***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

Congrats to everyone who got into PLME!

Some have joined BS/DO school as a backup and then take MCAT in third year to see if they could apply via regular MD (allopathic medical schools) route based on MCAT score and UG GPA.

Do feeder schools, such as Stevens, Drew, and Caldwell, notify applicants earlier than NJIT and TCNJ if they got into NJMS

Congratulations! to all the students who got into Brown PLME

@rk2017 Sorry, haven’t been on here in awhile. No, she only took it once in October maybe? Couldn’t take in November because of swimming sectionals. Should have taken it right after taking Chemistry, or maybe she should have taken AP Chem senior year to get into the groove of answering chemistry questions at least.

I am currently in one of the AMC affiliated programs and know that they along with almost every single BS/MD in the country run acceptance rates <4-5%. They’re extrodinarily competitive and I know plenty of kids that have turned town places like Harvard, Yale, Stanford, etc. to attend a BS/MD.

Someone once told me that if you are 99% sure you want to be a doctor, go to an ivy league and if you are 100% sure you want to be a doctor, go through a BS/MD. I think that statement is good advice.

It’s not that simple. Remember lot more candidates don’t apply to BSMD vs traditional UG. Most BS/MDs are very expensive.

Those rates sound very similar to state of healthcare system, only 4% of ICU beds and other critical supplies are available of demand.

My D got into Brown PLME program

Got into Brown PLME

Congratulations on Brown PLME.

By Regular route MD, approximately 40% of applicants out of 52000 applicants are successful in getting an admission. Even better nearly 87% of applicants with GPA > 3.7 and MCAT >= 518 are successful in getting into at least one medical school. This is much better than 4-5% via bs/md route. BS/MD programs are very appealing to those with very low risk tolerance.

well fear of being in 13% is the reason for BSMD demand. Most who looked at in depth say, those 13% percentage have issues with ECs or interviews or poor essays.

  • :smile:

Very quite here, considering it is Ivy night.

Anyone knows among Berkeley, Michigan, and Georgetown, which one is the better pre med program? My son got into these schools, but still waiting for NJMS and AMC.

UCB and UM are certainly well known programs. Please consider for premed, the grade deflation factor at UCB.

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Thank you! Any comments on Georgetown?

@Xjrxjr What is the your state?

New Jersey. Thanks