

No, as far as I know, most BS/MD programs need scores from a single sitting, meaning they don’t super score like some traditional route colleges do.
Also don’t think they impose that you submit all the ACT/SAT scores you may have taken (anyone please correct if you happen to know otherwise), so no harm in taking another shot and see what happens. If she gets better, well and good, otherwise ignore submitting the latest score since she has older scores to fall back on anyway. In the mean time you can apply with the best score so far for any time critical applications.

Only thing you need to figure though is whether or not she will have sufficient time to first know the score on the new test and decide whether or not to send it (think ACT can expedite score sending in a day or two for an additional fee of 30 to 50 bucks or so for up to 4 institutions at a time).

Thank you for the comments @rk2017

@Somo2020 & All:
Short cut to acknowledge or thank some other posts is to click any of the icons at the bottom of any post (agree, like,helpful, flag etc)

Not sure, have you looked in to BS/DO as an option? https://www.directbsdo.com/

@Threebrook , Haven’t looked in to BS /DO option.Looks like they still need to take MCAT?

I know this forum is not for this but many kids in this forum are NMF. So those who qualified for NMF , please advice on what books to use for PSAT preparation. My daughter’s index score was 213 as a sophomore. She really wants to be a finalist. She is planning to apply for BS/MD programs and I see lot of college offer full ride to NMF. She also scored 1510 in SAT at the end of Sophomore year in May 2019. In July 2019, she took ACT and scored 35. She didn’t really focus much on these after ACT as we were on vacation for a month. Do you think she should do regualr practice again to qualify for NMF now? What books or material do you all suggest for her to review? Does she have to do specific PSAT practice tests?

Thanks in advance

@mygrad2021 Don’t have any info since my D did PSAT, SAT and ACT only once and did not buy any books. But your D will do fine since already she has taken full exams itself. But make sure to take the PSAT at the required time to be part of the NMF. It should be this fall (junior year). Also to some extent it depends on the state. Hope you are not in NJ or CA where the cut off is way high.
Also note it is not many BS/MD programs give free tuition (leave alone ride) for NMF. Still there are few UG colleges give tuition like OU, UAB (you can search and get a complete list). Besides tuition there are always some fees and slowly they also add to few thousand and this is not covered by NMF scholarship.

Thank you @GoldenRock ! She is going to take PSAT this year in October. Thanks for the information. UAB and OU are in her list of colleges to apply for now. Fortunately we’re not from NJ or CA. We’re from Midwest. I see you give great advice. Any suggestions on selecting colleges for her? I am posting her stats here once again

Computational Biology: since 1 1/2 years and still working on this
Research in Neurology Lab - started a month ago and will probably have 2 year by the time the application process begins

Local hospital - 280 hrs till now
Autism Center: Started few months ago
Senior Citizens Center: 85 hours in Middle School (not sure if this has any value)
Health Center: Since 2nd grade monthly volunteer (not sure if this has any value)

Test Scores:
SAT: 1510
ACT; 35

School stuff:
GPA: 4.0 UW/4.52 W, no ranking
SATs: Chem - 760
APs in Sohphomore:
AP Chem - 4
AP Stats - 5

In Junior:
AP Bio
AP Calc BC
AP Comp
AP Spanish

NHS - Member
Philharmonic Orchestra
National Spanish Honors Society - secretary
Medical Program in local hospital: 1 year (every other week)
Any advice or suggestions are greatly appreciated! I know bsmd is very competitive.

Is it worth attending Dr. Rubin’s Mini Medical School? Any idea?

Thanks you!