***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

Were there any specifics as to when/how the GAP interview would be rescheduled?

Hi, Iā€™m new to the forum. Iā€™m a senior high school student and Iā€™ve been admitted to:

FIU/LECOM 7 year DO program W/O MCAT
NSU DO 7 year program W/ MCAT requirement 502
USF/LECOM 8 year DO program W/O MCAT

Any recommendations about which option above would be the best?

@priapat, @GoldenRock , @rk2017 , @srk2017 ,@NoviceDad,@grtd2010 and @PPofEngrDr, I have a question regarding CASE PPSP. One of my friendā€™s daughter is in regular undergrad PREMED program in Case. She complains that she couldnā€™t really do research at CASE and had to go all the way to Ohio University for any research. CASE is in-state for us, so trying to know if this is true. @priapat, I think your older son is in CASE. Is he in CASE PPSP and or regular undergraduate program?

I interview w/ Siena late February and was told the next release of decisions would be around April 8-10.

@mygrad2021 Have not heard anything challenging at Case in any posts before. I know one of my contactā€™s D went to Case UG but did not have any complain. She opted to do internship in Bay area during summer to spend time at home.

@priapat older S is Case UG.

Donā€™t know what extent your friends child reached out. Student need to reach out and explore all opportunities and it does not come to student.

This notation that you can join a 7yr BSMD program, ace MCAT, easily get 3.8 GPA, do required ECs and then apply out is a fallacy. I keep hearing great things about BU SMED students acing GPA and MCAT but I never heard about someone applying out and getting into better reputed (sorry mentioning rank rattles some) medical school. Medical school admission process is tedious, boring and unpredictable (just like BSMD or Ivies) and after going thru BSMD process very very few students wants to do it again and I wonā€™t blame them. So If you are committing to a BSMD assume that thatā€™s your final option and be prepared for what comes (whether compressed UG or cost) and if you still have competitive spirit aim for residency. Again going to reputed medical school or residency program may not give you more income but for some money is not the end goal.

There is nothing wrong with a kid (or parent) wants to take least amount of risk in their pursuit to become a doctor, but as my good friend @PPofEngrDr says too much fear mongering here. Most parents who participates here have kids in BSMD programs so obviously there will be some bias. People could say same thing about me and @PPofEngrDr but we are the only parents with kids who rejected BSMD admissions for traditional path so we tend to give different opinions.

Try medical schools in Southern USA like Kentucky, South Carolina. Buy MSAR guide from AAMC bookstore.


As indicated by @GoldenRock, I have not heard about research issues or other EC issues at CASE.
The most common issue that I have heard about CASE is that the campus neighborhood / city is dull.

I suggest reach out to current students at CASE via FB and ask them.

I agree mostly with your thoughts. A highly ranked medical school is not necessarily needed for getting into great/good residencies. Any one from any medical school can work on these residencies and can get them. It is not easy to go through senior year in school and apply out at the same time. A very few can do it hence you would not hear many applying out among BS/MD students unless they take a gap year. It is also true that many take gap year for regular MD route.

@mygrad2021 _ My son had no problems finding research work, he has teamed up with a professor proving that Alzheimerā€™s is an auto immune diseaseā€¦he will have a paper with him soon if Corona cooperatesā€¦ there are plenty of research opportunities at Case.

CWRU is in Clevland and the main campus of Ohio state is in Columbus. The two are nearly 150 miles far apart. This can not be easily done during regular school.

It is not about money but the incremental/marginal value as they say in economics - ā€œUtilityā€ function. People try to maximize their Utility function. How much you gain vs how much efforts you have to spend to achieve it.
Good doctors can come out from any MD school. There is no one-to-one correlation between good doctors and rank of a medical school attended. In fact, DO schools produce many good doctors.

Should Drs adopt that utility function in treating patients in current environment?
Good Drs come out from any MD schools just like bad Drs, difference is how other traits Drs are able to groom or have ample time to do that, rather than running for short sighted utility function. I even wonder how much teenagers even understand that utility function when comitting to BS/MD program, when they havenā€™t even explore their full potential yet.


The point is that there is no one-to-one correlation between being a good doctor vs attending a highly ranked medical school. All accredited US medical school in US follow the same curriculum. Any US accredited medical school will satisfy the requirements of being a licensed MD. Rest is associated with prestige. There is nothing wrong with aiming for prestige but do not equate it being a good doctor.

Havenā€™t we seen parents counting one or two years salary savings (and then compounding it over 30 years) to justify the high cost of BSMD programs. Even from utility point of view going to top tier medical schools certainly gives an advantage with residency match. Yes, you can match from low tier medical school but you have to be top of the class or have great research/LORs to achieve that.

Simple fact is it comes down risk tolerance and parents wanting to commit their kids to good career while they are in HS and nothing wrong with that. We have heard about kids changing their mind, doing poorly in college, so and so 4.0/528 not getting admission (13%) as the reasons constantly mentioned here.

Cleveland is not the city it used to be. Its lot more vibrant now with great pockets of actions. CWRU is located in one of the best parts of the town. Also, there are more hospitals along Euclid ave. than any where else in the world for those who are interested in experience, research etc. If anyone can comment about the real experience, we would like to hear since PPSP is my kidā€™s first choice.

Hi my D was accepted in UCF BS/MD, but due to the current situation, the College of Medicine Tour and Information Session was canceled. Anyone else who is planning to attend UCF for the Burnett Medical Scholars Program? And if so, what major would be best for the program (since the GPA requirement is a 3.8)?

Ofc, prestige is not necessarily = good doctor just like BS/MD either. However one is exploring their full potential before embarking on career that may alter lives of other people . Because it is licensed, academic process become to get that license at any cost, that is a wrong approach. License reminds me Step 1 score unintended use by PDs before it will be P/F. License does not equate to a good Dr either, otherwise every license Dr is a good Dr, which is not the case.

Getting and keeping oneā€™s license is a pre-requisite of being a doctor. After that one can become a good doctor over time. Discussion on what makes a good doctor is a different topic altogether. We can leave that for future.

BTW, not defending BS/MD over regular route MD. Do what is best for you base on your situation. Regular route MD may have better probability of success (~40%) if one chooses medical school list properly. BS/MD process is a totally unpredictable.