***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

Search it on internet. Do not retake SAT with a 1560 score . It is good enough for many BS/MD programs. NJMS has several feeder schools that may forward your application with a SAT 1560 to NJMS. As a NJ resident, you will get a preferential treatment with NJ medical schools via regular route MD.

@NoiceDad, Agree with you!

Do not sweat over this. 450 hours is already a very big number. Focus on why you want to do be a doctor and why bs/md story. Its very important.

I have posted stats/results for my S in the BS/MD 2020 results forum. Thank you very much to all experienced parents who spend so much of their valuable time guiding students. What you are doing is valuable and is very much appreciated :smile:

I also want take a moment to give kudos to all the dedicated parents and all the work that goes into raising a child and preparing them for the next phase in their life

Now, the HS seniors - All the best and Good Luck!!!

Please post your stats/results in the BS/MD 2020 results forum.

S may not be interested in 4 years to go through another exhausting application cycle of writing essays, secondaries and interviews during senior year. May have to take a GAP year. There may be other reasons related to GPA, MCAT score, medical ECs forcing to take a GAP year. Consider this in your/his decision making process.

1560 is a good enough SAT score if this is a single sitting score. Taking the test again at this point has only incremental value. Focus on volunteership, research, shadowing etc and maintaining super grades in school. Aim for 5s in AP Chem and Bio.

I would rank U Penn higher any time over Brown. You will meet a more diverse student body in the school and the science education is better as well. If you like liberal arts then probably Brown is a better choice.

@GoldenRock @srk2017 @grtd2010 @Nvidia20
Thank you!

was wondering if anyone knew when RPI/AMC was going to update “under consideration people”—I’m eagerly waiting and can’t seem to find anything from last year about when it came out

There are many desi doctors in NJ. One can easily find one to shadow (even who speaks your desi language).


Thanks for posting for your son on the results thread and congratulations!
Penn State/Jeff is an excellent program, I am sure he will love it there.

Thank you @GoldenRock for you kind appreciation. Savvy or not, we owe our successes to two very motivated and hard working kids who made it all look easy for us as parents. Its a long road as everyone in CC group know. Support of other parents and members of CC played an important role since both of us are not doctors and we knew very little about medical education system.

After watching my older kid go through the HPME program we realized how difficult a 7 year program is. We were surprised at the hard work required to survive the MD program - Step 1 pressure, maintaining honors in clerkships, shelf exams etc etc. But getting in a top residency program was worth it I suppose.

We encouraged my younger kid to take the 8 year route and enjoy the UG years. UMKC 6 yr looked too brutal (though the students in the program were not complaining).

Good luck to everyone who got admitted to the bs/md program and for those who did not, remember, regular route is not as difficult as the bs/md pathway to medicine - IMHO.


Both are Ivy and good for name recognition and expensive UG education.
So ask your child to evaluate what his/her strengths and how that will fit in the 2 different college perception/reputation.

Is the student need hand holding all the time or take control of self and know when and what to do and balance out and still focused.

Like big city and access to options for academic / non-academic or ok with smaller cities.
How does s/he felt during his/her visit to these 2 specific schools?

Even if your child interested in liberal arts curriculum can take whatever courses of liberal arts can be taken in UPenn also. Same thing could be true for Brown also, can take extensive science courses and serious research. But gut feeling drags to UPenn.
Let the student decide.


It appears you have answered your own question.


If you really want to be a doctor and if you have HPME as @grtd2010 indicates, I would suggest you consider HPME over UPenn or Brown.

Otherwise, UPenn over Brown.

Congrats @Nvidia20 @Vicky2019 @ubsmd2020


If you are waiting for any offers, including financial aid, then you are yet to make a decision.

My ask is only for folks who have MADE a decision is to withdraw from other programs. Many programs have a waitlist and withdrawing can help get offers before the May 1 deadline.


If you HAVE a good story to tell, then 1560 is sufficient.
If you DO NOT have a good story to tell, even 1600 will be insufficient.

Gentle Reminder to every one including folks who are in CC for a long time.

Keep the results thread only for stats and perspective. Anyone what to have any follow up when some one posts, come back to this discussion thread.

Request to all current cycle students / parents, please post your stats and perspective in the results thread. Normally less posts after May 1st. Out of the blue every one disappears when active with so many posts in the last few months.

Link to Results Thread:


Agree with @GoldenRock - keep the results thread for stats+perspectives.