***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

@walter2020 congrats and welcome to windy city! :blush:

Thank you !!!

Yes and if I go to Upenn thinking about minor at wharton as you mention as still looking into all the minors Upenn has to offer at wharton. Is just very hard to make decision with Ivys vs BSMD program.

Thank you and am not sure isn’t you have to apply to different part of Upenn for engineering or is it in CAS the engineering program if it is than can think about that also as good in Math’s and Science and Physics also. Will have to look into that. For Wharton I am not going at major just to be minor at Wharton I heard lot of students major in CAS and minor at Wharton so it’s not hard to do is very flexible spoke to some students there.


362 students are applicants in the 2019 MD cycle. Though majority may be students who are graduating this number includes even if they have graduated in the past.

Also unfortunately AAMC table does not provide out of these 363 students how many got admission. But still seeing this many number is a good sign. That table lists around 250 schools, lists of schools supplied at least 50 students. Close to 45000+ out of 50000 students apply. Even if you assume 30% got admission it is close to 100 students every year.

Variety of stats table available in AAMC.


sorry not sure what happened or what I did why was it so many times. So sorry.

sorry not sure what happened or what I did why was it so many times. So sorry.

Thank you @srk2017! I’ll and hopefully will be able to do so after this post :smile:

@“BSMD mom”

Thank you for your post and sharing your perspectives. It is always good to know different view points and reflection of your experience so that others may benefit.

Agree with you, it is not beneficial to have a war on any topic even if any one feels passionate or strong personal experience. At the same time, it is perfectly fine to respectfully agree to disagree and let future parents / students can decide what is best for them. It will help in what way some thing would have helped or would have made any difference.

Also agree strategy is important. It appears you applied for a wide variety of programs and indeed got BS/MD acceptance and also few good UG programs. Your family knows medicine well and got an opportunity to get shadowing etc., So not sure how paid consultant would have helped.

For example we (me and my D) never felt any need for any professional consultant for college admission or BS/MD programs because we feel they are not adding any value and also felt it is not creating a level playing field for students who can not afford. I attended 2 free info sessions by a company one, before my D started the application process and one after she went to college. I personally felt I got more info from this CC site and few volunteers who tirelessly helping others both in this multiple degree section and also in pre-med section.

@walter2020 Thanks for your post and reflection. Agree with you it is not just GPA and Test scores. Your reflections are also will benefit many future students. Not being a cookie cutter and be yourself gets noticed.

Even 2 years back there is a girl who got CWRU and her results and perspective will reflect the same, not perfect score/GPA but she has done some thing different.

Any future students, should simply review every posts of the last 4 years results thread carefully and observe what is unique. There is no need to spend time on the discussion thread that much (especially for students). Though it is only 15-20 posts, even in that small sample, you can see why some one got admission and the variation of various schools selection also.

That is why I keep responding when posts pop up, should I take ACT again since I got only 35! or SAT since I got only 1545! I got only 14 APs so far, am I going to be ignored because of this! Thought GPA and Scores need to be good (not perfect) it is a total package.

@Walter2020 - I carefully looked at your stats/perspective and here is my reflection:

You applied very broadly to 23 total colleges including 17 BS MDs. This is more than the average # of applications that a typical BSMD candidate submits. You started a lot early to complete your essays well. Your hard work was well rewarded at the end :slight_smile:

Your ECs (which you didn’t share) must be pretty unique and spectacular and an important reason for getting 9 interviews out of 17 BSMDs you applied. You must have spent majority of your time/energy on these ECs leaving less time for other things. Your intelligence, passion, hard work & unique qualities come out in the various activities you selected/pursued (from what I could see) - causing several BS MD 's to recognize this.

There is a lot that the future candidates can learn from this!

@Vicky2019 Thank you so much for your kind words! You have such a positive and encouraging presence on this thread.

@Walter2020 @Vicky2019
Would not it be useful to share ECs and the story(essay’s theme) which were so unique to get 9 interviews out of 17 bsmd applications ? That would be a lesson for future candidates. Just stating that non-perfect stats ORM with a SAT 1520 can get into NU HPME is not useful. It can be a statistical outlier which do happen with a very low probabilities(i.e. events beyond mean +/- 3SDs in a normal distribution(Bell Curve) ) . Please give more insight into what was the uniqueness here. Every one does routine things required by medical schools - Volunteering(Clinical/non Clinical), Shadowing, Research, non-profit founders etc etc. Otherwise the bs/md result post is just a routine one.

I think that it is a great bs/md program. Honestly considering that you are smart enough to get into the program, getting the required gpa should be very easy. I think you have a great opportunity with this program, as you get free tuition for undergrad and then get to matriculate into a good medical school. The mcat requirement is also very reasonable. There should be no issue with meeting the mcat and gpa requirements. If money is of any concern, it is only more the reason to take this opportunity, as you will be in a great position to match into a good residency.

It is a GPA 3.8 and MCAT 514 which is above the mean for US medical school matriculants. How many attempts one gets to meet a score of MCAT 514 ?

Congratulations @walter2020
HPME is a great choice!

Well said! The same are also applicable for those pursuing traditional route in few years. It is just not GPA and MCAT anymore that lands one with multiple med school offers. As it used to be till as recently as a decade ago. Competition from the applicants from the same school and ECs are bigger challenges. Also one needs to highlight what may be unique in one’s own background and personal situations (if any).

Thank you @“BSMD mom” @walter2020 for sharing your perspectives.

Couple of points:

  1. My D did not have stellar SAT or ACT scores and still made it to HPME, as has @walter2020. I agree with her - essays and your story - is key. Stand out. Be passionate and genuine. It will only help you.
    And this year one my my students with not so stellar SAT scores got 6 interviews - key was her essays and her story. She will join BU-SMED.

  2. Agree fully with @“BSMD mom” that having a strategy is very important and important to handle rejections with a positive focus.

@grtd2010 I did share my ECs, not sure why there is confusion on that end. For privacy reasons, I will not be sharing my essay topics. I also did not name some of the organizations I led, but rather provided a description, because they are all very identifiable. Most people “check the boxes” by being founders and presidents (as you say), but I made SIGNIFICANT changes to the clubs I led, raising thousands for charities and winning international awards as a result. I also started a very unique language club, but I do not want to elaborate on anything that is identifiable.

In my 7 interviews, 90% of the time was spent on my nonconventional ECs and how I was an incredibly unique candidate. I believe this is why I received a 100% interview to offer yield.

For both regular and direct applicants, stats are one part of a bigger picture. Yes, you need great stats, but you also need a great story.

@NoviceDad Thank you!