***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

Adding one perspective - colleges like NU (which are on a quarter system) have 2-3 mid-terms for every subject within their 10 week quarter - this essentially means you have some exam every other week.
While one should have continue doing one’s passion, there is difference between playing at level D3 or D1 and using that passion to de-stress and relax. Also, note one may have to travel when one is on D3 level team.

It seems that my son is on the same boat. He loves swimming, but he will miss lab when there is meet, plus swimming is very time demanding.

@NoviceDad How many volunteer hours does my son need to do prior to the application? Thanks!

Thank you for your perspective. I think school like NU or any D1 would be tough for sports because they can require up to 40 hours a week (yike!)

Just to share with everyone, we had a call with a coach at an East Coast D3 school this morning, and he is fully aware of the BS MD program and was totally honest about SAT scores… he said to have a competitive edge, the score needs to be 1560.

He said as a D3 coach, he has no influence on the admission, but the admission office/counselors will know that my son wants to get to the BS MD program. He also echoed someone has said in this forum… once the application is forwarded to the MD school, the MD admission will perform their independent assessment of the applicant.
In term of practice time, carefully practice swim schedule seems to work well for students. The coach understands the possibility of conflict with lab hours for science students in general and plans practice time accordingly. He gave a specific example, labs are either 9-12 or 1-4 for the whole school, practices are either 2:45-4:45 or 4-6 so there is no or little conflict between labs and swim practice.

There are 8 practices a week: 4 morning 2 hour and 4 in the afternoon. Even though stated 2 hours each practice, but some are really 1.5 hours.

Also, most of the swim meets are local within 1-2.5 hours and normally on a Friday afternoon. Swim meet is every other week. They missed class two times last year because of a Conference meet.

@NoviceDad Practice scores. I would not take the SAT if I’m scoring around 1300. I’m practicing and doing a lot over the summer.

Additionally, I’m doing research at a big university over the summer. So far I have about 30 hours and will finish the summer with around 200.

There are no hard numbers for volunteer hours.
Do meaningful volunteer work.
My advice to parents is to target atleast 40 hours/year for each year of high school.
Doing it over a number of years shows it is not a one-off activity.

Thanks. Research is good activity.

All the best for your August exam.

You have shared a good perspective.

Hey everyone.

I was really anxious for the upcoming admissions cycle, and was wondering if I had a shot at any combined programs.
I am planning on applying on applying to the following programs, but I’m really focusing on Rutgers/NJMS, as that is my first choice.

Programs: UConn, all of the njms ones, north hpme, brown plme, penn state, upitt ,case ppsp, rice/baylor, boston u, temple,all of the albany ones, umkc, drexel, SLU, WashU, Hofstra

Residency: NJ

Class Rank (Top 10%)
Unweighted GPA: 3.9/4.0
Weighted GPA: 5.4/6.0
ACT Score: none
SAT Score (1520) - Math 800, English 720
SAT Subject Math 2: 800
SAT Subject Biology: 790
SAT Subject World Hist: 800

AP Physics 1 - 4
AP Computer Science- 5
AP US History-5
AP World History- 5
AP Lang - 5
Psych - 5
Human Geo - 5
Micro/Macro - 5
Enviro - 5

Senior APs
AP Lit
AP Chem
AP Calc AB
AP Bio

Central NJ resident in a highly competitive public high school. Large Class size (700+).

Major ECs

  • Eagle Scout(Various Troop Leadership Positions) I was super active in this, OA an everything too
  • varsity lacrosse
  • various honor societies
  • EMT Cadet for 2 years (actual experience riding along on rides)
  • Organizer of toy and coat drive for local food pantry (5 years)
  • Non-Medical Volunteering(200+ hours)
  • Competitive Tech Internship at school district - i’m interested in combining tech with traditional patient care :slight_smile:
  • Tutor at a local learning center
  • Counselor at cub scout camp

Medical Experience

  • St Peters Medical Exploring (Executive Board, founding member)
  • Shadowing Radiologist(50+ hours)
  • Shadowing Anesthesiologist (50+) hours
  • Hospital Volunteering (200+ hours)
  • Research at the Partners in Science Program at the LSC (poster presented)


  • Eagle Scout (OA Brotherhood)
  • Nominee to NJ World Health Forum
  • black belt
  • National Academy of Future Physicians and Medical Scientists Award of Excellence

UG Schools I’m applying to

  • Cornell
  • UPenn
  • Vanderbilt
  • Georgetown

I’d really appreciate any input on my chances, and how I could strengthen my application for these programs. Thank you again.

Your test score/EC stat is impressive and should make you a competitive BS/MD candidate for initial screening, but remember many applicants also have similar stat. A compelling essay can make a difference at this point.

You should consider taking SAT Chemistry if you are serious about Northwestern HMPE or Boston SMED as it is required by both programs.

Most states only give provisional EMT certification if you are <18 years, so your EMS squad shouldn’t let you alone to treat patients at the back of rig.

@biomeds Hey! Chance me as well on the previous page. Thanks!

@gradedu @grtd2010 During the admitted students meeting NJIT openly said many of the admitted students got full scores and also admitted couple of students with low scores like 1540… it shows that there are many applicants with very high scores…


Profile is competitive though SAT = 1520 can be borderline for some programs.
If you have time, give one more shot at it - try to raise it >1540.

Also, as @biomeds suggested, focus on your essays and crafting your story re: Why Medicine.

@Mahikesh thank you

Does BS MD prefer volunteer at hospital over doctor shadowing? Any hints on how to get into hospital volunteer would be great. It seems to be very hard to get one.

Thank you in advance…

Will BSMD programs accept superscores? Thanks!

@gradedu Try whatever possible and do it this summer and beyond. Don’t worry about which is better or what BS/MD program gives more importance etc.,

Shadowing: Differs across regions/states and also where they work and student age etc. For example it was very hard in CA below < 18 and with no personal connections. If you could get some opportunity, go for it.

Volunteer: Should be possible, but each place will have their own process to apply and may take lead time. Also don’t be keen only hospital. It can be any thing, like senior homes, hospice center, terminally ill children centers, free clinics. Any help to under served or vulnerable or disadvantaged population. Most of the time the experience at hospital is front desk or gift shop and other places it may be fulfilling.

I had no trouble finding my first few volunteer experiences. It became a struggle to find some shadowing opportunities and hospital work, as they required me to be 16+ for basic work and 18+ for some legit work. I’m grateful I was able to find a big research program that accepted me.