***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

Thank you @bearsfan21 and @GoldenRock.
@seapdx2002 most BSMD programs do not accept superstores.

Sorry for the auto correct - superscores

How much shadowing is enough? I’ve shadowed 3 docs in 3 fields for around 60 hours ish. Should I do more?

What are some examples of low tiers besides state-based ones?

@8thgradekid No. That is fine.

I am a new parent and wondering what are the chances for my son (first child in the family) in getting into BA/MD programs. Which programs are good? We live in Illinois and of course my son’s first choice is UIC GPPA program. He likes to stay in the Midwest.

His Profile:
Indian American
GPA - 3.96/4.00 (with 12 AP courses)
ACT - 36
Lot of Extra curricular activities
Attended Dr. Ruben’s Mini medical School
Leadership position in a non-profit
National AP Scholar


@kunalg Predicting chances are futile for BS/MD and regular MD admissions. But the profile seems good and covered key areas. Focus on preparing a good primary and secondary essay.

Besides UIC, apply few more BS/MD and regular UG programs also. BS/MD: Northwest, UWash, CWRU, Pitts, OU.

NJMS 7year bs/md has several undergraduate colleges ( Caldwell, Drew, NJIT, SIT, college of new jersey, MSI, Rutgers).
We are out of state, any help with selecting the undergraduate programs is appreciated. Also, how many should we apply for?

@GoldenRock Thanks for your response. My son’s friend has mentioned him about UMKC as well? Do you know how good a program it is? I don’t see any ranking per se about UMKC Medical School?

@kunalg Only for UMKC there is a long running special thread since Roentgen is so kind and nice to help students and parents. So you can review that thread and clarify any questions you may have about UMKC.

For any other BS/MD programs continue to post only this thread.

Personally I am not keen about UMKC. UMKC and Howard are the 2 programs with 6 years. UMKC charges even for the first 2 years MD school level fees. They are too expensive and too fast. If some one is so clear about medicine as a career then 7 years is ideal. If not so clear, choose a program where 4 years of UG at a flexible BS/MD program.

Hello guys, do you think with my stats I can get into a BS/MD program?

Ethnicity: Asain
From a rural and medically underserved area.

SAT 1440 (Took it again and will likely get 1480-1520)
PSAT: 1510
Subject Sats: (N/A- Will take soon)
Weighted GPA: 4.63
Unweighted GPA: 3.9
Class Rank 10/260

Medical experience:
Clinical Research at a major hospital- 200+ hours.
Hospice Volunteer- 100+ hours.
Hospital Volunteer- 100+ hours.
Shadowing Doctors- 150+ hours.

(likely) National Merit Semifinalist
Won various state-level awards in mathematics and qualified for the AIME math contest.
Won various state-level awards in science.
Regional Qualifier and district champ in tennis.
1st team all-district in tennis for 3 years and leader of the team.

Keyclub (member)
Rotary Club (member)
NHS (member)
Math team
Science team
Tennis team

Attended National youth leadership conference at UCLA.
Attended Roosevelt Summer Scholars Program at LIU Post.

Also, I am in the IB program and am taking all the hardest courses my school Offers.

@MerkedXD You covered key areas. Your profile is similar to other students who will be applying.
So apply for few BS/MD programs and also for few regular UG programs where you will be happy and can perform well if you need to go in the regular route or choose a different career if needed.

@GoldenRock Thank you! Do you know what are the less selective BS/MD programs?

There is no such thing as a “less selective” BS/MD program. These programs are as competitive to get into…or MORE competitive to get into than most elite colleges.

Do you live near NYC area (saw you mentioned summer program at LIU Post)? The “less selective” BS/MD program in NYC area is Sophie Davis combined, and the BS/DO program is the NYIT combined. But even for students accepted to these programs, they typically also get acceptance from top schools (Ivies, LACs,…) so you still need top stats.

Your major weakness is your SAT score and missing SAT2 subject tests. If you’re a rising senior, you are already too late to this game because strong BS/MD applicants are done with their SAT2 subject tests (Bio, Chem, Math) by this time and scored in the 750+ range (you should take SAT2 subject test at end of each school year when you finish the subject in your AP/honor class). Being Asian makes things even worse because they are overly represented in applicant pools.

Just remember BS/MD is NOT the only way to get to med school. Traditional pre-med still accounts for the majority. Saw you asked about pre-med schools (USC, Cornell, Duke). If your science background is not that strong, it is better to choose a state school or LAC and get high GPA there, otherwise ending up at the bottom in a top school wouldn’t help in a pre-med journey.

@Andorvw I don’t live in new york but I got accepted into that free camp so I am going. Is BS/DO worth is because DO’s statistically don’t get into better specialties like MD students do?

@MeredXD Being an ORM, you are competing only with other ORMs with perfect stats and 4.0 UW GPA. Apply widely and do not expect much.from BS/MD process. All you need is ONE acceptance for BS/MD. Be open to regular route to Medical School. For regular route, your UG GPA and MCAT scores are the most important factors so choose your UG school to maximize your GPA, not the allure of brand name.

@gradedu Thanks for the information.
Between SAT and ACT, which is more preferred by most of BSMD programs. Thanks!

@GoldenRock Does UWash offer BSMD program? I think UWash may not.