***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

New to this forum…how do I private message you? My questions maybe too premature for this forum so thinking of sending you a message…thx for your help and offer to help.

Official confirmation of a suspected coronavirus patient contact from hospital today

You can not PM any member until you reach a minimum number of messages ( believe it is 15). You have only 2 right now.

Right now, are just classes shutting down, or are the admissions department also not allowed to be on campus? I’m asking because we are wondering if the current situation will lead to a substantial delay in notifications

Believe those functions can also be worked on remotely and shouldn’t cause substantial delay, at worst can be couple of days here and there, but nothing significant that can jeopardize May 1st enrollment deadline.

Any idea when NJMS decisions are coming out?

@PPofEngrDr Thank you!! The wait is brutal

@kush22 based on previous years, it comes out last week of March into first week of April. I am not exactly sure what date they will come out this time.

They can always extend May 1 deadline if necessary. This is a situation of declared national emergency.
Think about Italy, Spain and other places now. USA is behind the curve at present. Think about all the residents/health professionals who have to deal with this situation in hospitals. May be some of the bs/md aspirants will have second thoughts about pursing bs/md. I wonder what the risk-averse folks are going to do now.

New to this forum…how do I private message you? My questions maybe too premature for this forum so thinking of sending you a message…thx for your help and offer to help.


– deleted my response

VCU GMED decisions are out on Mar 13th. My D got accepted into VCU GMED. We were notified via email.

Does anyone know when we will hear from UMKC

@BSMDirect Congratulations! :slight_smile:

Anybody know when TAMU or Texas Tech results r coming out?

Did anyone have a phone interview with AMC yet? Could you please share how long the interview was? It would greatly help since my dc has a sore throat.

Congratulations @BSMDirect

I don’t see these interviews going beyond 30 mins. Sorry to hear! I’m sure the panel will understand.

Drastic steps at NU UG, all UG finals become optional or canceled.
If you take the final examination (or submit final assessments/papers) you will receive grades according to the principles set out on the course syllabus;
If you opt not to (or cannot) take the offered final nor submit the final paper or assessment, you will be assigned a grade based on the coursework you have completed to date.

Undergraduates will also be given the option to change their winter term grade from a quality assessment (a letter grade) to Pass/Fail. That retroactive change can be pursued in the spring quarter and with the consultation of your academic advisor.

Finally, there will be language on every student transcript that points to the fact that a global pandemic in winter and spring quarters 2020 required significant changes to coursework and led to unusual enrollment patterns and grades.

Thanks @SpeedSkater

Hope everyone one is safe !!

I know we still need to get all the Seniors through the remaining decisions - but wanted to quickly mention the worsening situation for the Juniors. All activities for my Junior son have been canceled and based on today’s news I don’t think he’ll have any meaningful ECs through August.

These next 6 months were critical path for him in many regards including ECs, SAT subjects, reco letters, essays.

He’s now staring into an uncertain period…

Good evening! Has anyone heard from REMS yet? Thanks

The schools are being closed in NY & NJ and communities all over. The priority should be containment and mitigation. Hospitals and doctors have their priorities in the current situation. Even standard testing will be affected in coming months. One can work on essays at home and polish them. One should self-realize why they want to be a doctor from this pandemic situation.