***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

If you can afford to pay for both Stanford and medical school go for it. We gave up BU for Penn/JHU/VAndy full tuition scholarship.

I know a girl from the 2017 cycle who gave up NU for Stanford and doing great.

Good point we will see what other Regular decision admissions and scholarships come our way.

Stanford UG if one can pay without taking on any student debt in UG. It opens up other opportunities besides medicine. Medicine can be done later via regular MD route. Stanford is a great choice for MD if there is any preference for its own UGs.

Depends on how much your C is determined on going medicine as a career route or possibly open to other choices and how he/she likes the vibes at each of the above places. C is in one of the above mentioned programs and knows at least 2 students who chose the program over S and 1 who chose over Y. Also in one of the earlier cycles results threads remember someone choosing REMS over MIT.

It seems your preference is T20 medical schools which total approximately 2500 seats.
With around 21000 regular matriculants (40% of 52000), there is approximately 10% probability to get into a T20 medical school. This is a much better odds than getting into Stanford UG.


Have your C take AP Calc BC test on his/her own and if gets 4 or 5 that usually translates to a whole year of Calc at most places (some may need 5).

If your concern is specific to SMED at BU, yes they are liberal in giving credit to Math/Stat/Comp Sci and Foreign Lang, Psych, Econ etc, but are tougher for English and don’t give credit for Chem, Physics and Bio classes at all (their courses in these are of higher rigor than AP and most dual enrollment courses).

Besides instate tuition advantage, I read somewhere that UMich SOM is unique to take more UMich UG students than similar situation at other SOM-UG combo schools. IIRC, it was part of some data points on UMich site.

It is not easy to achieve a 5 score on AP Calculus BC test on your own. A score of 5 will probably give one credit for 1 year of Calculus I and II in most universities. It is easier said than done.

Anyone have an interview for FAU on March 12th, or March 13th?

Does anyone know the interview format for WashU BS/MD (USP in Medicine) program?

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@peebu2024 and others,

Have you completed your NJMS interview yet? Does anyone know how many have received interviews from NJMS so far in this group?


If you can spare $150K extra for UG, Stanford may merit consideration since your C can explore out of leash from home, west coast, technology capital, validating & exploring different career opportunities. Still if decided later to continue medicine, very likely can get back to UM medicine.

@PPofEngrDr First with my disclaimer: I care less about rankings or doing in depth research on stats etc. In other words not implying my observation is correct.

Your observation about UM is correct but for a different reason (that is my observation).
Though it may appear doing UG at UM yields more at UM COM. But that is primarily because of the OOS in UG. In @mi2019 case, being IS it is going against that edge up.

In other words, trying to decipher a pattern based on class profiles of Top20 or Top5 Public medical schools will not equate to the rest of the 150+ medical schools.

The Top20 / Top5 Public, though they do their best to meet any guidelines for IS/OOS, still their matriculatnts profile significantly differ from other 150+ schools pattern.

UM is one of the best opportunity for OOS and high % of that OOS have done their UG in UM.

Interestingly UM is one of the best school on providing the level of details for class profile.


Yes, C attended the interview at the beginning of Feb, patiently waiting on the acceptance decision at this point. We applied through Rutgers and my understanding is that approximately 20 interviews from NJMS to Rutgers applicants. I am not sure about the other feeder schools statistics. May be others who applied can chime in @ BSMD2020Tired


Yes I kind of agree there lot of OOS students in UM Undergrad pool going to UMSOM and it is more difficult as instate students.

I beg to differ on “But that is primarily because of the OOS in UG”. There is no data point that suggest that from what I am reading. From that data points 73 MI residents (from any UG, not just MI) are in COM out of 177 (41.2%). So that doesn’t quantify any non-UM UGs at all. 56 from U-M doesn’t provide break-up of IS and OOS students, so that is a grey area.

If one looks at UG profile there are about ~28K students in UG, MI represents ~16.5K, ~10K OOS, ~2K international. IS/OOS ratio is 1.6:1, assume that is carrying to COM as well, ~34 are IS U-M and ~22 are OOS U-M, total 56 U-M.
that represents 20% U-M IS, ~12% U-M OOS.

Other universities generally has ratio of ~7-10% from their own UGs (irrespective of IS/OOS), in U-M case it seem that ratio is ~30% (56/177), again we don’t know exact IS/OOS students break-up, but fair assumption explained earlier. Also average age is 24.6 (almost 2+ gap years) at the same time <=1 Gap year represents 55.9%. That suggests it has more 3+ years gap students in remaining 44% to lift the average age from 23 (1 gap year) to 24.6.
I agree that SOM/COMs are generally don’t provide great details like U-M is doing.

Here is some data on in-state vs out-of-state for UM
State School Applicants Applicants- OOS Matriculants Matriculants -OOS
MI Michigan 7,896 84.3% 177 58.8%
There are 84% OOS applicants to UM and hence a larger percentage 59% of OOS matriculants. Of those, in-state, it draws most from its own UG, being the best in the state. CA is worst state for OOS including UCSF , UCLA, UCSD medical schools. Texas is also one of the worst for OOS (maximum 10-15% matriculants ). Every one is going to NE in search of medical schools.


Thanks for putting details in the previous post. This gives better perspective.

It will be interesting to see if UM Medical school will still take 30 percent from their undergrad in another 4 years.

I know lot of These selected from UM undergrad pool have two gap years doing work with UM faculty at med school to get that advantage.

in 4 years as it states for any good deals. YMMV. :smile:
Disclaimer: TOP20 is for understanding purpose.
What other people talks on other site is inbreeding among TOP20 SOMs, aka TOP20 SOMs tend to accepts students from TOP20 UGs, so ultimately one has better chance in TOP20 SOM not necessarily their own UG brand SOM.

That sounds odd. Generally speaking, people who got considered for these BSMD programs are highly qulified. Usually, UG admissions would want you to state whether or not you opt to stay in for UG consideartion after not getting an interview with SOM. I would think that they want to hold on to qualified candidates. You guys should ask when you visit.