***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

I was admitted to UF (ranked 34) with full ride and honors program and also to SUNY Upstate’s BS/MD. Which path would be the better option to take? At UF they’ll accept two years of my credits and give me a full ride at a very respectable state school, but I have to go through the traditional route. At SUNY I have to pay ~50k for two years at a very low ranked UG, then take a gap year and then matriculate a year earlier thanks to my transfer creds and I won’t need to take MCAT and GPA requirements are fairly lax. What do u guys think?

Applicants ratio: IS/OOS 16%/84% ~1:5
Matriculants ratio: IS/OOS 41%/59% ~2:3
So it is clear that MI residents give higher preference to matriculation than applying. Gray area is, IS U-M UG vs OOS U-M UG matriculated to MI COM, that raw data doesn’t exist and best plausible explanation that I gave in earlier post. An IS MI resident matriculated to COM could be from any UG in country. An OOS student matriculated to MI COM could be from U-M UG.

To parents of juniors: I have research, lots of AP classes with 5s on the Math and Science exams including Calc BC and Chemistry, 35 ACT, perfect GPA with the most rigorous classes, leadership experience in a few clubs, varsity sport, meaningful volunteer and shadowing hours AND I have 8 rejections pre-interview so far. If I was given a chance for a do-over, I would say try to have ECs that are not the same as everyone else, prepare for the PSAT to reach NMS/F and my goodness work on those essays EARLY! I believe what hurt me was the essays.

It is not automatic consideration for UG admission after SMED rejection. One has to specifically request to admission’s office that you would like to be considered for UG alone.

@mi2019 , you have a very accomplished child. Congratulations ! I have no expert advice to add , but curious and following the responses to your question since my DC got acceptance into UM as OOS and it will be one of our top choices if we decide to go traditional route. So far I have heard nothing but good things about UM.

If you are considering the traditional route, choose a UG school where one will have the chance of getting a great UG GPA. Do not base the decision on the ranking of UG institution. One should be a top dog there, not a small fish in a big pond. It is harder and takes time to repair a damaged UG GPA.


UM is a great school for both UG and MD. If finance (as OOS) is not an issue attending UM for UG is a good choice.

At least for any one who are not considering their own respective IS schools, UM as a OOS is a good choice. At least I am seeing UM as a popular choice among CA residents!

Each individual situation is different and hence in @mi2019 situation it may or may not be a top choice.

Personally I will not compare/extrapolate any admission stats of UG admission to MD admission stats.

wow I didn’t realize how competitive these programs have gotten. Also, don’t take these rejections to heart, my brother was rejected from a couple of bs/mds in high school, but now he’s a med student at UF, so don’t give up hope, also which programs did you apply to?

@kush22 @mi2019 just to add our history, my S had UM and NU both great choices for UG. It just turns out to be which side of pond you want to study and we felt Chicago provided little edge over Ann Arbor for all ECs that one need to be a competitive traditional route candidate.

@kush22 @mi2019 @grtd2010

Mi2019 has a child go through UG and SOM at Mich, we are 2 generations MIchigan and my second child will likely not go there (accepted for BME) so we all can relate to the rigor of the Mich curriculum.

As grtd2010 said, pay close attention to managing a proper GPA. I am sure your child will do great if he/she decides to go there. Google michigan grade guide. Using the FIA, a small group of folks got anonymized grade distribution and created an app. Pay close attention to the median grade and the distribution for the core science classes. Share that with your child so they know to be on top of their game for these classes.

I am sorry to hear this, to give you some consolation despite my DC being a NMF we still face similar rejections. I feel like these programs look for a certain type of student body and we probably didn’t meet their expectations. But there are still very good options out there and let this not diminish all your hard work. Yes, I feel essays probably could have hurt us a little bit too, but then hey who knows. Good luck with your admissions.


What is your “batting average” - interview/application ratio if you don’t mind sharing? No need to share individual schools where you applied etc.

No doubt ECs need to stand out because everyone has the usual suspects… Essays are key. At temple this year, they gave 45 minutes to write an essay as part of interview day.

@nikimupp2003 I applied to top tier, mid tier and bottom tier (as described by people from college confidential in 2019). I promise I will do a write-up when this is all done. I see the parents of juniors here and I just want them to know that credentials will only take them to a certain point. Essays will take them to the interview round. Research and many hours of volunteering will not.

@orm2022 we are sure you will have great options and will eventually become an MD. Agree essays are very important. I applied to 15 schools and spent the entire summer completing the essays. i know what you mean.

@ROSSX2 I’m still not done yet. I’m still waiting for 5 more (2 - I’m sure I will get rejections bc interviews have been out). So realistically 3 more schools. But so far 2 interviews out of 8 schools. A total of 13.

@kush22 I think the applicants are pretty much the same in test scores, GPA, research, volunteering, ECs so the committees don’t know how to distinguish unless it’s through different ECs and essays.

Anyways, at least I don’t have to worry about disappointing my parents bc they don’t want my siblings and me to become doctors anyways.

@sammyGA I started writing my BS/MD essays in October 1 - Jan 1.

Temple does small group interviews as well which can be a bit stressful. Group interview is an important part of the selection process.

Considering how good a school UF is (not based on some rankings) and how much credit you are getting both academically and financially, I think going to UF seems a better choice. Also since the BS/MD is not accelerated not considering the tonnes of advanced credit you may have accumulated.

But just do your homework to find out how competitive UF is for undergrad, maintaining good gpa and getting into ECs (to make sure it is not in the same league as UCB, UCLA and UVA in terms of difficulty)

Hi all, any updates on OU MHSP?

@MD2028 - Congratulations and can you please list your stats? Thanks in advance.