***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

Well after license, one will become utility, ā€œHow much you gain vs how much efforts you have to spend to achieve itā€ as gain is static in relatively same practice at this point by payment standards.
Efforts/development/grooming should be upfront to be a ā€˜goodā€™ well before license checkbox can be checked. I also leave it here.

Gains are not static but depend upon what do you practice. The billing amount depends on what specialty one practices.

Do you know the size of their intake and waiting list?

Boston University class size 174
University of Rochester class size 104

Sorry I meant the BS/MD program.

Do not have that data. You can search it.

Disclaimer: Not planning to attend UCF Burnett Medical Scholars Program but as a parent of a junior in a similar BS/MD program

From the website
(For the entering freshman class of Fall 2019 and later):

Year 1 End of spring semester: 3.600 UCF GPA and 3.600 Science (BCPM) GPA
Year 2 End of spring semester: 3.700 UCF GPA and 3.700 Science (BCPM
Year 3 End of spring semester: 3.800 UCF GPA and 3.800 Science (BCPM) GPA
Year 4 At graduation: 3.800 UCF GPA and 3.800 Science (BCPM
) and Completion of Bachelorā€™s Degree with University Honors AND Honors in the Major

*BCPM GPA refers to the GPA for Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Math courses used for admission to medical schools

For the entering freshman class of Fall 2019 or later: A minimum score of 514 with no sub-score lower than 126.

Students must provide UCF COM with a current CV every year during the first week of class in fall semesters, starting with the beginning of year 2. They must pass an interview at the College of Medicine in early fall (August/September) of the 3rd year. At the end of Spring semester of the 2nd year, students must provide 2 faculty evaluations.

These are some tough requirements. Certainly no major from College of Engineering is advised. Depends on your DC what does he/she excel ? May be anything in College of Arts and Sciences. It should be your DCā€™s choice.

@grtd2010 Thank you for the input! In general, she is currently between UF, UCF BMS, and Georgia Tech (OOS). She knows she wants to become a doctor. Would it be better to go the traditional route or through UCF BMS (considering the program has high requirements)?

@bunny75 - Georgia Tech is not a good premed school according several non-premed students I know.


If your child is academically strong and good test taker, it is doable in UCF. Both GPA and MCAT are reasonable. We can not avoid every challenge. To play devilā€™s advocate if not sure about UCF GPA and 514, then why feel confident that either in UF or Georgia Tech will be able to reach these 2 numbers? What are her HS stats?

So if she is clear about medicine and studies well and ready to work hard, it is a good choice.

What does she think of the schools, specifically UF and UCF? Are you Florida residents and would she qualify for Bright Futures?

This is a discussion we are currently having in our home. My son is a Junior (so applying next year), we have only lived in Florida 2 years and he isnā€™t sure he wants to go to school here. But financially itā€™s a hard thing to walk away from BF money.

Though he hates the UCF campus. He is leaning towards UF if he gets in as they have the 7 year MHP that can be applied to after sophomore year.

Thank you all for your responses for CASE. @priapat, is your son in PPSP program? Is there any preference given to PPSP students for research than regular undergraduate students? My friendā€™s daughter is in regular route.

Waitlisted from FAU. I guess @PathophysiologyFTW was right. Maybe they do give preference to students that attended on Mon/Tue.

If anyone was accepted or waitlisted from FAU and decides not to attend the program, please email the BS/MD program and tell them you are no longer interested. It will help those of us who are waitlisted a lot!

We are in the same boat @helix8.
Yes I totally agree with you. Request to whom got offer or waitlisted at FAU and Hofstra Please communicate your intentions to admissions ASAP so people like us who are waiting get get their chance.

Calm down yā€™all. Students have every right to take up until the deadline to consider their offers. Donā€™t try to selfishly guilt them into rushing. If you figure things out early, sure, turn offers down. But if you need the time to consider and weigh all options, take it.

My kid has the below status on BSMD programs. Need your help in making the right decision. This is the first experience for us going through College admissions. Appreciate your input.

University of Colorado - Accepted - MCAT, 8 years
Union/AMC - Under Consideration - No MCAT, MBA degree, 8 years
UMKC - Waitlisted - 6 years - No MCAT, 6 years

The kid is really interested in Union/AMC LIM program. The University of Colorado is in-state for us and less expensive compared to other programs. Want to consider UMKC also in making the decision. I understand we are still waiting on two colleges. But I would like to have your valuable input, so we are not taking too much time to decide when the decision from two other colleges comes in. Thanks again.

Did anyone here back from OU MHSP? They said they would release decisions today.

Well said!

@mygrad2021 _ no my older son is in regular track, not PPSP.
There are plenty of opportunities for research even for undergrads. Just donā€™t expect them to pay you for it.

Donā€™t remember reading about University of Colorado BSMD program before. Is it a new program? Whatā€™s the COA for this in-state program?