***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

@srk2017 Thanks for the reply. The program has been there for little more than 10 years. UG COA ~80K, MD COA ~165K. MD COA will increase slightly by the time student enters Med School

Colarado program is only for in-state applicants.
They select 10 people.


Union/AMC will cost atleast twice if not three times the cost of Colorado BA/MD program.
I would say go to Denver.


I do not think they are asking students to rush to a decision.

They are politely requesting that if they are not interested in a particular program and have come to that decision, please inform the school earlier than later.

I think it is important to understand the anxieties of parents and students and if they have made an appeal, it is NOT to induce guilt. It is because they are holding onto some hope.

NO one should rush to make a decision.
At the same time, if you have decided, do the prudent thing.

This forum has been helpful many times over the last few months so turning to this forum again as we decide on the right fit college for traditional route.

DS has the following options with more or less the same cost of attendance except for UMich. We planned to visit the colleges before deciding but it is not possible in the current situation. So, any input will greatly help us to decide.

  1. UMich
  2. UCs (UC Berkley, UC Los Angeles, UC San Diego, UC Davis)
  3. Case Western
  4. Boston U
  5. UPitt
  6. Ohio State
  7. UWisconsin Madison

DS attends a competitive school in CA. We have not had much success in finding the good opportunities for research or shadowing locally. We are hearing that UCs have the same issue as well so trying to figure out which college would work better to manage GPA as well to find the opportunities easily.

If it helps to know his stats,

3.9 UW/4.47 W
1560 SAT
35 ACT
800 Math2 & 800 Chem
APs until junior year
Calc BC, Stats, Comp Sci, Bio, World and US history (5)
Chem (4)

Assumption: your DS is interested to go to traditional MD route. I will take this approach. Does any one of these UGs have an option to apply to associated medical school during UG. Treat that as more like prestige UG and relatively prestige med school (eā€¦g NU has that kind of program NUPSP).
If all other OOS colleges are giving a price break, UMich should be too. Have you filed CSS profile with them if needed? What kind of price difference is at stake?

Thank you @NoviceDad for your input. Appreciate it.

This is a BS/MD forum. Are you interested in identifying strong pre-med programs?
Your list consists of mostly public universities except for BU and CWRU. Are you expecting to join only if offered merit aid? Will u qualify for Financial aid?

What about:
University of Florida
University of Washington
UNC Chapel Hill

Have you considered colleges that have early assurance?

search on google for other colleges


If the decision maker is me or my D, we will go with CO even if we get acceptance from the other 2 programs.

Since you have the COA for CO handy, do you have the numbers for the other 2 programs handy per your calculation.

Is your kid comfortable with the change of place (understand weather is not an issue since he is used to CO). But still change of place and support system far away.

If MBA is the main pull, are you ok to spend that much additional cost for that?
If the desire to get done with MD fast, UMKC. But is the kid wants to rush and take up relatively more work load. Cost-wise it may not be much because even though 2 years less, UMKC knows how to collect the money.

@PPofEngrDr @Vicky2019

Just to clarify, my DS applied this year for a few top-tier BSMD programs but did not workout. Hence, looking at the traditional route.

None of the colleges except for UC Riverside has the option to apply early to their MD program. Missed to mention that DS also has Baylor U as an option.

We do not qualify for need based awards. He has scholarships from all the colleges listed except for UMich to lower the cost close enough to UCs. So, keeping the code aside, which one will be a better option?

My S is okay with any college as long as it is better suited for premed path.


Assume your S is prepared for a contrast weather and away from support system.

But is he ok with Skin Chill or Bone Chill?

Would go with CWRU/UW. If not BU/Ohio/Pitt.

Though like Mich a lot, since there is no price break, not mentioning.

Take instate option. I donā€™t think MBA from Union is worth the price.

As a fellow Californian, my picks will be Davis and Case Western. Finding research at other 3 UCs will be much more difficult. My son was able to find multiple quality research opportunities as HS student at Davis on his own with proper approach.

Thank you @GoldenRock for your input with detailed analysis. It helps. Appreciate it.

Thank you @srk2017 Appreciate your input.

i havenā€™t heard from Oklahoma MHSP; has anyone else?

Not a Californian but very familiar with the area, Why leave out UCB, UCLA and UCSD ?. It may not be easy to get a good GPA but not impossible. Every year several hundreds students go to fine medical schools from these schools. Why leave sunny California for east ( CWRU, UPitts, BU, Ohio State). or mid-west(Michigan, UW Madison). The COA for in-state in CA is very affordable.

It is a very good COA for an in-state medical school. In NJ, in-state tuition alone for medical school is ~43k/year. This beats other two options UMKC and AMC.

@grtd2010 , @GoldenRock , @srk2017 & @PPofEngrDr have all provided very good suggestionsā€¦

Adding my perspective -
UCLA is a T20 school. UC Berkeley is similar. Take whichever is closer to home. Focus on good GPA. Try for research - if you can find, great! Otherwise go for volunteering at a local hospital.

Apply to competitive Research programs available for undergrads in the summer. You could go out of state as well.

Since you have the option, get an undergraduate degree from a top college. Your DS will have a great future whether he becomes a Doctor or not!

UF is a great public university and it has MHP early admission program to COM. If you are a Floridian, you may get a price break or scholarship. Prefer UF(Gainesville) over UCF(Orlando).