***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

Does it really help? Some schools have multiple rounda and orhers have one round only. What about those offer merit?

Sure, Georgetown is a great school, but unless you get a need based award, you will be spending significant amount. Not a big deal if you are not completely set on going to medicine since your expenses can be limited to 4 years at most. But if you want to go for medicine, you need to spend significantly all over again. Something you and family need to ponder over.

I donā€™t have direct knowledge of Georgetown pre-med but couple of things you need to ask yourself

a) Are you comfortable continuing all the ECs/research the next 4 years, the same way or even more rigorously as in high school? On top of maintaining good gpa, donā€™t think it is a brutal school wrt competition and grading.

b) Your competition wonā€™t be like it has been at high school any longer. Almost everyone in your classes is as good or better than you since Georgetown attracts many highly accomplished to itā€™s fold.

@sguni_2016 , @ubsmd2020 - All the very best for the admission cycle. All you need is one admission!
Thank you. And all the best for your C admissions.


Donā€™t panic. The world is experiencing an unprecedented event. Every college will understand why some thing could not be done in the current times.

Control what you can and ignore what you can not. Complete your HS coursework, start thinking about your essays, short listing school choices.

Imagine, 4th year MD students are graduating early, 3rd MD students are furloughed and some of them given choices and and need to apply for residency. Every thing is up in the air what different schools can and will do etc. So donā€™t panic.

@ NoviceDad

@sguni_2016 What exactly are your concerns with GW/GW?

Primarily the UG rank, campus life, quality of UG exposure/student life, and research opportunities (would be better at Duke).

I agree it should be ultimately kidā€™s choice. My S opted for Vandy over BU SMED even though paying full price is not an issue. He wants to stay competitive and aim high rather than take it easy and glide thru. So far he is meeting his own expectations (not mine).

My son didnā€™t get REMS interview. Only interviews he had are RPI/AMC and BU (got both). He applied to 6 programs only. He didnā€™t have much clinical experience due to age restrictions in CA and I believe that was the reason not getting more interviews. Also BSMD was never our sole focus. He applied broadly for UG.

My take is any kid who got into top tier BSMD can do equally or better with traditional path if they stay focused and plan well. I doubt th!t the 13% high stats kids who didnā€™t get an admission went thru process like BSMD. So these kid already have that experience!

Well, being a highschooler, your concerns are least as you have plenty of time to achieve your dream. To be a Dr, is a marathon, not sprint.

C & P from other site

Because of COVID-19 and the very dynamic changes this will bring throughout society for the this year (and likely for the next 2-3 years if pandemics of the 20th century would indicate), questions will come up again and again about online prereqs, P/F courses, MCAT prep and testing, volunteering, shadowing, Physician LOR, lab requirements, etc. However, there is no definitive answer as no one knows which schools will act in which ways, nor how the upcoming cycle will happen. However, as medical schools are on the front lines of this both in treating patients as well as setting appropriate behavior for community public health, it would seems reasonable that most medical schools will take into consideration over the next few years at least. How this might be in 3-5 years is anybody's guess.

I agree!

Congrats to all who got into the BSMD and great schools. But very excited and can not believe I got into UPenn and Brown UG while waiting for TCNJ/NJMS and RPI/AMC results. But most likely will to go through UG and traditional route as want that experience of full UG.

What you guys think? UPenn or Brown for UG, kind of leaning towards UPenn but not sure so hard to decide between both of them.

Can understand how you may feel due to lack/missed opportunity. That SAT score is not a death penalty for T10 school. Uncertainty is part of life. To be a Dr people go through so many obstacles those are unpredictable, so worry/focus about things that you can control, rest let it played out its own. I tell my kid all the time, hope for best and plan for worst.

[quote=ā€œhelix8, post:5055, topic:2054445ā€]

[quote=ā€œNoviceDad, post:5042, topic:2054445ā€]

Folks who have already made a decision:

IF you have MADE a decision, suggest withdrawing from other BS/MD programs earlier than later.
Your timely action may help other kids on the waitlist.

Agree! All those that have multiple programs -UG, BSMD- kindly consider withdrawing from programs that you are most likely to not attend. It would benefit others that are waitlisted. Please consider writing to universities and letting them know at the earliest.


Donā€™t take test again with 1560 score. It is unfortunate so much emphasis is given for GPA and Test scores since they are so easy to compare. No one can quantify all the other things which play 80% in the final decision whether it is for BS/MD or Top UG schools or why few people reach the top in whatever career choice.

Has anyone heard anything from NJMS and/or the feeder schools

Yes I agree that those who have made decisions should withdraw early so that others can be offered the open slots before May1st. We withdrew from AMC .

I think that the institutions which follow the wait list process, will benefit from such withdrawals so they can move the list forward before May 1st. In other instances such as BU where they offer double than the seats, they expect attrition through acceptances based on historical data.

As other pointed no point in retaking SAT with 1560. If really want to take it, do a practice ACT test and see if you get 35 or36.

Thank you

If you want flexible liberal education go to Brown, otherwise select UPenn. Upenn is better UG and medical school and more research opportunities and you will be in a bigger city.

We didnā€™t get any response from them, so we are assuming that we are not selected even for interview.

Congratulations, now you have two great options beyond NU HPME/NU UG. Go with UPenn over brown. Then try to get into UPenn medical school via regular route.

Do not panic. It is not a life or death situation for you if you can not shadow in a hospital . As a high school student you are way down at the bottom of hierarchy of medical priorities now. Try to write down your essay why medicine ? why this bs/md ? for the programs that interest you. You may try to contact some private doctors later when things improve. You can always apply via regular route during UG. Are u a desi ?